Was the analogy to our society too blatant?

Was the analogy to our society too blatant?

yes but it's ok because it's for kids

I want to fuck the rabbit

>cute is just as "insulting and offensive" as nigger
Fuck this movie.

more like fragile or delicate like white people

_ ____ to ____ ____ ______

Secretly red-pilled movie. Posits that predators and instinctively, wait for it, predatory and it is only through coercion from the state that different species would inhabit the same environment.

Were these naked soles too blatant?

*are instinctively


>red pilled
>cute rabbit (white) girl has the hots for criminal fox (black) boy

nigger isnt insulting or offensive.

You mean the analogy of how it was just like when (((they))) invented crack cocaine and distributed it among the African-American community in order to make them violent and keep them down?

She keeps mace on her person at all times just in case.

If we're going with the race analogy, then what does the ending mean? What could they be trying to say, about a small subset of "prey" species who conspire secretly to inflame social/political tensions between predator and prey so that they can seize & consolidate political power behind the scenes? If "predators" are blacks and "prey" are white, then what about that treacherous Ewe?

It seemed more like they were making fun of SJWs because of how sorry the fat cheetah was (and it's no coincidence that he's fat)

Zootopia had a video game?

>race wars are secretly masterminded by a (J)ewe just trying to divide and conquer
Sound pretty redpilled to me

Are they doing Zootopia 2?

She's a damn globalist. Pushing for consilidation/multiculturalism all in the self aggrandizing pursuit of political/ideological hegemony. Not the predators or preys fault that they've been forced to co-inhabit the same environment.

Pretty sure he was a snow leopard or something

I doubt any of this or any potential secret red-pilled narrative is intentional. Just a happy/amusing byproduct of them failing to follow the trajectory of the logic placed forth in their metaphors.

Oh, I wouldn't say that, really.



Snow leopards are white. He is a cheetah.

Its a misfire. The story was supposed to be about predators being second-class citizen, but Disney found it too dark. The original script is closer to compare predators as niggers, but the current script makes predators rather seem as men. Its not secretly "red pill", its a failed attempt to "blue pill".

I really dug the original direction they were planning to take. Was supposed to be noir-esuqe. I wish they'd have followed through on that idea.

fug, a real shame

Yup. No joke. Early concept art was very promising.

The original script couldn't and wouldn't work. Watch the making of feature and you see it's the same fish mouth dyed haired SJW people that keep trying to push that shitty heavy handed story.

what are you talking about?

I would worship that bun's paws.