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i still want an explanation for this fucking thing

Wait, what?


I don't think that's anything to worry about.

Samurai Jack fans are so fucking pathetic holy shit.

He's right though. Their shitty prank wasn't amusing.

Probably not a rematch.

I think this is another flashback before Jack lost his sword in the pit.

He dead user. The VA isn't listed for the episode

Aku killed him and destroyed the time portal, there won't be a rematch.

They never are. I'm pretty sure that's their point.

Watch Jack and the Time Traveling Creatures again. In the preview, it's the same ruins of all the destroyed robots where Jack fought The Guardian.
They could be keeping it a secret.
Don't speak too soon.

Holy shit is your life that unhinged by a one time prank? More so we're you so naive that you isn't expect a April 1st prank? Adult swim has been doing a prank on that day for over a fucking decade. I was just happy it wasn't actaully effecting the episode. Then again can you imagine the meltdown if they did the fart gag over the episode?

Not debating its not the same place with the Guardian, it most certainly is.
Just don't believe this rematch is going to happen.

Reasons why I think its a flash back:
-Ashi is nowhere to be seen with Jack
-Jack was certain that there were no more portals left, and that there was no hope. Going back to the Guardian would have been the first thing he had done after the fight with the goat monsters
-Guardian's voice actor is not listed in the episode

Jack will go back to the Guardian hoping to fight him again and get to use the portal, however he will discover the Guardian was killed by Aku and the portal was destroyed.

>he's coming back next week
Correction, Jack is cumming on Ashi's back next week.


Lol, we all know how it'll go down...

>Jack tries his hardest, but the Guardian overpowers him

It will be a complete retread of the Zuko/Azula/Katara fight from the ATLA finale and you know it.

Bascily this, it be a huge ass plot hole for him not to got back there for the portal.

We'll see.
I can see Ashi lending a helping hand in the fight, but Jack will most likely finish the fight.

That or they just make it a short reference where someone does a Guardian impression of him growling on the ground beat up, and Jack enters the portal in a very short scene.

>Jack is beaten by the Guardian
>"I told you man, you just not ready yet."
>Ashi intervenes
>beats the living shit out of him easily
If this happens I am so fucking done with this show

Jack said "I know this place" as if he was not expecting to return and found it coincidentally. It'd be the biggest cocktease ever if it was just a flashback.

>Jack's not ready
>But Ashi is!

Truly, she will prove to be his worthy successor.

This. it's been talk about since the start that if Aku trash all the portals it would include that one.
Jack and Aku also confirmed there are no more.
The asspull needed to make a rematch are staggering short of a flashback

Keep in mind, Jack was kicked out of that place while he was unconscious.

He probably taken somewhere remote where he had no idea how to get back and just forgot about it.

Well, prepare for disappointment then.

Where are people getting all this info about the final shot being Jack looking at the guardian's skeleton and the VA not being in the credits? Where is that?

That just means one more week of Jack

>>Jack tries his hardest, but the Guardian overpowers him

This is all too possible, unfortunately.

leaked episode summaries I suppose

Well, you just made up the part about the skeleton, as far as I can tell. IMDB lists only Aku, Ashi and Jack's VAs, though that doesn't necessarily mean anything.

>the guardian is dead
>the portal is gone
>all the build up for another case of blue balls

>Jack and Ashi overpower the guardian
>the guardian lies on the ground unconsciously
>"well Ashi, this is goodbye"
>"bye Jack :)"
>as Jack is about to enter the portal the guardian gets up and takes Ashi's neck
>Jack sees this, runs back to save Ashi
>we see the portal gets destroyed
>Aku flies away lauging in bat form
I swear to god if they make it another save-the-monks-isntead-ending episode

You're a bunch of retards. Not gonna happen, for so many reasons, but enjoy complaining about imaginary scenarios, I know it's a popular pastime.

>Makes accurate observation
>Holy shit you're pathetic REEEE

Its just a joke you autist. we don't actually think its actually going to happen.

You say that like the Scotmans appreance wasnt cocktease level. He shows up to die and come back a ghost in less than 3 minutes and 4 episodes later he is still mia.

This is obvious at this point, everything that has been shown is so goddamn obvious that there is very little room for the actual surprises.

The ending is going to be predictable as fuck too.

>The ending is going to be predictable as fuck too.

>Jack defeats Aku
>Realizes that if he goes back in time and undoes the future, Ashi will have never been born
>Chooses to stay in the future and be with Ashi


Seeing as 8000 posts are made per day complaining about Ashit and no girls allowed and muh lonely samurai, I'll put pretty goddamn short odds that at least one of you three was serious.

>simply say the prank wasn't funny
>"wow bro are you like, distraught? calm down lol its not like the world is ending, fucking baby"

Please of delete this

Katara was a better fighter than Zuko. Ashi is a better fighter than Jack.

Do you REALLY have such a hard time accepting that a female character can be a better fighter than a male character? Does this keep you up at night? What YEAR is it?

I keep seeing posts like this and like

why can't ashi just - go through the portal with him -

>Better than Jack

The man destroyed her and her entire sisters at his most vulnerable, and treated her like a literal child when she tried to kill him on her own.

>Do you REALLY have such a hard time accepting that a female character can be a better fighter than a male character?
Yes, it's always BS because it's almost literally impossible in real life, so the girl literally has to be given superpowers whether stated or implied.
BTW Katara was specifically made the bender because Bryke "liked the dynamic" with Sokka.
>What YEAR is it?
Pretty sure fundamental biology hasn't changed.

It's not going to happen, but if it did, their sexes have nothing to do with it being a problem. I don't know where you got the idea that Ashi is a better fighter than Jack, but it certainly doesn't match what's been shown in the show, or make sense considering their respective backstories.

Jesus Christ this is sad, how can they STILL not be over it?

I would have laughed at the idea of this happening a few episodes ago, but now...

>because it's almost literally impossible in real life
I always laugh when I read comments like this, because 9 times out of 10 they're being written by some pasty, overweight, undermuscled nerd who doesn't have a clue how to fight.

Some pasty, overweight, undermuscled nerd who doesn't have a clue how to fight still has a chance against the BEST female fighters in the entire world
That's how biology works, user.

Haven't you ever read or watched anything with a time travel plot? If Ashi goes through and helps Jack defeat Aku in the past, she'll still never exist because the future she came from is gone. That's how it always fucking works.

Depends on how time travel works in the series. By some time travel rules she would fade out of existence as soon as he killed Aku in the past to prevent a time paradox.

I encourage you to go on believing that, I imagine thinking you can at least beat a woman in a fight is probably all that keeps your ego afloat.

Lol you think you can beat Rhonda Rousy in a fight, tough guy?

Not that guy, but he's pretty much right.

A skinny nerd who doesn't work out is still stronger than a woman who trains crossfit everyday and lifts weights.
Are you guys seriously going try and debate Biology and nature...?

Women are weak as fuck. Do you not know that?
90% of Sup Forums can, despite all the memes.
The other 10% likely could too if they were healthy.

>muh biology
It's not all about strength, retard. Especially if you're armed. Shorter reach and lesser strength are disadvantages, but you do you think a fucking bodybuilder would win a sword fight against a master swordsman?

Good, the series needs a kickstart to get back into gear. The past 3 episodes, especially the last 2 have been weak as fuck.

Sadly it looks like all the PLOT and closure will be crammed into the final episode. And unless it will be 40 minutes long, I'm preparing for disappointment.

Women can't be either, though.

And how many master swordsmen in history were ever women?

>get hyped as the greatest female fighter of all time
>lose every major fight

You see user unlike Rhonda, I don't suck at the only thing I'm good at.

>You see user unlike Rhonda, I don't suck at the only thing I'm good at.

Yes, you definitely ARE a pro at shitposting, user.

uh oh roastie getting toastie hahahaha

>What YEAR is it?


If the body builder had a gun, no doubt he would protect himself from the swordsman.

>Ashi is a better fighter than Jack.
Then how did Jack beat her?

Only one I can think of off the top of my head is La Maupin, but there were probably some Chinese and Japanese ones. But now you're just sidestepping, my point's been made. Women are weak but it doesn't take a whole lot of strength to break someone's knee, crush their trachea, or stab them with a knife.

If the Body Builder had a sword?

What? How autistic are you?

Its not whether some pasty nerd can do it, but a male in the middle weight class of MMA can most definitely can. A man with just as much training as a woman, will always win.

Aku probably ignored Guardian and just fucked his time portal
Guardian is just gonna be sitting there all sad

>You were too late, my man

No, you really haven't made any point. The fact that you have to make analogies where a woman can only beat a man by using weapons is also only further proves how different men and women are in terms of strength and fighting capability.

Some 95 lbs petite woman isn't going to break anyone's knee or crush their trachea stop playing video games.

Because Jack has plot armour

Probably since Jack always wins against Aku and Jack lost to the Guardian.

>It's not all about strength
t. someone who's never sparred or been in a fight

You'd be hard pressed to find someone who's a master in any type of martial arts and wasn't strong and durable as fuck. And even then they'd have massive problems fighting someone who's a lot heavier than them and knows what they're doing.

The only disciplines that could handle a huge strength difference would probably be jiu-jitsu and Muay thai.

>Yeah man, Aku put me out of the job, for good...
I kinda want this.

Guardian doesn't have the magic sword though

Right, I forgot Aku hasn't been in any of these episodes since Mako isn't listed

Why is this board so goddamn autistic and sure that the guardian is dead and we ain't gonna see shit about the time portal? We know what the ending is gonna be. There will be no retcon. What we just saw was a future set in stone and everyone bitching about it is still buttfucked over the horrible legend of Whorra series that has no influence on Gennedys work. You guys are so desperate for it to fail just so you can have a I was right argument and stew in your self loathing and Ashi depravity instead of actively doing shit.

Oh yeah, and that 60+ years of combat experience helped too.

Well, yeah, obviously given equal skill strength will prevail. But I've just realised I'm arguing on Sup Forums so I have to go reevaluate my life now.

You're talking out of your ass to appear wise, user, don't do it

To be a true master swordman require top physical shape, because it might doesn't seem like so at first, but throwing around a +20 lbs hunk of steel at great speed and with enough strength that it does cause injury upon hitting your target without injuring yourself at the same time actually require training and great body strength (and balance), else you're going to fuck up your back pretty good. Especially with the recoil.

Also the bigger body shape = slower movement is a meme, in real life peoples are just as quick if not more than skinny ones, because they actually have the muscle mass to move themselves around quickly. You might be more agile, I'll admit but it mean jackshit when the hits you'll land won't even hamper the guy down a bit and he only has to land a single hit to knock you out.

Beside this whole debating is incredibly stupid, why are we talking of it as if fighting was something warrantable? It ain't a pleasure ride, it won't bring you anything more than pain, so why even bother with it? Leave the brutes to bash one another, wouldn't you girls be better off in your own hand made haven of tranquility? Just saying

>it won't bring you anything more than pain
t. never wrestled before sex

Sadly, girls have no chance there either really.

Fighting is dumb, but training to fight is fun, and talking about fighting techniques is fun (though I should know better than to do it here).

All my training is unarmed or with butterfly dao, I don't actually know anything about proper swordfighting, but I do know swords don't weigh anything like 20 lb, so I'm pretty sure you don't know anything about it either.

Ever picked up a 20lb dumbell?
Imagine that, but the weight is spread out. It would be easy to weild, at first, but you WILL get tired swinging it around trying to hit something with it and it will seem to get heavier and heavier.
Especially if your target is fighting back.

But they don't weigh 20 lb. More like 3 or 4. So you're full of shit.

Regular long swords would have weighed that much, so no I am not.
Particularly claymores and any broadsword that was designed to be heavy so it could cleave through enemies easier.

A claymore weighs 5 or 6 lb. A zweihander weighs 6 or 7. I don't believe you've ever even picked a sword up, let alone know how to use one.

>claymore 5 or 6 lbs
>zweihander 6 or 7
Where the hell did you hear that
I have personally picked up a zwei, and it was way heavier than 6 fucking lbs

>the leak was true

well g fucking g
ashi will save the day, fuck this

Your fantasy replica sword collection were probably not made according to the same principles as real weapons.

>Instead of focusing on the main character and his struggle they introduce a character nobody likes or wanted
>Instead of developing the main character they want to "develop" the new character who can be summed up as "she was bad but now she's not"
>Instead of showing the main character struggling against the primary antagonist the new character gets FAR more screentime than the long established enemy
>Instead of using the brief five hours remaining in the series lifetime to put a satisfying ending to the main character's struggle after a decade long hiatus they decide to waste time by introducing a new character and developing her and pushing filler into the episodes to pad out the season as if they've been sitting on their ass for a decade doing absolutely nothing and came up with the story last minute
Ashi serves no purpose to the story. She is filler incarnate. There is no point to her existence, nobody can possible like or care about a mary sue shoe-horned in at the last minute as much as a character with as Jack. It's just a fucking waste to introduce a new character at this point and try to "develop" them. Scaramouche is great because he comes out of nowhere, he's weird and awesome, antagonizes Jack, then dies like a good SJ villain, but then they bring him back unfortunately. Samurai Jack doesn't work as a continuous story, it works as episodic segments. You don't know how much time has passed between episodes, how Jack got there, where Jack is, making the world feel gigantic. Every episode was a new story, new characters, new villains. Recurring characters were rare but were well-done. You could watch a random episode from season 3, then 1, then 2, and they'd still make sense. Multi-part episodes existed when they wanted to do plot dumps such as the series premiere "movie" and The Birth of Evil which made those episodes more significant. Now that the show is plot and character driven, it feels so thin, especially with the god-awful character that is Ashi.

>but then they bring him back unfortunately
I agree with you for the most part, but Scaramouch(e) was too awesome of a villain to just be killed off like that.

Your post is mostly correct, but it's not continuity that's hurting this season user. It's poor writing.
Continuity can be well-written, even for a previously episodic show.

So, because its slightly heavier, it's not longer a weapon...?
Mind standing still for a second?

If Aku can't beat Jack, and Jack can't beat the Guardian, why are we thinking that Aku could beat the Guardian?

Stop fucking arguing, you annoying nigger.
I'm not that guy, but just type :"zweihander weight" into google and you'll see the weapon's weight range. "7 lb" is listed as peak weight, so the least you can do is admit that you pulled the 40lb out of your ass and just end the pointless shitposting.

Because Aku can beat Jack without his sword, which the Guardian doesn't have.

the guardian doesnt give a shit about jack's sword

Because the Guardian doesn't have Jack's sword.