He turned the benchmark for popcorn blockbusters into a legitimate pleb-filter. He knew the backlash would be coming for him from fat nerds and manchildren for "making something inaccessible to franchise fans." He knew he was shaking up the status quo by actually examining a theme instead of just painting it on in post as an afterthought. He knew. And he did it anyway because somebody had to tell those fat fucks to take a shower and get out of the house. What Malick did to conventional narrative, Johnson did to space opera.
You don't have to thank him right now. But you will. We all will.
but-but i spent years watching snoke theory videos for nothing!
luke wasnt some op anime character!
Henry Campbell
only plebs didn't get The Last Kino
Michael Garcia
dont forget he also btfo blacked cucks
Brayden Sanchez
absolutely based
Jose Williams
Isaiah Bell
There is nothing legitimately 'deconstructive' about TLJ. It literally rips-off Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi while simultaneously bastardizing and over-simplifying the themes of those films.
Like many 'pleb-filters' TLJ is a film that, at best, misses the point and instead blindly aims to be deconstructive without knowing what exactly deconstruction entails.
There is nothing complex or 'deep' about TLJ - unless your a first year film student who easily buys into the idea that being a contrarian makes you more knowledgeable about film.
Evan Gray
Luke = Rian Milk = Manchild Tears
Luke King
I hate that island and Canto Bight so much. It looks too much like Earth