Kill Six Billion Demons

Anticlockwise from the top left we have Yawmga, Carnifex, Thrax, Loabbarrisleb, Gloam, Izzicob, and Moab

Other urls found in this thread:

I decided to be the change I wanted to see in the world. Someone who has access to Abbadon's fonts could be a greater change still.

I sympathize with poor Cio here, but at the same time I want to see her hurt more. Everyone is prettier when they're desperate, when they have no way to hide.

I didn't expect the Incubus thing to completely go to shit this early in the arc. This isn't going to be nice.

>tfw the time you bullied one of your own kind with one of the names of god has come back to haunt you as now you're being the one bullied and they're all looking at and laughing at your fanfiction journal.

I don't have the font, but I was able to cobble the phrase together from the words/letters on just this page

More than satisfactory! Thank you!

Let the Gods damn you David Bowie! Stop corrupting Ally!

>The Lake of Abbadon
you mean the author's toilet?

Do it allison, fucking do it. What a bunch of faggots.

Welp, the next page had better be good.

Is it just me, or is Ingsvld enjoying himself?


I'm not sure.

I'm fucking loving these devil designs. Thrax is awesome and Gloam is indescribable.

Also a relatively long addition to the Tale of Prince Kassardis. Will he find his promised land, or is Violence truly inescapable.

That's not Ingsvld, it's just another book with a living eye on it.

>That's not Ingsvld
It has to be Ingsvld
If it's not Ingsvld, that means that Ingsvld's dead, and I can't live in the universe where that's the case.

Eyes: Granted

Cio had the eye book far longer than we knew about Ingsvld. Ingsvld is still alive. His head wasn't even attached to his body.

We all knew Abbadon was a From Software fan. These devils in particular look very Bloodborne-inspired.

I mean fuck, the one bullying Cio basically looks like those bug people like in byregenworth and other parts of yharnam

Amygdalas. They even have 6 fingers on each hand, just like them.

Still, there's enough that's different for me to feel that it's not a blatant copy.

Not Amygdalas, the humanoid ones with wings.

The demon who hit Cio looks like an amygdala, tho...

Who the fuck is Ingsvld? A character from the old comic/site?

Ingsvld was the Geas-Knight Pursuer with the book as a head. Or rather, he was a book with a body.

bro with a book for a head, one of the pursuers

Ah, I see. Wait, does this mean Cio killed him and made him into a book?

different living book

Well then I am lost.

There are too books with eyes

Cio's Fanfiction

They are two different things. Not the same


you niggas got it all wrong

Okay. Thanks.

From everything we've seen so far, we can pretty much conclude that Ingsvld is from a race of Servants whose heads are books (may or may not be related to dude whose head was an orb and guy whose head was an all-seeing eye pyramid).

Last we saw of Ingsvld, he had survived the explosion at Mottom's palace, and is presumably still one of the pursuers. Cio's book is an entirely different member of Ingsvld's species, and is apparently still alive.

But those Oolacile things only have 5 fingers.

We know about ingsvld's race. It's not that their heads are books, it's that they're books. The bodies are artificial.

Then why are people talking about Ingsvld?

Wonder why people thought this dog was pretending to be lame when it's clearly just scratching itself? I don't even have a dog but I know their behavior and have seen others do this before, maybe not for as long but still.

Let the hunt begin.

Because Cio's book looks a lot like Ingsvld and people always get confused.

Something something judging books by their covers something.

Thanks for the clarification user.

Reach Heaven through violence.

Really? Is there a lore card that I missed, was it something he answered in a Hangout, or is it just collective headcanon?

You know, Cio DID talk about getting Allison a mentor.

I wonder if this means Incubus is Allison's mentor now. Or, well, co-mentor, since if this counts as mentoring, then Zoss' random appearances do too.

I think it was something mentioned on his tumblr

>one of the most feared crime syndicate leaders in the entire multiverse
>now writing self-insert slash fiction in the bishoujo genre
Step down? Or step up?

step forward

Good page. Don't agree with how the last two panels were worded, feels a little... disconnected, I suppose?

Those are just high school bullies in the end. If it weren't for Alyson, Cio's would have just ended in a locker.

Abaddon we'll accept any demands just tell us who won the contest already

This wait is far too long


Allison, being Royalty, realizes that Cio is not for bullying

Keep telling yourself that.

>Knowing for sure you didn't win
>The wait for the announcement is what's killing you

That's how I feel about the job application I put in last week
It's suffering, user

That's how i feel about my life in general.

What are you still doing up Me-clones?

Go to bed.

>applied for a summer internship the other day in local government
>and I mean local, it's like a 10 minute drive from my house
>meet all the requirements and sent in a pretty bitchin' cover letter
>haven't heard back from them in weeks, even after sending a followup email

This is suffering. I need something to do besides shitposting on here all day.

Loab lost an eye between panels 2 and 4

That's what you get for wasting insight.

I'm not even aiming for something really new, just something within the same company I'm with now. My sector is even being restructured and they're offering redundancies.

This would kill two birds with one stone. Get rid of an employee position without paying out, and get an employee position you need filled. Despite that, they're still being silent about it.

You know what's worse?
>Apply for job
>get interview
>do stellar
>they tell me I got the job
>buy suits and ties
>two days later, they tell me there was a mixup and they didn't need any new employees

Is Incubus channelling Solomon David or why is he suddenly very purple

He's just too glam

He is pretty pale, the Devil court is mostly blue, and Alli is radiating red red rage, so he is shading purplish.

But that means you were actually adequate
When a company doesn't even reply, it means you weren't even worth responding to in their eyes

>tickling the book

Hm. "Thou keepeth company most interesting." "It was always thy fashion to take by treachery." The court seems to believe Cio intends to steal Allison's key, which is why Loab claims he's doing it for her benefit.

Also, that makes Void the tiniest devil of the court, I guess. It's definitely a powerful name.

I can't wait for an Incubus-powered Allison to smack those devils around >:D

I agree. The "grasp it" should've gone at the very end in the last panel. It flows much better and seems more impactful.

I want Allison to help Cio but that's a sad thought, what if she really is only after her key.

>Her eyes turn red
>Incubus Fire starts glowing around her
>Satan trips

Yeah, Amygdala dude is FUCKED.

>next page Allison

Kill them

Well shit, that very well could be. If it is true, then I'm far more invested in her character now.

It would be one way to explain the apparent contradictions in Cio's attitude concerning her past, why she seems to believe she's doomed to repeat her mistakes. Or maybe she genuinely want to help Allison but is afraid that she'll "give in" to Yabalchoath and betray Allison in a moment of weakness.

>Or maybe she genuinely want to help Allison but is afraid that she'll "give in" to Yabalchoath and betray Allison in a moment of weakness
I think you've hit the nail right on the head, there. Cio seems legitimately disgusted by her old life as Yabalcoath, but as she says herself, "people don't really change: they just grow thicker layers over who they really are, and pretend."
Allison's already accepted who she is, and is starting to understand that it's not all she'll ever be. I bet that both Cio and White Chain will have an arc where they learn this from Allison.

As he fucking should be

Duh. Even Cio said she never changed.

She wants Allison's key. Who the fuck wouldn't?

Will people still call Cio a mary sue if she's been trying to get Allison's key all along?

>almost got a cio panty shot

Fug. Do you thing they are white with a little kuma bear on the butt?

Honestly I'll gladly take the entire thread raging about how she's a Mary Sue over these """""""""people"""""""""

Yeah but they're wrong

Only idiots think that.

user asking the important questions

They don't even realize Allison has a key, or else they wouldn't be fucking with her. They just t hink she's some dumb minion of Cio's

>Not including the story
Ya fucked up OP
“Seeing his three wives draw ever closer and that his first plot to foil them had failed miserably, Prince Kassardis doubled his pace. Knowing he would never outrun the cruel Vastoki on open ground, he hurled himself into a sea of dead grass, and used up all his water trying to escape her grasp. A night and a day later, he emerged on the shores of the river Dal, and spent the last of his money hiring a fisherman to take him downriver.

The fisherman’s boat overturned in the town of Kol Varas, and there Kassardis did a very shameful thing. He sold to the first rich man he could find his fine silk headwrap, and his father’s silver dagger, and his waistcoat lined with sparrow feathers, which were marks of his lineage. With his sack of foreign coin he hired six strong men, belligerent knights from the wars of conquest, and hid himself in a wheelbarrow, hoping against hope that his ploy would be enough.

Vastoki arrived in the dusty town not hours later, and she was almost immediately set upon by the mercenaries that Kassardis had hired. From his hiding place, the young prince watched as Vastoki was caught in their ambush and fought desperately against stave and sword.

Vastoki was very fast, but also very slight, and no match against the six knights in close combat. Though beaten, she merely retreated to lick her wounds and set camp outside of town. One of the knights nearly lost his head to her long rifle when he ventured out to confront her, and that was that for a while.

As night fell, the knights returned to Kassardis. “Where wandereth thee, young one?” they said in their foreign dialects.

“To the land of Samura, where I may find peace and an escape from violence,” said the exhausted Kassardis, from his hiding place.

“Violence is inescapable,” guffawed the mercenaries, and robbed Kassardis of everything remaining that he owned, for they had seen he was a fool from the start. They threw him naked and beaten into the street, and spent their winnings on drink.

Kassardis, his swollen eyes full of tears and knowing his time was short, stole a woman’s garb from a washing line and a small hunk of bread and fled into the desert, the final words of the Very Wise Frog echoing in his ears.

The belligerent knights, for their part, died not hours later when they were squashed into a pulp by Littari’s iron cauldron. ”

– Tales of the Silver Prince

It's too long as you have noticed. Everyone should read the page on the website anyway so that's not a problem.

>They don't even realize Allison has a key
You can see she has a key. They may not know it's the key of kings though.

Is there a rule for key power levels or something? So far we've seen a good amount of characters with glowing semi-halos above their heads, but none seem to be gods.

If you have a key then you are a powerful vassal of one of the demiurges. The demiurges are the only ones you can give out keys. I would assume a halo means you are powerful but we don't know anything about them and I would guess some can be cosmetic. If you have a true halo though you are probably pretty powerful.

The thing is, if it was any kind of key, they wouldn't fuck around. Because if it's a piece of a key, it means she's working for a demiurge, if not that, it means she somehow took a piece of a key from a demiurge. Either way, they wouldn't be fucking with her or considering her a mere "thrall" of Cio's

>Allison's key 777,777 voices of God, basically all powerful
>Demiurge key 111,111 voices, What is a king to a god
>Vassal 1 voice, more than enough to kill anything that moves

I think there are a fair amount of people running around with one voice doing high level work for the Court.

You can be given a single piece of a true key, which grants you a shit ton of power, which is why Demiurges give it to their vassals, it;s having a fraction of the power of a god.

As for the halos, Abbadon has said those aren't measures of power, they are just accessories. Likely the big fancy halos the Demiurges have are either custom made halos to show off their status, or created via the keys

WoG is that halos are just decoration, and don't necesarily mean that someone is powerful/divine/Royalty/etc.

These are the baddest of all ebons in the wheel. One of the servants of a demiurge is nothing to them especially not all together. While a key is very powerful, these guys are amongst the most powerful.

Where did he say that about the halos? And that''s interesting but people like Allison, Zoss and Meti who all have godlike power can manifest halos whenever they get serious. So I'm sure the ones the demiurges have are real. I have a feeling the sigils above the ebons' heads in the heretics court are real too.

>I think there are a fair amount of people running around with one voice doing high level work for the Court
Probably a reasonable expectation. I'm sure these guys have tentacles in the demiurge's business.

>satan trips

She wants Alison. She knows having a key of her own makes her a target now. Much easier to manipulate a patsy with ultimate power rather than have it yourself.