What are the biggest mistakes with the new Star Wars trilogy?

What are the biggest mistakes with the new Star Wars trilogy?

The whole First Order vs Resistance thing doesn't make sense. How the fuck did a paramilitar group beat the New Republic to the point they had to become the resistance? Honestly, they deserve what they got for their incompetence.

Having nothing to do the the prequels. There. I said it.

cool concept art to be honest

(so, anakin was a skeleton all along? Now I understand the meaning of the skeleton appearing at the end of rotj)

Having no master plan.

New Republic disbanded its army

pandering to an audience rather than making a quality product

because their female leaders decided to disband the army so there could never be a war again.

really makes you think.

>disbanding your military right after winning a brutal civil war that saw entire planets destroyed
What did they mean by this?

They needed to be a clean break from everything that had come before. Those stories are finished; the character arcs are over. This trilogy should have been a brand new set of characters and environments, completely independent from all that has come before. It would allow these movies breathe, but importantly it'd ensure that these new stories don't undermine the older films; films that people love and cherish. The exact opposite happened with TFA. The film's entire purpose being to hit people over and over with waves of nostalgia. You still get people defending TFA and saying that it "needed" to be that way. That's bullshit. Then Johnson came along with TLJ. No one at Disney even seemed check if the film worked as a sequel to TFA, which it obviously didn't. Johnson still tapped heavily into nostalgia, but he at least wanted to give the appearance that his movie is different. So now, 2/3s into this 'trilogy' you've got two filmmakers (with the first one coming back to direct the third!) that have completely different concepts of what these movies are supposed to be. Entire narrative threads are cut short or thrown out all together between films. Ridiculous decisions are made as a substitute for real creativity, and the entire project is being run by a micromanaging cut-throat who's already fired 3 directors in her short term as the one presiding over these stories. Obviously there's a lot more but I think these are the broadest problems.