Why is Leto so overrated?
Why is Leto so overrated?
Ledger also injected heroin needles into his arms to get inside the wacky mind of joker
He also fucked an Olsen to know what it would be like to have his own Harley Quinn
isn't leto a known sexual pervert/assaulter, always abusing women and shit
the absolute madman i bet his mom freaked
he did a good job at least
Jared Leto is one of the most overrated, talentless dick sucking assfaggot twink subhuman turds of the 21 century. If he hadn't have his twink gayassfaggot dick sucking female look to him, not a single fucking soul would care about that shit breathing tryhard. He would literally be Michael Cera tier.
Leto is overrated because he is doing the celebrity equivalent of photobombing movies - all of his roles are short lived memes and the fucker ruined blade runner for me personally
also your image is bullshit because he was on the opiate train.. he didnt stay up he was just drunk / really really high on junk to remove all inhibitions and literally did the role on a blissfull autopilot
t. white australian male opiate user
Leto browsed gore porn and rekt images to get into the mind of a psychopath.
No joke I read this is an article but not sure where it was. He basically said he would browse sick stuff for hours to try and feel how a psychopath does.
isn't he only getting movie roles because of his parents?