TLJ is the ultimate casual fan filter. I'm convinced that the only people who hate it are redditors and nostalgiafags who actually have 0 understanding or knowledge of the Star Wars world beyond their Yoda t-shirt, and act like they do because right now it's cool to like Star Wars. And they're finally being exposed by TLJ as shallow fake fans, and they don't like it. That's why they're screaming in butthurt.
Every single actual fan I've spoken to, who truly appreciates the franchise without feeling the need to broadcast it to the world, has absolutely loved TLJ.
Nathaniel Fisher
>i'm just pretending to be retarded
John Perez
Thanks for your input, friend.
Grayson Green
not that guy but I think you're retarded too, and I don't like you
Jason Gomez
>>nigger Excellent post, user. I look forward to a lengthy thread of original and worthwhile discussion inspired by your insight. You lazy shitposting fucking cunt.
Carter Butler
I assure you user, the feeling is mutual.
Angel Ross
Leo Wood
Because she is an independent woman who can do everything by herself.
Angel Hill
only people who like this movie are complete cunts who ignore the major flaws just because the movie pays lip service to their ideology
Caleb Ross
Put yourself in her shoes without spewing memes for just one moment. There's some guy you hate and believe to be a retard running around getting in your way. You know he is volatile and untrustworthy. He is not your equal and your best friend/fuckbuddy's last action was demoting him even further, showing a further lack of trust. What would you do?