Welcome to the new Star Wars. If you don’t like it fuck off. It’s that simple

Welcome to the new Star Wars. If you don’t like it fuck off. It’s that simple

Are they placed in power because they're competent or because they're women?

i never liked star wars anyways

I'd fuck the second from the left. I love jew noses and huge tittes so much.

>kills all the stars in SW
>all is left are wars

and jews

That's what i was going to say

fuck, fuck, kill, kill

No because they know how to run the franchise better than the old directors

Stop posting here Kathleen.

Ironic isn't it?

You want us to fuck off, but you have to actually come here to remind us as if we have already asserted some powerful force within your fandom that negates everything you believe in.

If we were as powerless as you would like to imagine we are -- and oh, oh it's truly only an imagination, then you would have easily forgotten the millions of people who do not like this movie.

However, you won't forget us. You will go on for years carrying this grievance over your head, that the new Star Wars hasn't been accepted by half of the fandom.

>Welcome to the New Coke. If you don’t drink it fuck off. It’s that simple

Jew Wars


get it spreading Sup Forums

Fuck off you microdick piece of shit, IV accomplished more this morning than you have in your entire worthless life you fucking....I, uh....I mean....I'm not Kathleen that's ridiculous.

They spelled Ruin incorrectly. Better let the editor know.

Hey that's actually pretty clever. Got any more?

Lol holy hell. Imagine being so insecure with yourself you feel the need to do this.

you mean lukas

Looks like you don't want my money. That's fine with me.

why do they do things like this lol

i actually cringed reading this

if the force is female how does her genetalia look like?

Lucas didn't even direct the best Star Wars. Irvin Kershner did.

Femanon here. I personally love the shitstorm that starts every time some poor faggot makes one of these anti-Star Wars or feminist threads. Gives me a chance to see just how upset I’ve made everyone and chuckle a bit. You think jokes about kitchens or purple hair bother me? It just goes to show how much power any random female holds over you, they can pull your complete attention away from a topic just by having a vagoo. One could say the force is female after all huh?

Sure, you’ll act tough and cynical here, but we all know it’s just a desperate overcompensation for how much of a doormat you are IRL. If you decide to lash out and act a bit sexist now and then, I can’t really complain because I have the high ground.

After all, we do pretty much run the show.
Men rely on us, work for us, spend money on us, and build us space cruisers and lightsabers and Jedi robes, write scripts that we can turn around and cash in when we feel like ditching them for a younger, cuter piece of ass named Kylo.

Got a kid with a girl? Don’t fool yourself, it’s HER kid, not yours. Piss her off and she’ll take it, dump it on Tatooine and leave your ass, and you can pay her a nice chunk of child support for the rest of your life.

Yep, this is the power we hold over you. One might call it the Force. So you go ahead and make your rape jokes, really. I still know that when you see me on the streets you’ll be watching, getting hard, and probably crying a tear or two because you know you’ll always be a forever alone faggot with a lower midichlorian count than me.

fuck off, schlomo

>Femanon here

Why are you lying on Sup Forums?

Imagine if a group of men got to write/produce a Harry Potter trilogy in the future and we started wearing tshirts that said “HOGWARTS IS MALE” while the movies make Hermione and McGonagall out to be complete retards while some random male character with a dyed hairy chest becomes an even bigger Mary Sue than Harry.

I would be embarrassed to be male if shit like that became common.

Tits or gtfo faggot

>The force is female
You go girls, women can be jedi too!
>The force is male


> Unnecessarily gendering the force
Of course they do this
I hope they like cats

Thats fine, I admire starwars and don't need 40 films showing me the same fucking shit that was done better the first time.

Well, I'll just make do with my Despecialized versions of New Hope and Empire Strikes Back and the Q2 fanedit of Return of the Jedi.

>fucks off
>n-no wait where are you going? we need your money please come baaack!

Until someone grabs you by the pussy

Why is the avenge Jew depicted as a white man user?

Sorry that’s all I have. Then again, I’m not an overreaching tryhard like you though.

Yet, everyone is going to watch them anyway

I'd be 100% on board with that shit though. It'd be a counter-balance to the feminist cancer and also be reminiscent of high test 80s action films like Predator.

I'm only buying merch from the original trilogy.

that will teach them. I liked Rogue One too.


The thing I don't like about this despecialized edition is that it keeps Yub Nub. The new song was more appropriate for the ending of a trilogy.

K. I guess I'll fuck off and take my money with me.

If Disney's Force is female and the Force is a perpetual cycle of darkness conflicting with the light, then is it not fair to assume that either:

A) the dark side is male, thus contradicting the Force is female statement or B) sometimes feminine energy is evil, which convolutes the entire praxis on which feminity = good cycles around?

Sjws btfo.

>the force is basically a period

There are no good female philosophers.

I snuck in to see your shitty movie.

uuuhm what about ayn rand sweetie

I'm pretty sure the male demographic is not just under-represented but was excluded in this power structure and a federal anti-discrimination lawsuit is in order

You guys realize the story group doesn't actually have any power, right? It's filled with non-writers office workers. They don't have any writing credits for movies or nuEU. And they are not even keeping track if the nuEU meshes with the films judging by TLJ. I'm not sure they even do anything at all. Pablo is probably just being an autists trying to make sure the different nuEU writers don't contradict each-other, the rest is optics.
You want to blame someone on "The Force is Female," blame the marketing department and Kennedy. She's the one who is pushing this shit, although most likely because she is a clueless boomer not because she is an ideologue, and the "all female" story group is just a PR stunt for magazine spreads.

Absolutely! That's why you got to go with the Q2 fanedit of RotJ, it has the new victory celebration music. It also has a lot of the visual improvements without adding Darth Vader's "No, Nooooo!" voice at the end and it also has Sebastian Shaw as force ghost. I think it's the best version available for RotJ. But for IV and V the Despecialezed versions are fantastic.

is anyone surprised star wars is complete shit now

nice pasta

Yup you soy boys are salty

>lol amirite felloe redditors?
Star Wars had lasting power because of basement dwelling autists, troglodytes, and the people that grew up with them as best friends. Hilarious how feminists attempt to take over "old boys clubs" and immediately drive them into the ground because they can't possibly imagine that something is successful on its merits. They chalk everything up to entitlement, privilege, and chance.

>fuck off
That's good advice. When things turn to shit, don't let inertia and nostalgia keep you back. Forget it and move on - that goes for people as well as entertainment.

>If you don’t like it fuck off.
Who says i haven't? I also left a negative review before i left like any responsible citizen does.

You retarded son?

Ugh This is why I can never converse with Star Wars femanons over digital media. As a lifelong Boba Fett fan, the conversations are so banal and not befitting of my intellectual level. I didn't attend two prestigious universities to be reduced to throwing around idiotic innuendos and quips, I would much prefer to have an in-depth conversation on the fall of the Mandalorian Empire for instance rather than spew out such vulgar mannerisms pertaining to my phallus. I consider myself to have an elan, certain dash of class when it comes to conversing with women. The accoutrements in my box of "seduction weapons" are designed to project to the lady that I exude charisma and dependability. I take young women on a wild ride with my dapper demeanor and pod racer, not my looks.

The year is 2017. Humanity has peered into the darkest corners of the cosmos, and observed the universe on its smallest scale. You walk around with more computing power in your pocket than was available to all of NASA in the 1970s. You live twice as long as your ancestors ever could have dreamed of, you have food in abundance and the future is brighter than ever. Humanity has achieved more in the last century than it ever has in its entire history. People are happier, freer, crime is lower, you're safer, more secure, and the entire wealth of human knowledge is available to you at your finger tips. You live in the dawn of humanity, you were born after the long dark night and you will never know the suffering that every other generation did.

And you unironically still think the words of dehydrated child killing Jedi knights in the male-dominated “Senate” are literal truth, you believe in The Female Force and think gender is biological.

You're literally a walking insult to everything humanity has ever achieved, lmao.

surprise surprise. what else is new

Dont worry, despite the signs some user told that the next movie will be without any agenda for sure.

>Force is female
>Anakin is a pure incarnation of the force after the force ejeculating in his mothers womb

I'm gonna take a dump but when I come back i'm definitely gonna get comfy and read all of this.

Can someone Deepfake them?

I stopped at "Femanon here..."

>get comfy and read all of this
how slow of a reader are you?

Sure, and my money will fuck off along with me :)


#2 is fucking pretty.

Snoke Busters!

Guess what: I'm a woman

I've been using Sup Forums for 8 years now. I’m a Star Wars fan and I go to Columbia. I'm an MIS and Marketing major, top of my class. I have an IQ of 146. I'm only a sophomore and have had 7 internships. I'm a member of the MENSA society. I can re-route a compressor and I have a higher midichlorian count than you. I voted Clinton. I fuck based black men exclusively. I'm not a feminist, however, I'm probably more intelligint than most of you in this thread.

Wether you like it or not, females are comperable. I'm not here to steal your money. I'll probably make more than you. I'm not going to make you a sandwhich, I'll have my personal chef do it. The ironic thing is my father married for looks and I'm actually attractive as well. Cocky? Yes. Ashamed? No.

I won't show you my tits, I'll be your Jedi Master one day, and you'll beg to be my beta "savior.”

Have you ever just sat down and shit yourself to see how it feels? give it a try sometime, I did it the other day.

Yeah they run the Star Wars universe alright, run it into the ground.


>I have the high ground

dat obi wan meme

This is good pasta.


I had to watch The Last Jedi twice to completely understand the message and fully appreciate the meaning of this valuable lesson: the past must not only die, but be replaced with a brighter future that transcends it in all its aspects. TLJ expresses that perfectly. Rey doesn't need the Jedi.

Her time with Luke was worthless, and she must rely solely on her own efforts to succeed. The Light does not favour the narrow, dogmatic view of the Jedi. The Force belongs to all, not just those born with force abilities, who will never earn truly it or will recognizes its gifts.

The traditions, culture, beliefs, and values of the old Saga are rotten to the core and need to perish with those that let them fester in the first place. Luke, Solo, and Leia: they are as guilty as the Empire, belonging to a barbaric time, full of barbaric people, and they are not exceptions.

These antiquated false idols must be eradicated, so the more qualified people of the current generation can realize its full potential without the relics of the past hindering their journey to greatness. Then the galaxy will have peace without those that endangered its prosperity.

I don't get the outrage, Disney have been saying for years now that this franchise is now aimed at women. So they fuck over the males in the movie and the men who go see it are like, how did this happen?!

long post is long, guy

She is a fucking reptilian

>insult fanbase
>gloat about it afterwards

Is this why the sales are down?

>Fuck you niggers, buy Jordan’s
we’ll see this ad in our lifetimes

i'd buy some jordan's if they actually did that

I think that ad might actually work.

So that's why the movies are so bad

>Disney saw the final product of Rogue One
>They realized how messed up it is and demanded the director cut scenes out, add ones in, and change certain elements of the story
>It's a success, for a SWs movie that's mostly made up non-force users with no connection to the well-known characters of SWs
Seriously, why didn't Disney intervene for TLJ? It was far worse. The cringey rebel line in Rogue One, as well as others, was completely cut out because a better writer/editor how terrible it was. TLJ is more cringey than the original Rogue One.

Was it Kino?

Hey guys remember us, the real "Gohstbusters Answer the Call TM " ? Girl power!


the women who ran star wars into the ground

>It just goes to show how much power any random female holds over you, they can pull your complete attention away from a topic just by having a vagoo.
>true. it's pathetic

>Yep, this is the power we hold over you. One might call it the Force.
I'm going to call it the media and the law.

>Femanon here
post dick

>He can't even ™post

The women who were so caught up trying to force a political agenda through Star Wars instead of writing a quality Star Wars story for the sake of creating something that's good without any political inclinations, that they wrote up the equivalent of what a bored highschooler would for an assignment with equal research, effort, and polish put into it.

god fucking damn it i so badly wanna shoot all these cunts

Snoke Busters!

Star Wars isn't just a thing for socially alienated white men/boys anymore. It's grown beyond that little niche, and it also needs to lose the baggage associated with whiteness/maleness to reach a larger audience and have more influence.

Lots of the lessons and teachings embodied by Luke Skywalker are white, masculine and western in character. They've been done to death. The monomyth, Joseph Campbellian structure is dated and stale, and it can't keep running on those fumes forever.

I sympathize with lots of the grumbling white male neckbeards are doing. Star Wars was their thing and they don't want to share their beloved toys. And they're obviously gonna hate The Last Jedi because, in essence, it's about how Luke's legend really was flawed and limited in its scope.

The Jedi philosophy, just like the phallocentric white male western patriarchy, was bogged down in its own dogma. There's something beautiful and touching about the sentiment of "passing the torch" in TLJ. The white western male, long held as the only source of heroism and power in the canon, gracefully steps aside not only for his own good, but for the good of the universe.

In more diverse and progressive hands, there's no telling what this universe, and the force along with it, might become. It's an exciting prospect, to say the least, for those who aren't embittered neckbeards living in their parents' basements.

TLJ is going to be a watershed moment in sci-fi and genre films generally. It's all about letting go, letting your creation grow beyond you. And Star Wars, like civilization itself, has evolved beyond its parochial and patriarchal past.

holy shit these types of writings fascinate me

like how can you write something so long without saying anything?