I want to start reading superman comics where should I start from?

I want to start reading superman comics where should I start from?

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Action Comics #1

Any good from the bronze age? What about the new 52 one?

Superman #1 (2016) is a good jump-in point.

Or you can start with "Up, Up and Away".

Or even the digital-first "Adventures of Superman". Just to learn about the character.

What is the best one? Which one is the prime 1 million in?

>Which one is the prime 1 million in?
This is advanced stuff, buddy. Nobody starts reading "DC One Million".

What about crisis on infinite earths?

All-Star Superman.

It has little to do with Superman, even though he is a key character.

Start with the current Superman run, then expand from there.

there is no right answer, because there are lots of different supermen

Superman for all seasons is good place to start too.

Start with Up, Up, and Away then read the full Johns and Busiek runs. After that you can branch out more depending on what aspects caught your interest.

There's a 90gb torrent out there that has the reading order after crisis on infinite earths. I started here cbr.com/the-75-greatest-superman-stories-of-all-time-master-list/
Then moved on to current stuff

read Red Son, Lex Luthor Man of Steel and Forever Evil

For current Superman, you will need to know what was the Flashpoint and what was the New 52. To learn how the New 52 Superman ended, read Lois and Clark (2016) and The Final Days of Superman (2016). Darkseid Wars could also help you understand what's the state of the DC universe. Then read the DC Rebirth one-shot and you will be ready to start with both Superman and Action Comics rebirth series.

All of the above can be replaced with a short video summary if you don't really care. Today is a great moment to start since Rebirth happened almost a year ago and you can quickly catch up to date.

Start with Superman post rebirth, then once you've caught up, read the Convergence mini to see Jon's birth, the the Lois & Clark mini.
Then hit up the key moments in hiss history, like Death And Return Of Superman, which is going to be important soon.
Then you should be ready for Morrison's JLA.

Go away Lex.

>read the Convergence mini to see Jon's birth, the the Lois & Clark mini.

These are not particularly great, attached to confusing things, and are already retconned. Would not recommend to a newfag.

>Then hit up the key moments in hiss history, like Death And Return Of Superman, which is going to be important soon.

This is actively bad and not necessary. You just need to know he died fighting Doomsday once for anything that will be newly published.

Don't read anything made after 2006.

>people recommending Superman rebirth
>you want a story? too bad, here a scene of mr oz capturing some guy
>oh, a new arc, what is it about? mr oz capturing some gut
>oh, I am liking this superman, whats next?
>lets retcon everything you read to make a superman
>I am liking the farm and the new setting
>lets change the status quo to fucking old boring metropolis
>when does the new superman story begins?
>too bad, here a reburth story

Holy shit, Sup Forums doesnt understand SHIT about good comics or recommendations

Wherever you want.

You're talking about Action Comics, not Superman.

As with all comics dont read everything( you will get burnt out) just read good Archs.

I would actually disagree with this. Reading everything can be good. You get a historic perspective.

But you have to pace yourself. Like only do it for one franchise a year. And Superman would be hard since there are a lot of books. There are series where it is more manageable.


N52 was made to be a jumping in point, but you could just as easily start near Rebirth right now and start from Super-dad onward to keep up with ongoing.
Though there's not much bad with N52 if you wanna backtrack and enjoy 5 years worth of that.

With N52 I would suggest Morrison and Pak outside of crossovers. The rest was kind of iffy in some aspects (Johns' good arc marred by bad arc, for example).

Do you care about continuity? If so then the current continuity only really matters from Rebirth and on.

If you don't care about continuity then there's this: plus the rest of the Geoff Johns run.

First we must ask: do you want to read hopeful, optimistic, powerful Superman, or more realistic, less-powerful Superman like from the Animated Series?

Read All Star Superman, Superman adventures, Alan Moore's Supreme and Silver age collections.