Just watched Jason and the Argonauts...

Just watched Jason and the Argonauts. First time watching an old timey sword and sandals movie and i absilutely loved it.

Can Sup Forums reccomend me other good one? Preferably greek mythology based, but open to other suggestions.

Orignal Clash of the Titans
Hawk the Slayer

clash of the titans

Clash of the titans

> everyone hates the skeleton fight scene
> i absolute fucking love it and think it looks great

this flick is proper kino

is that Adam Driver?

Anything Harryhausen was involved with.

The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad

The 70s Sinbad films

Really? That's always been one of my favourite scenes

Ulysses (1954) starring Kirk Douglas
Hercules (1858) starring Steve Reeves

did you ever see that movie, um, clash of the titans? hey, i don't wanna sound like a queer or nothin... but i think unicorns kick ass!

He's a big guy

Great film

I don't know why anyone would hate the skeleton scene.

Who the fuck hates that scene; it's a goddamned classic

Troy of course, can’t believe no-one’s mentioned it yet

Why yes, this is actually a Star Wars thread in disguise. Please do discuss at length why you found TLJ so disappointing

>op asks for old timey sword and sandals movie

I haven't see it user; I don't watch children's films.

You can't go wrong with any Harryhausen; his Sinbad movies are not exactly S&S, but they are filled with sweet stop motion shenanigans, and if that doesn't do it for you then pic related may

>Sinbad films

Great shout. Loved watching those movies when I was young though the woman with the seagull foot always freaked me out.

Thats the most memorable part of the film.

Seconding Ulysses. The last scene is glorious. Cucks should watch it and learn what you're supposed to do when a group of men are in your house trying to stretch your wife's bow.

busted so many nuts over her still image on vhs. good times.