Sup Forums just got BTFO

Sup Forums just got BTFO

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why didn't they just hyperspace ram the dark side?

how were ben and yoda meant to take on the empire by themselves?

how was luke meant to take on the first order by himself?

first order didn't exist when ben turned

but the force is female

There was a Republic fleet? Yoda and Ben faced an entire Empire that took control of the galaxy. They wisely retreated, bided their time and prepared for the future.

Two completely different scenarios.

>Luke seeing both these guys and having to clean up the mess they made and not learning a thing from it.

Thanks for highlighting the problem.

It did. According to the new novel the first order is actually older than the empire, older than the clone wars
Snoke has ruled over the first order for thousands of years and after the empire was destroyed they simply stole their armors, modified them and wore them to make the rebels believe the empire was still alive

Cool, where does it explain that in the movie?

Luke was trained to be better than Yoda and Obi Wan.

Luke defied Yoda to go help his friends no matter the cost, because Luke doing anything to help his friends is one of his main character traits. It's something the Emperor tries to exploit.

I mean it's like you people don't even watch the movies.

man this new trilogy just keeps getting dumber

Yoda and Obi-Wan didn't hesitate to help Luke when they saw sliver of hope in him.

what? No, Obi Wan did not hide. He was there to secretly watch over Luke and make sure that he was safe


This can't be real

That's some megaton retconning

>Obi-Wan: Practically killed Darth Vader and left him to die on a flanet of hellfire and brimstone. Fucker survived anyway
>Yoda: Fought the Emperor and lost, exiled himself since his kind had already been nearly wiped out besides one other guy he knew.
>Luke: Apprentice presumably thought he was dead, killed whatever students didn't join him and left. Luke digs his way out of a crumbled room to see everything he built burning and gave up on live.

Obi Wan literally thought he'd killed Anakin though

right and Yoda was watching over...........

it's not entirely real
it's true the first order is an ancient army, but they didn't steal the empire's armor, the opposite happened
palpatine modeled the imperial armors and uniforms after the first order, becaue he admired snoke

The difference is they were secretly planning on training Luke.

Luke was just some old asshole.

he says so in the movie, he says he's been watching him since the moment he was born, waiting for the right moment to train him

>right and Yoda was watching over...........

On Daggobath to hid until he could train luke, lot of force on that planet to hid him.

This is the most strawmanest shit ever, no one complains this about TLJ Luke.
People complained about him having a pointless character arc, with a sudden murderous streak with no development whatsoever, and his retarded "ITS A HOLOGRAM" death

>Luke who never received proper Jedi training, defied Obi-Wan and Yoda would perfectly follow in their path

fuck off

I ain't never read any of them books, or any books in general.

>admiring a non-character

God this is so stupid

Went after Anakin and tried to persuade him to stop his shananigans, they ended up fighting in a violent battle that left Anakin dismembered and burning to a crisp.
He then saw over the birth of Luke and Leia and ended up taking Luke to his relatives on Tatooine, Ben himself stayed on Tatooine keeping a watchful eye over Luke.

This one is a better comparison because Yoda does go completely into exile waiting for his death until Luke arrives, at which point he starts training and mentoring Luke.
Yoda's reason however was that he failed to defeat Darth Sidious and lost the battle for the republic.

What are Luke's motivations and how does he deal with the arrival of Rey?
Are they really that similar?
Is there any depth to any character in this new Star Wars story? Or are they just trying to copy previous stories without understanding them?

That's some deviantart fanfiction tier

>it looks just like the old defeated villain
>and it works like the old defeated villain
>but it is actually much much older!

When can we expect a Plinkett review of nu-jedi?

He was protecting Luke. Why are liberals so fucking retarded?

Snoke is supposed to be an incredibly powerful force entity from the unknown regions of the galaxy
people who go there become insane and die, and if they don't, they become Snoke's servants
that's where the first order resided before deciding to take over the galaxy

one of the reasons why he seemed to disinterested on vader after his defeat at mustafar was because he no longer cared about having an apprentice, he wanted to become snoke's apprentice because of how powerful he was

>Obi-Wan mutilated Vader and left him to die, then hid to watch over his son and train him to bring down the Empire
>Yoda 1v1ed Sidious himself, and upon being defeated waited to train Vader's kids
>Luke considered killing his nephew for dreaming about becoming a new Darth Vader (after Luke had redeemed the genuine Darth Vader), then quit the galaxy forever
I want all nu-male mouse shills to die.

Both ben and yoda fought the empire though, with yoda literally dueling the emperor, and they ran away when they knew they had lost. Ben also rejoined the fight when he was called to by princess leia and yoda also helped train luke when he asked him to as well.

feminist who have never watched a star wars movie trying to justify their ID political garbage that butchered the lore trying to justify it is cringy as fuck

Fucking incredible bait, perfect for Sup Forums. But it's all a lie.

>Snoke v. powerful
>dies to Kylo tricks


>Obi Wan literally fights darth vader in a giant duel, cuts his legs off, and then watches him burn
>"hurr he ran away and did nothing!"

You realize Ben turned 5 years before TFA right?

New EU is catching up with old EU awfulness pretty quick it seems.


Well done.

Moron defense force here to make us all laugh. Thanks guys, I hope Disney pays you well.

so why didn't luke do something about it? the first order can't have been as powerful then. didn't luke care that his nephew had joined them?

Ben defeated Anakin and left him for dead. He then decided to stay on Tatooine to watch over Luke.

Yoda tried to fight the emperor and was defeated. Going into exile was stupid, but they had no choice in order to keep continuity with ESB.

Citing prequel canon is the easiest way to lose the argument.

>There was a Republic fleet?
they had a few ships, but all their guns were disabled
the republic destroyed all their weapons and disabled all their shields to ensure that they'd never go to war again

the resistance are the only good people who've still got guns

Sup Forums is always wrong

>Going into exile was stupid
It was his only choice at that point. He would never get a chance to fight Sheev one on one again, and even if he did the odds were he'd lose again.

1. Obi-Wan wasn't hiding, he was told to watch over Luke.
2. These are very much too different circumstances. The Empire took over the galaxy. He had to strike down his own best bud.
3. Obi-Wan is the better man. He didn't give up, he bided time for Luke to be ready. And wasn't so distract over such a tragic shift as Luke was.

>I will take the child and watch over him
>Until the time is right, disappear, we will

live polls are terrible, because people never answer seriously
they'll always tell you what you want to hear, otherwise they'll look like assholes

only online polls tell the truth

>Defending the last Jedi even ironically
there are so many plotholes in the new trilogy that I could spend all night talking about them

but heres one not alot of people though of and is embarassingly bad

>Phasma has reflector armor, impervious to blasters
>lowers the shields on Starkiller Base because theres a blaster pointed at her

The Disney unpaid shill interns who make these damage control threads have never seen any of the movies.

>but all their guns were disabled
>the republic destroyed all their weapons and disabled all their shields to ensure that they'd never go to war again

Pacifism and disarmament BTFO by liberals :^)

>manipulated by the darkside since infancy
>sent to luke because he was turning powerful
>luke reads his mind and sees the death of his order, his friends
>turns on his lightsaber for a moment only for ben to see
>ben loses it and murders everything
>joins the first order
>Luke realizes he made the same mistake the old jedi order did
>he failed completely and utterly

What did you expect Luke to do? Hunt down and kill his nephew after it was his failings that drove him away?

I don't know but at least Kanan Jarrus, Ashoka, and others tried to fight and train others.

>only online polls tell the truth

That seems like the most retarded decision ever. Like what the flying fuck? Can you imagine what would happen to any country in the world that would destroy its military after achieving a military victory?

>critics loved it
paid by disney and they are judging the movie on itself not the franchise and the established characters and lore that it's tearing apart
>moviegoers loved it
polling Americans, 1/4 of which are complete retards, and the movie is ENTERTAINING, but its not good. if post-movie people were the critics to listen to everyone would love comedy movies

>2nd biggest opening ever
yeah after TFA, its star wars, box office for star wars means nothing

> the first order can't have been as powerful then
>implying it took 5 years to build a fleet that large, a planet sized superweapon, corrupt the senate and trained millions of soldiers
Are you pretending to be retarded?

Do you think they ever realize they're being used as slave labor to defend a really shitty companies interests? I mean fuck, I'd want to neck myself.

obiwan and yoda are not luke. luke is more hardcore.

Obiwan didnt give up, he was protecting Luke

maybe let the republic (of which his sister was a powerful figure) that a powerful and aggressive dark side user had joined the first order and that he's probably planning to do something bad
i don't know. the movies never state when or how anything actually happened, so there's no timeline to go on

>taking Sup Forums seriously
This board exists for inane memes. If you're expecting a serious discussion from intelligent people. Hang yourself.

Even after the destruction of those 4 planets in TFA, Queen Ramirez (the ruler of the new republic) agreed that they'd rather let the first order win than fight against them, because fighting meant losing more people, so it'd be better to surrender

At one point in the novel she even thought of the plant of making weapons just to destroy the resistance and ensure the victory of the first order and end the war at last, but she though just surrendering would be better

Star Wars isn't just a thing for socially alienated white men/boys anymore. It's grown beyond that little niche, and it also needs to lose the baggage associated with whiteness/maleness to reach a larger audience and have more influence.

Lots of the lessons and teachings embodied by Luke Skywalker are white, masculine and western in character. They've been done to death. The monomyth, Joseph Campbellian structure is dated and stale, and it can't keep running on those fumes forever.

I sympathize with lots of the grumbling white male neckbeards are doing. Star Wars was their thing and they don't want to share their beloved toys. And they're obviously gonna hate The Last Jedi because, in essence, it's about how Luke's legend really was flawed and limited in its scope.

The Jedi philosophy, just like the phallocentric white male western patriarchy, was bogged down in its own dogma. There's something beautiful and touching about the sentiment of "passing the torch" in TLJ. The white western male, long held as the only source of heroism and power in the canon, gracefully steps aside not only for his own good, but for the good of the universe.

In more diverse and progressive hands, there's no telling what this universe, and the force along with it, might become. It's an exciting prospect, to say the least, for those who aren't embittered neckbeards living in their parents' basements.

TLJ is going to be a watershed moment in sci-fi and genre films generally. It's all about letting go, letting your creation grow beyond you. And Star Wars, like civilization itself, has evolved beyond its parochial and patriarchal past.

>Sup Forums just got BTFO
Are you still alive? Be very careful now.

Obi-Juan and Yoda went into hiding because the Empire was exterminating Jedi, faggot OP

What bumbling baboon came up with that horseshit

I will brain you if you keep making shit up.
An user on Sup Forums.

I actually love when the Disney apologists make these posts because it shows just how utterly dumb they are.

Obi-Wan and Yoda were avoiding a deliberate and ruthless purge of the Jedi Order, but they also had a fallback plan in place.

Luke was on a staycation with no plan and no hope.

Keep making these posts, Disney shill. I love refuting them every time.

>Star Wars isn't just a thing for socially alienated white men/boys anymore. It's grown beyond that little niche
>the movies that defined the meaning of the "blockbuster" film
>the most popular and highest grossing franchise of all time before the MCU

You can't start your bait with the first sentence being objectively wrong, then no-one's even going to get to the rest of it.

I agree with this


Tell me you are making this shit up and that this isn't actually what they are rolling with.

are there really people like this on Sup Forums or are you doing trevors-axiom

You seem to have forgotten that Leia was pretty much the boss of the group until George wanted fan service in episode 6

Only explanation is Vader's evil genes kicked in during Luke's older age.

>a powerful and aggressive dark side user had joined the first order
Luke never knew Ben joined the First Order. If you bothered to pay attention to the movie, you would understand Luke cut himself off to everything after the destruction of the Temple. I dont need supplemental materials to tell you this because Luke does in the film.

>maybe let the republic
They dismissed the First Order as a ragtag group of fanatics. Also they dismissed Leia as a war mongering darth vader heir. It would not have made the slightest difference.

>the movies never state when or how anything actually happened
Han Solo straight up gives you a rundown.

>I won't kill my father, there's still good in him I know it
>Ben has dark thoughts, better kill him in his sleep

Another problem created by the shitty storytelling of the Prequels. When will people learn there are only 2.5 good movies in the entire saga?

>better kill him in his sleep


Don't fucking ruin this excellent bait.

People complain about Luke's characterization the most. His character arc was pretty good because he redeemed himself and saved the Resistance. He THOUGHT about killing ONE mass murderer. He couldn't have actually went to fight Kylo in person because Luke doesn't even own a lightsaber anymore.

whats even the point in the 3rd movie

Rey beat Kylo in the first movie in the trilogy without any training whatsoever, what is he going to do in episode 9 except run the first order into the ground with his reckless behavior and lose to Rey and be turned?

the only way episode 9 will be good is if Rey turns darkside and Kylo goodboy like it was hinted in this episode. and then the next trilogy the roles are reversed with Rey Palpatine as the new empress

he could've made one, he knows how to build lightsabers
>$27.5m on Christmas day, underperforming Disney estimates by $4.5n
>only $7.5m better than fucking jumanji
Yeah, I'm sure.

The First Order had assigned Kylo to hunting down Luke.

he obviously didn't need a lightsaber to fight ben anyways

I would excuse TLJ if at the end instead of forceghost we actually had Luke block blasters with the force, maybe crush the walkers, humiliate Ben a little bit and then fade to ghost infront of Rey and Leia. He still had a pretty cinematic death with the suns but it's less touching when you realize he died from using a hologram, like, he might aswell have had leia through out a holotape on the sand

She represented the pacifist loser leaders of the Republic. The Republic before The Clone Wars were a bunch of softies.

make small changes in different parts of the plot to make TLJ better
>have Leia be the kamikaze and explain it like she used the force in order to actually use the kamikaze, instead of creating this massive loophole with Hyperspace kamikaze
>have finn die to take out the cannon, giving Luke enough time to get there in person

The First Order also had a Jedi Purge going on, Kylo and the Knights of Ren were sent to kill Luke if he resurfaced.

why did owen dismiss Obiwan as some crazy old hermit when he was the one who brought Luke to them in the first place? Ungrateful


>Lots of the lessons and teachings embodied by Luke Skywalker are white, masculine and western in character.

>Laser samurai space wizard Buddhists

Who in the star wars universe could defeat Luke in the new Trilogy though

Vader > Obi-Wan and Palpatine > Yoda. They would've just died for nothing, Obi-wan was biding his time with Luke anyways. He didn't give up.

Where would he get the materials, the only Khyber crystal he owns is a sith one and he doesn't have the metals to make the hilt.

Probably to keep Luke from trying to become a Jedi if he heard all about Ben Kenobi.

Rey is stronger than all of those men put together.

Kylo lost because he got shot by a bowcaster and was weakened by the death of Han Solo.

he could've asked yoda, obi-wan or anakin where to find them
there's caves full of them

Ummm Sweetie, Holdo would just hyperdrive through any of them.