Who will be accused of rape first?

Who will be accused of rape first?

me when i fuck your mom

Well Rich is a virgin but he's too nice

I could see Jay doing it though, back when he was still a frustrated hobbit

No, Jay’s too kind and full of life; as is Rich.

It’ll be Mike, he has a darkness inside him.

Josh has been in bands. Jay too beta/gay. Rich is a wildcard tho has a ugo fiancé. Jack is soychad. Mike is neckfat chad and is the most ding ding ding. Len is a weirdo. Max is soychad

Josh will be accused of masturbating his tiny penis in front of women.

It won't matter since they're independant content creators.

It's not like Youtube is going to cancel their nonexistent contract with RLM.

Jay already tried to have sex with a woman claiming he was about to die, which technically falls under sexual assault. Kinda.

>getting drunk and vomiting is sexual assault

If it had worked it would've been. It's not her fault it failed.

Well, Mike and Jay both like giving the goofballs.

max is a hollywood producer who grew up in hollywood and has access to tons of impressionable, vulnerable young girls


Mike, he is the head of the snake and the alpha leader.

Rich is not a virgin. It is known.

me after fucking jay in his boipussy

>Well Rich is a virgin
Literally stop projecting.

George Lucas


You mean who will accuse who of rape first.

Aidsmoby, it's always the liberal nu-males that end up being hypocritical rapists.

Beard fag will be first then.

>enjoys being a clown
>hangs around kids

In their eyes he is a saint for being a pedo.

Jay, no contest.

Fairly certain Rich is married.


You know it to be true.

But Jay is the closest to being "Nice nu-male feminist hipster that is secretly a rapist"

better preemptively murder him in his sleep

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wait no what was thin-oh, hi mike

The wizard fuckin obviously.
>has a tiny bit of fame/power
>vocal feminist/SJW

Fuck off Mike, we know that's you. You're not getting out that easy.

this, Jay is low-key the most virtue signaling beta bitch of the bunch. watch nerd crew, even when he's in [sarcasm mode] he has to let you know how much he cares about starving african children and being a good boy

hopefully guy on left
he is a fuckface

Mike, duh.

Mike seems the type of guy who likes it rough, Jay looks creepy and somewhat psychopathic, Rich is may look like a stereotypical pedophile, but i think he's clean.

Jay alters his opinion on movies whenever Mike disagrees with him. I can't imagine he'd be able to go through with rape if the woman tried to fight back.