Would they have a big impact on streel-level villains in either Marvel or DC?

Would they have a big impact on streel-level villains in either Marvel or DC?

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you know they'd work their way up sooner or later

They still need a name, location, and keyword.

This looks neat. What all I looking at?

Persona 5

Assuming nobody knows about the metaverse, the phantom thieves could do damage way above street level provided they can get the required information. The main thing stopping them from going to the highest tiers of either setting is that they are completely mundane outside of the metaverse. If the phantom thieves can get caught by mundane law enforcement, it's only a matter of time until the smarter supers catch on.

That said, I'm curious how they'd fare against the heroes with psychic powers, like Professor X or Martian Manhunter. It's shown that even people who are aware of the metaverse can't stop Persona users from entering their Palace, but would psychic heroes be able to affect their own Palace without a Persona?

Hell, how would heroes feel in general about a bunch of teenagers with the ability to make a person go through a completely involuntary change of heart? It's basically brainwashing.

Batman would hate it, because they would change the Joker.

The Palace isn't under the conscious control of the ruler, otherwise Shido would've just thought "Fuck it, close all the gates" as soon as he got the calling cards. It's a completely unconscious reaction, psychics wouldn't be able to do a thing. Except maybe shut a brain down temporarily.

Potentially they could do waaaay higher end impact if they keep metaverse secret, can work out the keywords of their targets, and deal with their bases / shadows. Considering they kind of fight against gods with their personas I wonder if they could take the shadows of high end guys

However, the second they are found out by the smarter guys outside of metaverse shenanigans they are 200% fucked unless it is an ally who wants to help them / cover them from villains

Man Joker's place would be ultra fucked to find the "Treasure" in

I feel like the biggest problem would be the Joker/Joker confusion.

I figure Joker's Palace would be the craziest fucking circus ever

His treasure would be related to Batman

Nyarlathotep would probably stop by and say hi to the P5 gang there

What would Darkseid or Thanos palace look like? Maybe DOOM!

Darkseid's would be either Apokalyps or just the fucking universe with the main place just basically be an over exaggerated version of his castle / throne room I guess?

Man just fucking imagine if Batman had a persona and access to the metaverse

the best jrpg of all time is what you're looking at sir

>of all time
That's a bit of a stretch. Best JRPG of the generation though, easily.

not a stretch at all, infact it is THE best video game of all time without a doubt

I mean you're right but this generation doesn't have a lot of competition. There's Berseria and that's basically it.

Makota is best girl.

Can't work very well because Ryuji is an idiot that loves to shout out HEY GUYS ISNT IT GREAT BEING PHANTOM THIEVES BOY I CANT WAIT TO GET OUR NEXT TARGET every opportunity he gets
They're also defenseless outside of the metaverse

I see you are a gentleman of excellent taste

Fuck no, imagine if those street level villains had access to Persona 5 powers, let alone the big villains.

Because I'm assuming the P5 characters brought along their world. In which case their powers level the playing field but become irrelevant themeselves by every other asshole out there. Imagine Joker on that shit...

Im curious what Batman's palace would be like

It'd probably just be a super complex Batcave if it's just at Wayne Manor. If they want to do something crazy and say that all of Gotham is his palace then it'd probably just be an endless labyrinth of crime alley's over and over again.

Either way the treasure would be the gun that killed his parents, or the bat that flew through his window.

Id see it as that creepy family portrait he's always gawking at

It's the best JRPG in a long time, why bother putting generation tags on it.

NOBODY on my country plays Persona.

Can anybody explain to me who these guys are? And what they can do? Looks cool.

My understanding of treasure is that it's the item that caused the target to gain their warped desires. I suppose the treasure might amplify it, but I don't think it was the trigger.

Lex Luthor's palace is probably some sort of alternate world where he's Superman and his tower is a Fortress of Solitude. And also he eats the kids for breakfast.

Right and his parents are what warped him. Hence the image of them haunting him.

>Implying it wouldn't be the movie tickets for the Zorro showing from that day.

Witness my resolve! ZORRO!

Short version: They can travel to another dimension where the warped personalities of humans come to life. If they beat those personalities it affects a change in the hearts of the person, causing them to flip personalities to the polar opposite of what they are. Alternatively you can also kill people in that dimension, which causes their real-world counterparts to either drop dead or go insane.

They fight these personalities by summoning Personas, super powered spirit creatures powered by their true self and increased in strength by the bonds they have with each other. These creatures are typically in the form of mythological figures, such as Saint Michael, Anubis, or Thor.

Is this world inside other people's minds?

It's inside EVERYONE'S minds. Collective unconscious and all that jazz.

What country is it?
Kids that invade people's warped perception of their messed up places in society to take focal points of their cognitive distortion to change their hearts all in the presentation of eloborate heists or plunderings. Also you're a japanese high schooler trying to manage your school and personal life around this, with talking cat buddies and waifus, waifus everywhere.

Okay, so the warped versions of different people can't interact with each other? And it's like each person has its own "world"?

Brazil. I never met anyone, even at my animation/design classes, that talked about Persona. People here are mostly I to soccer games.

It's part of everyone's collective unconsciousness. There's a whole other world in this dimension that is created by everyone's mental perception of the real world. Particularly fucked up people view the world in different ways, and that warps the areas that the heroes have to enter to fight the personality manifestations.

For example, a crime boss views all of downtown as a bank, with all the people as ATMs he can cash in on and exploit. A gym coach sees the school as a palace because he can do whatever he wants there since he runs the successful sports team.

There's a big public dimension called Mementos. It represents the collective will. However certain stand out distorted desires can form what are called palaces and represent an individual rather than the masses

A group of teenagers that have been manipulated, used, and wronged by adults that are empowered and protected by the social norms of Japanese culture. Thanks to a mysterious power beyond their understanding, they have the ability to enter a parallel dimension that reflects the minds of people.
Those who have strong, dark desires distort that mental world, creating an elaborate "Palace" that portrays their decadence and twisted mindset, ruled by a twisted caricature of the Palace's ruler called a "Shadow" - a representation of the inner self that they repress. Within that Palace is a "Treasure", the origin of their desire. Declaring themselves the Phantom Thieves, the aforementioned teenagers seek to steal the Treasure of these Palaces, as removing the ruler's desire will forcibly change their perspective, causing remorse and ultimately leading to confessing their sins.

There's some more jargon and stuff to explain, but I felt this was dense enough as is.

All will be well

Okay. Now I understand.

I was just curious because 2 people could in theory shape the same place, like Batman and Joker shaping Gotham or something.

Does this mean that Gotham would be a city divided into "Joker place", "Scarecrown place", "Mad Hater place" and "Mr.Freeze place"? This look like hell.

Can these creatures that lurk on these places interact with each other?

He probably wouldn't have one. They only manifests through intense feelings of guilt and desire, which Batman has neither of. Hell, I can't really think of anyone who would have a Palace. You'd need to be cartoonishly evil in order to have one.

She had the best damn outfits too.

There isn't really any bleed over. It's probably best to think of the Palaces as sub sub dimensions in their own right.

The Yakuza Boss and the Politician boss had very different views of the city as an example


outside Mementos, Palaces seem more like pocket dimensions than physical locations in the metaverse itself; Palaces are just the distorted perception the owner has of locations important to them. There's even a plot point that areas outside their direct palace still look like the normal city but still part of their subconscious reality

>Can these creatures that lurk on these places interact with each other?
Generally no, they tend to stay inside of their Palaces.

>Does this mean that Gotham would be a city divided into "Joker place", "Scarecrown place", "Mad Hater place" and "Mr.Freeze place"?
Only a few Batman villains are ambitious enough to have a Palace. Joker and Penguin are top contenders.

Batman has the intense, never ending drive for justice and his mission. If Sae had a Palace then Batman certainly would.

Sae had a palace because she had a drive to succeed that wasn't tied to actual justice, it's heavily implied she was complicate in falsifying evidence to secure guilty verdicts to improve her career. It's why her palace is a casino, the games are rigged so the house wins

plus she was a total bitch to Makoto

Think Jojo+Lupin III

yea but dat Shadow Sae tho

Eh, I'd still argue that Batman would have one given his obsession with saving Gotham. Depending how it's written he has some next level madness over it.



The casino was one of my favorite palaces. I think I liked the bank just a bit more though.



>Dat fucking OST though

All the music was great.

Is the anime aby good?

Also, how Lex Luthor palace and personal would be?

probably not terribly dissimilar to Okumura or Shido's

The one shot anime is pretty great, though the animation is a little off at times. It plays out of the game's side missions as a full episode, which honestly I wouldn't mind a whole series that just fleshes out the side missions as more than just getting a text about the targets.

I think it's enhanced by watching it after playing the game because then you can enjoy how they include some of the game's mechanics and some references to side characters that they include.

There isn't an official anime for 5 but there is an ova.
Luthor's palace would probably be an ancient empire aspiring to his greatness.

you know one is coming though. I imagine it won't be too far off of the quality of 4's which, you can take any way you want. Though given there's a tighter narrative I suspect it will be somewhat better overall

There's a tiny part of me that pictures Luthor's palace as a church where he sees himself as the preacher that's trying to save everyone from the devil (Superman).

But more than likely it'd be something more generic to do with science or intelligence or power.

I think this is actually the best interpretation of what Luthor's Palace would be. A world where he's mankind's sole savior instead of Superman.

Guys like Shido and Okumura just want power. Luthor doesn't just want power for himself, he wants the whole world to acknowledge that power. The same way the whole world acknowledges Superman instead of him.

Well there is Kingdom Hearts 3, but that game is going to be a disjointed mess due to how poorly organized the target audience is.

I would think it would be better than 4's as long as they keep the same sort of style and attitude as the game itself.

change preacher to god and you're spot on

Yes, but he isn't willing to save Gotham through corrupt means, which is the only possible way a Palace could manifest in Batman. He has a no-kill rule for a reason, user.

>but he isn't willing to save Gotham through corrupt means

He doesn't seem terribly willing to save it through proper channels either.

You've played Psychonauts right? Or seen Inception? It's basically that with Japanese teenagers in costumes.

He is, actually. A good portion of his money goes to both the police and various funding projects to help make Gotham better. The only reason it doesn't because Status Quo is a bitch, but he does give it his all.

Speaking of which, what if Atlus decides to copy Square Enix and decide to make a game series that merges Shin Megami Tensei/Persona with an animated film company?

I'd say it would be either WB or Dreamworks, though the latter has a much larger library of animated films unless WB does what they did with Lego Dimensions and uses a bunch of IPs related to the company.

Atlus already tried to do one crossover and it was only the most subtle of ways. I could see maybe Dreamworks and they'll just make Personas/whatever they call the spirit characters in that one into characters from those films. Could be interesting.

>YFW Beelzebub boss fight in Bee Movie world.

Atlus wanted their KH?

can't be worse than the fire emblem crossover

Doom would probably be the most dangerous palace to enter. The Metaverse is shaped by cognition how the person views themselves is how they're represented in their palace. Doom is also a megalomaniac like Shido except more so. So not only would Shadow Doom have his already vast skills and abilities, they'd be enhanced by his own conceded conception of said powers.

In fact, I'd almost go as far as to say that Shadow Doom would pose a significant threat to real Doom if Shadow Doom figured out how to escape the Metaverse.

Can you say Dr. Doom/Phantom Thieves team up vs Shadow Doom? I am a nerd, and that would be cool.

>P5 soundtrack

Man now I want P6 to be about people's shadows taking over their real selves to cause mayhem in the real world

I dunno, I think Batman would certainly be tempted by the general idea of "removing the manifestation of a villain's warped desires will enact a change of heart in them", but he'd be a lot more hesitant about following through on it until he knew exactly what would happen if he did, and then he'd be against the idea as a whole, but not for the obvious reasons.

He'd probably uncover the true horror of the Palaces and the Metaverse as a whole before anyone else and would likely act as an antagonist to the Phantom Thieves, because while their hearts are in the right place, they have no idea just how deep the rabbit hole goes.

I think their metaverse shenanigans would be noticed fairly quickly by doctor strange.

You're not going to find out about the Metaverse unless god or Igor or someone fills you inn. By the time Bats found out shit he'd already be having a change of heart.

>What would Thanos palace look like?

Wish I had the pages but in Infinity Revelation both him and Adam Warlock become gods that reshape their universes at will (in separate universes) and everything in existence is molded based on both their conscious and subconscious mind. Adam becomes a world of constant death and rebirth where both are rendered meaningless and Thanos becomes a death worshiping plane of suffering.

It would be all of Gotham. He'd see it like cemetary/memorial (all the people he couldn't save). Treasure would be the pearl necklace.

I dunno, Futaba's mom basically stumbled into this shit and had all sorts of thesises on it, and Shido had a general idea about the whole shebang thanks to that and Akechi filling in the blanks.

Besides, it's Batman, he'd bullshit his way into knowing somehow. Probably by consulting Dr. Fate or something.

Probably a metaphor of how he refuses to give up on Gotham where he's dragging a half dead corpse across a barren wasteland trying to keep it alive.

>Thanos becomes a death worshiping plane of suffering.
Sounds like nothing a good couple of Almighty spells couldn't fix

He pretty much tells his Adam that everything went to shit because of his damn subconscious and just tells him to blow up his giant floating head. Giant floating head Adam says something similar to his Thanos, they both blow them up at the same time which causes both universes to fuse.

Doom probably has magic protecting his Palace. Either that or it turns out that because he genuinely believes that what he's doing is for the greater good he doesn't have one.

I find the idea that nobody in Brazil plays P5 considering it's one of the biggest games of one of the biggest franchises in Japan, and Brazil has a shitton of Japanese people. Like, Japan is literally the only country with more Japanese people than Brazil.

>Bought the Take Your Heart Edition
>Forgot that it comes with a CD soundtrack
>Am at work listening to OST on YouTube
>"I should download this to listen to on the subway"
>Have bought a bunch of songs before remembering that I already have the soundtrack

Who do I fuse to make Shrek?

Yeah but modern systems aren't terribly popular. They where still rocking the SMS for ages

They should of gone with the proto cat that might been a girl.

>Smug, feminine looking catperson in a black latex catsuit.




I prefer Hope Cat as is in all his Felixy glory
