Isn't one character with Asperger's enough? Was the irony of an empath with autism too much for Gunn to pass up?

Isn't one character with Asperger's enough? Was the irony of an empath with autism too much for Gunn to pass up?

Dont know what i just read but it sounds like autism to me.

Why wouldn't a person that can experience everyone else's emotion be awkward as fuck?

Because the ability to understand other people and by extension how to respond to them makes you the opposite of awkward.

Considering that Mantis was, as Drax points out, Ego's pet and she didn't get to socialize with anyone else, there's a pretty good reason for her being awkward around other people.

>Because the ability to understand other people
that's the problem. She can feel what people feel, but that doesn't mean she can understands them. She was raised alone, with only Ego for human contact.

She didn't even know how to smile.

Sure but that's completely beside the point.

Sure, in story reasons, whatever. But that's not what I'm talking about.

Don't bother. Everybody is lapping this shitty movie up.


Aside from being isolated from normal social interaction, what specifically makes this character autistic.

Inability to correctly interact socially is the main thing about autism. It's literally the thing that identifies it across the spectrum.

>Isn't one character with Asperger's enough? Was the irony of an empath with autism too much for Gunn to pass up?



Yet another FAGGOT OP, who has never read the source material.

Fuck you, die slowly in a fire, preferably after a terrible crash, in absolute horrific pain.

God, I hate you so much. I am wishing user testicular cancer right now.

No need to sperg out user. I read DnA's Guardians and I don't recall Mantis acting like that.

Mantis and Drax are the only funny parts of the movie. Everyone else is too try-hard

Haven't seen the movie. Is she Star-Lords love interest like she is in the comics or are they still pushing Gamora?

Pushing Gamora

>source material
She was perfectly able to hande herself in social situations, and she spoke in third person, which she didn't in the movie.
Moreover, Drax wasn't a mumbling idiot in the comics.

Nah, Drax "I laugh loudly so it's funny" was the worst.

They push Gamora, sadly.


>everything is autism

>I don't even know what autism is

>thinking autism is even real

>when the firealarm in the school goes on because a weird kiddo is running amok and all the autistic kids start dancing

>Haven't seen the movie. Is she Star-Lords love interest like she is in the comics or are they still pushing Gamora?
>Pushing Gamora
They added a scene specifically to justify why nothing will ever be confirmed between the two. Basically they will be in relationship limbo forever.

I don't like that, but at least it is better than they actually being a couple. That would have been worse.

Break that statement up
>Because the ability to understand other people
> and by extension how to respond to them
That's the problem. Social grace is a thing learned. She never learned.

i love her


I kind of interpreted it as something akin the implicit bond of trust Pete and Gamora seemed to demonstrate in the DnA era. They were both shits sometimes and they disagreed a lot, but each was absolutely willing to take a bullet for the other if need be.

Besides, PetexMantis is OTP. Everyone knows it.