So apparently there were more sex metaphors in the episode than what I managed to catch

So apparently there were more sex metaphors in the episode than what I managed to catch.

Does anyone know them all? It was hilariously done.

Im a bit slow, but how is being eaten alive by slugs a sexual metaphor

Them screaming each other's name symbolized climax. The scene after where they're panting hard represented after sex.

>after sex
looked to me like they were just getting started

Round 2.

There was a dick joke in the beginning.

Yeah, the boner scene. I lost it there.

This one's a bit obvious but them struggling with the anti-monster device = awkward sex

>I don't know how to turn it on
>here, let me try

>Not knowing how to "initiate" the sequence
>The sequence is sex

My favorite part was when Jack bumped into Ashi and Ashi said "EVERY NIGHT I DREAM OF YOUR COCK SPURTING INSIDE ME," and the Scotsman was there, just watching.

Somehow, somehow this is almost more subtle than the actual episode.

Wow that seems incredibly obvious now but I didn't pick up on it at all

Jack picking up the device, glancing back at the girl is kinda like a nervous teenager buying condoms for the first time.

Remember the part when he unleashed an unspeakable evil onto Ashi?

-Jack's head transforms into a fish with wave patterns shaped like a vagina. Implying Jack has sex on his mind.

-Jack pokes Ashi with his "sword"

-Jack and Ashi get to an oasis (wet)

-Jack and Ashi arrive at a "ship"

-Jack's suck's Ashi's "leg" (foreplay)

-Jack gives Ashi his gi for "protection"

-Jack and Ashi scream each other's names with an electrifying (climax)

-The leeches blowing up and making a huge gushy mess is them cumming

-Heavy Breathing because they're exhausted.



Genndy is a madman.

>He didn't understand the "getting into a train full of choreographed tigers" reference
lmao fucking virgins

I would love to have that one explained to me


ah yes
the tiger, classical sex thing
i..uh.. i free the tiger from it's cage everytime i commit the sex too my fellow sexually experienced friend
s-sometimes it's an albino
but iw w-works the same

it's not real sex till you get the live frensied tiger y-y'all

But do you do it alphabetically? Do you?

The letters were because they didn't wanna have to spell out that Jack was gettin' pussy

How did i not pick up on this

>didn't want to spell it out
Yeah, they did a real fuckin' good job of that didn't they.

Hell the entire season is filled with metaphors and secrets from the obvious
(Ashi bending over while tide up making fun of jack)
to the less obvious
(if you would rewatch that episode with the abducted kids you would see the guy torturing Ashi is grabbing her breasts with his electricity)

Jack fisting that pussy hardcore.