So they die when they go in the teleported and are rearranged with new atoms at the lz?
They are just copies of each other?
Like a photocopy from a photocopy machine
So they die when they go in the teleported and are rearranged with new atoms at the lz?
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I always thought it was some quantum bullshit
You can't clone a quantum state so if the exact state is perfectly imitated at the far size then it must be the same entity
I dunno
I wouldn't get in one
we dont know enough about teleporter technology to make any kind of guess about how it really works. none of them have some kind of existensial crisises every time they teleport, so everything is intact more or less, their soul is still there. all the stuff that makes you you.
I think there is a episode that deals with that
no, there was that episode that showed Barclay being completely conscious throughout the transport
I never understood why this was such a controversy, your body mostly replaces your cells every every 7-15 years. Are you still the same person you were when you were a child?
It disassembles you, transports your atomic information digitally and reassembles it at your destination.
Thats why there are two Rikers and Neelix and Tuvok got race mixed that one time.
This, but I don't believe it's the same consciousness coming out the other side. To copy you it would need to tear you apart, effectively killing you then replicating you piece by piece, and your consciousness is reconstructed based on the exact same brain being copied. This means the clone inherits all of your memories and "thinks" it's the one before it, but what's really happening is you're sacrificing yourself every time to become immediately replaced. I don't believe the users are fully aware of what happens, only Starfleet higher ups or whoever manufactures the system. It really puts a different perspective on the value of each crew member, for example the original Kirk would've died decades ago when he first transported, and there have been so many copies of him since then that Kirk isn't the name of a specific person, he's more like a concept carried down by several iterations of the same consciousness. You're not only dedicating your life to the pursuit of peace but your very essence as a person, as it's continuously placed into a new host for the length of your service.