The Elvish Question

Why are elves a privileged class when the Dark Lord who nearly took over the world 2,000 years ago was an elf himself, and the orcs are treated as second-class citizens merely because their ancestors followed him?

Because they're jews

Holding the orcs responsible for the sins of their ancestors is convenient for the writer.

When will we finally have a solution to the knife ear question?

Why aren't elves responsible too?


same reason no one holds the jews accountable for killing jesus but only the nazis for killing jews


based voltaire

because the (((elves))) are actually the (((jews)))! le based secretly redpilled netflix movie! based max landis is so based!

>when lefty/pol/ inadvertently spouts truth for once

>everyone who makes fun of me its either a Jew or left

I havent seen the movie but I'm assuming it was only 1 elf.

So it'd be like blaming all wizards for Saruman or all Maiar for Sauron. yes I know wizards are maiar

le mental illness posts

>Shadilay my friend XD

How much does Rivendell pay you for these posts?

Comments like these are the reason I've had less and less fun with this site over the years, it's just so factually wrong, to the point that you yourself point out where you're wrong in the same goddamn sentence and yet you still hit the submit button.

boohoo faggot go drown yourself

>Why are elves a privileged class when the Dark Lord who nearly took over the world 2,000 years ago was an elf himself

It's easy. The elves control finance and media. That way they have both the money to influence society combined with the media constantly conditioning society.


I though you retards always babbled about how the jews are actually khazars and not the jews in the bible


these posts are more fun, keep posting like that and entertain me monkey

>Why are elves a privileged class when the Dark Lord who nearly took over the world 2,000 years ago

Because the elves, despite being 2% of the population make up 98% of all media jobs, finance, and the judiciary.

I love this movie. It made my orcposting memes come to life.


Fuck off back to R*ddit.




End anti-orc racism now

Stop restricting Orc immigration. There are no borders there is only one world. A Europe that is majority Orc is still Europe. Open your heart.

It's just fact, borders are just lines drawn on a map and shit, fuck white people and fuck the concept of nations, gibs me dat.