ITT: Characters you don't understand why everyone hates

ITT: Characters you don't understand why everyone hates

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He has a fat fetish and a girly name

I don't hate him but I'm still pissed

Can you faggots go back to Ashiposting?
At least she is pleasant to look at

All humans in SU should go to hell, townie episodes are the reason I don't watch this piece of shit anymore, they are even worse than Naruto fillers

he just look annoying

Lars is girly?

i'd fuck those ear holes

I don't hate him, but I'm annoyed that a whiny teenager is getting so much more screentime than the likes of Jasper. There's conflict and story to be had in the latter, but the former is just there to churn out as many slice-of-life fillers as possible, all he does is be snarky about dumb shit and act like an autist around other people his age.

Just... Stop. I don't want to see swiss-cheese ears anymore, he's been shown long enough.

3 threads on the front page will do that.


Oh look another SU thread.

False flag or genuine faggotry? Nobody knows.

He will be molested to death by Blue Diamond. Calling it now.

What is bad about having a fat fetish? I thought Sup Forums loved thicc girls

Sup Forums loves morbidly obese women

Much like many other characters in the show every time it seems like he's about to develop into something better the writers pump the brakes to make sure it doesn't happen and ensure they can just repeat the same arcs instead of doing anything actually interesting.

I bet most Sup Forums anons voted for hillary only because of pic related

Is it because she's violent?

>Thicc and fat are the same thing.

it's 'bronies aren't furfags' all over again. wonderful.


he's a fucking cunt.

You sound young.

Oh. Yeah, that is sorta girly.

swing and a miss, champ.

Did nothing wrong

The only people who don't hate Lars are Lars-types themselves.

I don't have a job or girlfriend.

>horses are animals
So people who want to fuck horses are furries
>Thicc girls aren't fat
So it doesn't make sense right there

Name a whinier, bitchier teenager.
No, Steven doesn't not count, because he doesn't even pretend to be a teenager with teenager problems

inb4 u

There's just nothing interesting about him, and any attempt to flesh him out falls flat because he always reverts to being a whiny bitch. Buck Dewey got more character development in the first season than this chump had in four, and this motherfucker gets to have a role in a major arc? Fuck that noise.

I prefer her in Watchmen

Get your tumblr gifs out of here.


He's an ass and even when people call him out on it, he never changes.

Generally annoying person. Irritates other characters without any redeeming qualities like the Eds

I think this is general "a bloo bloo she's a grill"

I love Lars, don't get the hate for him either

Maybe for some he just hits a little to close to home?

Well, unless they're muscular, thicc girls still have a high body fat percentage, their fat just isn't located on their stomach.


Post season 2 that is.

Because it'd be one thing if he was supposed to be an asshole/Squidward-type character. Those kind of characters can be really entertaining. But it feels like the show keeps trying to push that he's somehow sympathetic or misunderstood, even though we only ever see him acting like a little chickenshit. Either have him be an amusing asshole or give us some proof that there's some good in him. At the very least the latest episodes seem like he might get some development.

I don't hate him, but I get exactly why people do.
1. He's not particularly interesting
2. He's a huge jerk
3. He gets a lot of episodes for some reason
4. He takes away screentime from more interesting characters

and people are only going to hate him more now that they decided he would accompany Steven in the latest episode to somewhere that people have been wanting him to go to forever, instead if someone like Connie.

I'd actually be happier if Mr. Smiley was accompanying him instead. It's amazing how pretty much anyone else would've been a more interesting choice.

this video sums up his personality that people dislike:

I feel like I'm the only person who likes Bloo premiere.
I love how hes such a dick.

*post premiere



He has a very punchable design

I don't have anything against this comic, I just love how HC looks like she eats people here.

The townies are a major reason I can't watch the show. The issue is they're all ublikable on some level, minus Greg.

He's just someone who would be incredibly unlikable in real life. I think he's great too but most people only really have patience for characters' moments of "relatable" suckery if they're otherwise really nice or cool or super competent somehow

because he's a fucking faggot

you're actually retarded

he left his fuck-buddy to die on the hands of an intergalactic double-butch lesbian

he a shit

he's right, you know

>want to fuck the whale
>tumblr """"""hetero""""" side incarnate
hur dur why people hate him

I think she's been really well handled and her dynamic with Jack is just great. It's okay to dislike a character, but I don't understand why any well adjusted person would react so violently to Ashi like some people here have, when outside of Sup Forums she's generally been pretty well-received.

with the ever so defensive stance people adopt when you so much as jest about it, yes, it's pretty spot-on.

More like

>ITT: Characters you understand why everyone hates but think they go overboard about it


Goddamn, I loved this fucking bully. Literally just showed up to put Lincoln in his place and ruled the school like he was Jimmy fucking Hopkins after you beat Bully. And no, Lincoln is a asshole too. Chandler is just a even bigger asshole with babes, money, status, and other bullshit. I can love to hate him.

I hate Lars, but like him better than the other brainwashed cultists in Beach City. Why? Because he's somewhat self aware like that Steven is a deformed midget with the crippled mind of a mentally retarded seven year old, and he treats him like shit. Like most cunts would treat a deformed autist if they thought they could get away with it. In that sense, he's a realistic characterization of a asshole

And yes, he's still a pissy cunt despite me sympathizing with him..

>no charisma
>hates baking

I'm sure at this point that Lars will become a loved character
not because he will be really nice person, but because he started as a complete asshole bitch, and then he changed, but not a sudden change, but a transitional slow change, showing that the most fucking piece of shit can love and be loved if it's willing to change.

She's not a bad character but her development was rushed and the scene with the army was questionable

He is not an asshole now, just probably grumpy as fuck
He doesn't hate baking, he hate liking something that other people would laugh at.

I hate the fact that Lars could have nice character development in latest episode, but nope, they made him puss out again.

They could have at least make him try doing something, but he just ran away and hid.

Wait, who? Lars, Kylo Ren, or Patrick Bateman?

>faggy hair
>tryhard punk
>dumb as brick
>earholes you can shove your dick into
I'd punch him and rape his ear out of principle.

He's a shit version of squidward, that's why.

I agree that her development was rushed. But the army scene was fine for me. I mean this is a person that can put up a good fight against Jack. Anyone like that should be able to take out a small army.

>but most people only really have patience for characters' moments of "relatable" suckery if they're otherwise really nice or cool or super competent somehow

I just expect SOME sort of character development, is that really too hard to ask? Of all the characters in SU, he's been completely stagnant since day 1. He's never stopped being an asshole, that's all there is to him. He's a one-trick pony, and the trick was never good to begin with.

Are we going to ignore the fact that he is still inside the ship?
>Lars in homeworld episode inbound

I feel like if they'd gotten rid of the army altogether and had just had her fight her mother, hell even thrown in a few more cultists, that the message/ juxtaposition to Jacks struggle would have been stronger.

Because he's an asshole. Some parts of him being mentally ill in some way (depression/anxiety/etc) make him seem relatable sometimes but he's just such a mean little tryhard for the most part I don't like him.

Also he seems to take advantage of Sadie's zero self esteem/high tolerance to treat her like garbage and be rude to her all the time.

He's one of them characters that very authentic, but are authentically obnoxious. Like Cyril Figgus.

I don't hate him, but I am authentically annoyed by him.



Lars is just a shitty grumpy teenager, with an annoying voice and stagnant personality. He isn't a realist in a funny or interesting way. Even tho they completely fucked over and made an entire-strawman out of, Ronaldo was at least INTERESTING prior to Rocknaldo. He was a weird conspiracy theorist,anime dweeb and delusionally full of himself. It was funny and he actually provided exposition to the plot that came true multiple times.

What does Lars do? Bitch and whine and bitch. He contributes NOTHING besides being someone Sadie pines for and Steven tries to change. He's nothing more then a tool - he doesn't have an interesting backstory or why he does what he does.

I wish a townie like Jamie had more airtime because he has way more personality and charm. Less of a douche and I think is an actual adult.Even Peedee is more interesting.

At least we have Connie and Greg, but the writers would have to be hella retarded to not make those two likable and relatiable.

They're obviously trying to pull the Zuko thing.
End the season with him demonstrating he hasn't learned his lesson only to end the next one with him demonstrating the personal growth they teased in the season prior.

I know its mostly Sup Forums who hates him but fuck you all.
Steven is a qt and is the main heart of the show.

Not every character is supposed to be likable, sometimes characters are vehicles for other characters to be likable (Sadie pining hopelessly for someone is relatable, Steven trying to help someone so hopeless is admirable)

This is more obvious when it comes to villains (someone tries to destroy the city so the hero can save it and show of their smarts and strengths) but it's basically the same premise.

Lars will help Steven escape from Aquamarine while on the spaceship and observe firsthand the crap that Steven has to deal with on a routine basis and then develop a greater respect and appreciation for him.

I love Steven, too. I'd like to squish his jelly belly and make him healthy packed bento lunches.

same tbqh

What's going on here?

I hate him because he really hasn't grown as a character at all. He's still a whiny insecure coward. Sadie is too good for him.

Correct. I don't know how people could hate him when Sadie is the most unbearable of the two

Yeah that does sound better actually.

You really don't want to know.

I can't believe the shit she pulled on the island. That was some psychopath manipulative shit.

>fat fetish

Nope. Shortstack fetish maybe.

Hillery and Trump sure are ripe for memes. Trump just capitalized on it.

>I just love how HC looks like she eats people here
Do I have news for you

"The New Lars" still pisses me off how all the townies ragged on Lars for getting angry at Steven at the end. Any sane person would naturally be mad at someone taking their body for a joyride.

issue was, there were never any really good hillary memes. they all felt poorly done and inorganic.