>The virgin Star Wars
>The chad Valerian
The virgin Star Wars
>the same shitty cover art
this movie was trashy as fuck but i did like it more than the last 3 star wars. if they'd cut out some of the set piece overload it would have been perfect. obviously it would've been hated still because nobody likes these movies unless they're star wars.
>1. Change the soundtrack
>2. Change the MCs
Everything else is perfect.
Its like a star wars but with a cute all white cast without SJW politics
I really hope everyone in this thread is joking
why is Clara such a qt?
the plot is about social justice lel
Valerian is about genuinely building a peaceful utopia rather than bloodthirsty war mongering Star Wars. Liberals and SJWs are always clamouring for violence.
quads of truth
Better than disneywars movies. I gave it 6/10. Cara was decent, the dude was bad.
Didn't the director get the movie funded without jews or something? I'll watch it eventually. I know it has to be better than Mickey Mouse's sterile shit.
I want to pet her eyebrows
Cara > Daisy
It is about ethnic and cultural autodetermination.
If Luc Besson didn't cast two talentless literal whos he could have success with this flick.
However Cara and Dane have no charisma or talent. Cara is just straight up bad while Dane is good only for roles that require him to perform autistic screech.
fucking Harvey the Lucky dog!
no the script was absolute dogshit
I actually liked Valerian.
I don't feel like the casting was all that bad, Cara is a QT and Dane is fine, it was more the overbearing constant snarky dialogue between them that brought it down.
And they should have cut the whole subplot involving Cara being kidnapped and Rihanna being a shapeshifting space squid prostitute.
Lol I gotta see this now
>Rihanna being a shapeshifting space squid prostitute
It gave me a fetish I didnt know I had.
Male protag sounds like a serious Kung Fury
Female protag has less emotions than a flat rock
Rihanna is just... weird
Hints of a huge and interesting universe but no exploration whatsoever
Pearl females are like a much sexier Navi
Overall CGI is top notch and imo more "colorful" than GoTG2
All in all a tolerable movie that looks fantastic
>$0.20 has been deposited into your account
Man, stop tripfagging please for fuck's sake, it's pure cringe every time I see your star in a thread.
god damn right
Guy who played Valerian is the most unlikeable human being ever.
Surely there would have been better actors to play the role of some alpha male space cowboy instead of this twink smug looking ass nigger. Probably ran out of budget cause of Rihanna.
Yeah, i decided against seeing Valerian when I saw the WOMEN RULE THE UNIVERSE ad.
>Surely there would have been better actors to play the role of some alpha male space cowboy instead of this twink smug looking ass nigger.
Isn't that the question of the day :^)
but that loser is what soy-gurgling numales consider alpha these days
Valerian was shit except for that opening scene.
also, watch the fifth element instead
Still better than the disneymarvel crap put out in 2017, objectively speaking.
explaining the citadel was great as well with the different races.
It was pretty and wasted on a subpar plot. Why can a movie never combine visuals and a good plot. I'd rather them just explore the world than waste it on some time pertinent secret ploy that's super generic.
Post everything sexy
Great movie. Had a lot of fun watching it. The visuals are god tier. Music is great. Costumes and set design = marvelous. Special effects look good. Everybody shits on acting but it's no Shakespeare, god dammit. Take it easy.
It's a good movie. My conservative parents love it.
not even remotely close to an accomplishment
Titlets are never sexy
Lucas ripped off Valerian comics as well as almost everything he could. Those things that were his original ideas (ie: a large staff drew up ideas and he approved) were garbage.
>Why can a movie never combine visuals and a good plot
BEADY kike eyes