Is there a single thing positive about their relationship?

Is there a single thing positive about their relationship?

Is either one of them really doing anything for the other?

This just spells "ideal HS relationship about to go horribly wrong"

Are you fucking kidding me

You have to be over 18 to post here, Star.

Name one good thing about them.

Marco is still spilling spaghetti. Jackie still hasn't progressed as a character and on top of that she does all the work.

How is this relationship good for either of them?

It isn't but i honestly don't give a shit how bad it is for Jackie. She can do as much good as possible, she's still not interesting enough for me to care if she gets royally screwed. I'd actually find it kind of funny if Marco just starts dating Star without even thinking to tell Jackie or break up with her.

But Jackie is best girl

Starco is dead. Jackie's puss killed it.

>when you don't really care about the shipping either way but the constant crying and Jackie bashing by Starcucks is making you sick of their couple and now you want Star to just die

You all went full Padippicafag, never go full Padippicafag.

did you not watch the episode that's all about how Marco realized his life was full of regrets?
his prize for overcoming his insecurities was that Jackie finally noticed him. being with Jackie means that Marco had character development.

i still don't believe this is a real shot from the show

it looks like if timbox could use a colordropper

It is. Jackie is just a bit off model and the lighting is odd because they're facing the house with a party inside

Why did this series become waifufaggot shippying central? Seems like every calarts cartoons becomes this at some point and it's cancer.

I mean is the lack of waifufaggot shipping the reason why Wander Over Yonder failed?

How is this brown guy getting all the white girls? This doesn't happen in real life.

the plot with Lizard man is actually pretty boring and Star herself doesn't take that seriously so is the MC doesn't why should anyone do it?

the only thing left is the shipping shit.

Wander "failed" because none of the characters are actually interesting. I love McCracken to death, when I'm not busy hating him over the bitchin' redhead he managed to land with his potato-face, but he gambled and rolled snake-eyes with that one.

>characters that aren't interesting
You're saying this on a thread with Jackie "cardboard-cutout-with-curves" Lynn Thomas

Negative personality traits aren't the only ones in existence, Starcuck. They're just the ones people notice the most, since schadenfreude is a royal bitch. Jackie's a chill girl who is into sports and (surprisingly) history.

Beyond that we know she really appreciates people who try to get to know her beyond the superficial, and admires perseverance. She also gets super excited about sharing her passions (as shown in Bon Bon), has a silly dorky side, and may harbor some feelings of insecurity.

Jackies not as much of a bland character as many believe, but she still has a ways to go.

Exactly. And that's all she's good for.

Now dump her.

How could you dump her?

Easy, because she's boring and why date her when I can have a literal space princess?

That´s the point user...she will dump Mango :(

This is why Marco's a better person than you are.

But he isn't because he'll dump her too
Sorry Jackie, shoulda held his attention more

I wonder who is behind this post.

Jackie's gonna dump Marco, user.

Because she's a better person than you are, too.

And then I'll get what I want anyway, her not being friends with any of them and not having a reason to be on the show anymore

So I don't care who dumps who as long as Jackie goes away

She'll still be friends with both of them, user.

Because they're ALL better people than you are.

She'll be friends, yet she'll be the only one left behind on Earth; even Janna gets to go

Yeah, some friends there

I'll enjoy Jackie's fall from relevance

Your shipping goggles blind you to Nefcy's magnificence. I shall sustain myself on your tears, come S3.
