Steven Universe mamaged to be better than Samurai Jack this week

Steven Universe mamaged to be better than Samurai Jack this week.


You can't just ignore this, JackFags

Jack is just a severe decline in quality after the first three episodes.

i love SU but i never thought it would happen.
thanks genndy

>he didn't stop watching Samurai Jack after seeing episode 4

based anons

Nice 4 gets

But the week just started?

episodes out yet?

No, go away

Memes and baits aside, the last episode of SU was better than the episode 8 of SJ.


Not gonna lie. This Steven Bomb got interested again. Can't wait for this "boom" to turn into "bust"

So when does Steven get raped in Homeworld prison?

all I saw was yet again the ''advanced alien life forms can't understand simple Earth concepts'' followed by a generic action scene.

Did I miss something?

>ITT: Everyone baiting everyone else and waiting for a bite.
>But how can anyone bite at your bait if they too have bait in the water?

Steven Jewniverse is Cancer

you are just jealous

You are only saying that after what happened with Jack and Ashi.

>Kick off the arc everyone who watches the show has been waiting YEARS for
>The worst character on the show is going to be a major part of it
>"better than Samurai Jack"

>worst character on the show is going to be a major part of it
guess both shows got something in common

Gem Empire vs Aku

who would win?

Aku, considering literally nothing can hurt him but divine magic and that fucking sword. The gems would likely have nothing that could harm him.

Quit trying to 5 year old bait, even if you think so there'd be no reason to say it/make a thread about it unless you wanted to bait. I'm sorry you're underage and can't even manage to pull in more than a few people with Steven bait, which is easy as fuck, but it's aggravating to see this place become so juvenile that weak ass bait keeps getting weaker after rock bottom.

So is Steven Universe not going to follow up on the Diamonds or any other pertinent longstanding plots left unfinished?

Or is it just pulling a Dragon Ball Z and introducing a new character/villain/ally instead of just getting to its endgame.

Seriously, this is why I refuse to watch cartoons anymore. I would like for the creators to reach their conclusions before being cancelled.

they can sing horribly bad "add words as you go" pseudo show tunes at him

might drive him crazy enough to just fuck right off


>not knowing about the massive tumblr assblast over SJ last episode
The crossposters have been salty ever since.