I haven't seen manny threads about this movie what are you guys thoughts?

I haven't seen manny threads about this movie what are you guys thoughts?

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Sup Forums only watches blockbusters.

I'm sorry but the title is really fucking stupid

a movie about a fridge?
what is there to tell?

>tfw hollywood is so feminist it can't even make a figure skating movie without it being butch strong women bullshit
Sad. Figure skating is supposed to be cute and feminine. Yuri on ice was cute and feminine and it was about men.

Trying so hard to be like one of Scorcese's crime films it hurts.

I'll maybe watch it when it's out on bluray. I don't go to movie theaters anymore unless there's a giant spectacle that demands an IMAX theater.

>I, [character name]
I really dislike this every time I see it

Male figure skating is gross. Thats why people like ladies figure skating, they have a figure to work with.

why is she so short? they needed her legmeat to augment the ready player one poster?