Bond. James Bond
That'd probably like 90% of his dialogue, just saying that once. All the rest quiet autistic stares.
it'd be pure kino
He is astonishing ugly by Hollywood hunk standards. Not saying he isn't cut, but he has a droop eye. By God's grace he escaped a life working at a Home Depot.
Can the Goose do an English accent?
hollywood standards are a meme, according to hollywood various 6/10s are super model tier because (((they))) told you so.
Men are judged a bit differently than women when it comes to looks. A man doesn't have to be pretty, he just has to look masculine. Which means he can look a bit weird or ugly, but if he can look confident, maybe grow some facial hair for that rugged look, and maybe have a good jaw he can be a sex symbol.
They need to find a guy with a masculine face structure and good voice.
White/European is obligatory this is Sup Forums
>a masculine face structure and good voice.
He's too good for that trash.
>almost 2018
>not rooting for iris alba