Why is the Vice admiral dressed up like a high-end prostitute? Aren't leaders supposed to command authority...

Why is the Vice admiral dressed up like a high-end prostitute? Aren't leaders supposed to command authority? No wonder she got mutiny'd, no one respect her. And where does she holster the gun?

Because she's played by Laura Dern, the biggest whore in Hollywood.

in her big pussy

i want to rape her

please, provide additional information! Where did you find this information?

i want to fuck laura derns feet

Sweaty, a girl can dress like she wants

is that a fuckin beretta

She was the most out of place looking bitch in the whole movie. Looked like she should be in an anti-Trump buzzfeed video.

me too

In what part of the world do you live where high-end prostitutes looks like that?

Is that just a normal Pistol with some shit added on the barrel ? Disney is not even trying anymore

She was hot in Blue Velvet

I guess it was Casual Friday in the resistance navy that day

That's literally how they created all the guns for the original trilogy, used existing deactivated guns and added bunch of shit on top of them....

The well adjusted tolerant Right folks

i think rian secretly hates women

I liked her.

Anyway, all the Resistance high command are aristocrats or royalty, so of course they dress like that. It's also the reason they're always getting fucked until deus ex machina saves them.

In the original trilogy they typically used unusual guns and/or transformed them considerably, whereas that just looks like a fucking beretta with a weird silencer

only if you kill her after for being leftist trash

she needs to be raped. she secretly wants it dont let social constructs such as consent blind you from the truth. all women want to be raped

how did you know he's a sweaty unshowered neckbeard?

by jason momoa not by us

>Looked like she should be in an anti-Trump buzzfeed video

So, The Last Jedi?

>We need to make a new Pistol for Star Wars
>No Problem i need a Beretta , a flash light and the mouth of a bunsen burner

oh yeah, it looks like they cut a Maglite in half and stuck it on the end- minimal effort there

>alt-right manbabies are triggered by purple hair

>implying she has a choice in who rapes her
thats the part they like most. its a surpirse

the purple hair is fine, but the costume is dumb as fuck. Why didnt they give her a more authoritative costume, instead of prostitute attire?

so it's like a kinder egg, i see

old hags shouldnt dye their hair
only teens

um, sweaty, the force is female. we can force skype sweaty people

Seriosuly what part of the world do you live in where a prostitute dress like that?

Not quite, a kinder egg is a choking hazard, your dick is "small parts, keep away from children."