Mad Jack WAS the show, once he died then I had to drop it

Mad Jack WAS the show, once he died then I had to drop it

Am I the only one? The series should've been Mad Jack/Jack traveling together to defeat Aku, while going through the struggles and conflict of each other's choices

Can't lie, I think it would've been more interesting than the Ashi shit

>the entire season but instead of romance bullshit it's seppeku jack constantly shitting on jack
I'd sell of my limbs for this and die of laughter afterwards

>Jack is too passive
>Mad Jack is too aggressive
>end of the season is both of them combining together to become original Jack once again to beat Aku

Sounds good. Something that always bothered me about Jack this season is how he just drives off and leaves that village of people behind, but he never does anything else like that for the rest of the season. It felt like an idea that they never followed up on.

Mad Jack was another wasted and beautiful potential that should've been through the whole series instead adding some love interest

That's why people were loving episodes 1-3, but once the shit went left it just became dull as fuck.

Yeah, I think a major problem with Season 5 is that all of the changes Jack went through didn't stick.

It's like

>Episode 1 - 5: Jack has dealt with a lot of issues over the course of the show and this is the main intrigue of the season.
>Episode 6: Oh, the kids aren't dead? I guess I don't feel guilty for failing my family anymore.
>Episode 7: Oh, Mad Jack is the reason I don't have the sword. Bye, Mad Jack.
>Gods basically hit the reset button and turn Jack back into how he was during Seasons 1 - 4
>they even get rid of the beard so that there's not even any indication he went through any of the Season 5 shit

When I think about it, all of the season's pacing problems have come down to:

1) The writers have to handle not one major character arc, but two
2) The second character's arc didn't really begin until the fourth episode
3) The second character needed two and a half episodes before that just to establish her existence

Ashi was a mistake.

>The series should've been Mad Jack/Jack traveling together to defeat Aku, while going through the struggles and conflict of each other's choices
That would be retarded. You're basically asking for the entire show to be Jack bickering with himself, which would get old very fucking fast. Self-conflict should be a theme that develops the protagonist, not a fucking plot device.

Shut up, we had ten fucking episodes that would've been perfectly fine. You don't know shit about good writing, go love your ashi shipping crap somewhere else

Yes I am MAD, Genndy RUINED this and if I see him in real life then I'm punching in the face and i'm gonna try and grope his booty then begin to rape him until security asks me to stop but then I'll say "Not until I BUST a NUT" then I'll go "NNNNHHGGGGG" and Genndy will be like "Ahh ahhh~" then his booty will be full of nut then I'll be like "Okay arrest me, the deed is done, Mr Krabs!" then Jack will appear in the shadows and say "Thank you for avenging me" then I'll cry as they take me away to prison

The more ideas I hear out of Sup Forums, the more I am glad none of you are writers.



>hurr durr you didn't like my shitty idea you must be an Ashifag!!!!
Next time, try coming up with ideas that would actually improve the show instead of sperging out.

*Rapes you*

I'm sorry, what bitch? I only answer to men, not sissies


Why do you folks always reply to the most obvious b8?

>The state of OP




nigga what

this is right in between trying too hard and not knowing when to stop

It was god damn funny


Ep. 1-3 were GOAT. Perfect set up for the "New Jack". Everything after that is downhill. Ashi isn't interesting. No matter how badly they try to build this "relationship", it will always feel lack luster.

I assume they are like me and do it for good reaction posts to save

>most here love the shipping bullshit
these fags are why we can't have anything good

consider the waste she is:
>from birth to 16+ she is brainwashed that Jack is evil, should die, and that's why she exists
>Jack saves her
>She won't kill Jack and almost trusts him even though this is the same guy that days ago killed all your sisters
>Jack's tour of Aku world make's her go good
>which makes no fucking sense because being raised in a cave your whole life being beat on by extra thicc trainers means you have 0 conception of right and wrong, or even what is and isn't normal.
>within a months time falls for him romantically
>the fucker that killed his family
>the person she was sworn to kill

It's not even that. Ashi is just flat fucking boring. Think of all the other characters Jack meets throughout his journey. They're all designed to present themselves as Foils to jack. This makes their interactions fun to watch. A loud mouth scotsman, a funky samoorai with a boombox, a Flamboyant Demon with a lisp. They're ALL fun in contrast with jack.

But ashi is just...there. She doesn't make you laugh, she's not "cool", she's not anything.

It's almost as if Ashi existed to help Jack, instead of being a foil to Jack.

I never got why he helped the Emoji family but didn't care about the village. Feels like he would either fully stop caring about helping people or still be fighting for them, I don't get the mix of both stances.

>the person she was sworn to kill
maybe the message here is that people arent evil from birth and its never too late to change your ways. if you grew up like that and those teaching led to the death of your family i would discard them too. they died because they sought to take anothers life simply because they are told to hate him.

It was just done in a boring way. With so many interesting characters to choose from, it's criminal to go with Literally who Ashi.

Ashi is literally the Innocent/naive girl trope with Jack being her guide to the world. Many kids and late bloomers like that trope because 1. The main male is her only real exposure to the opposite sex 2.the girl completely invests in them emotionally. To make matters worse she even betrayed her mother which for a lot of men is a huge boner popper because for most guys the biggest conflict with a girl is her family.

How could any of those characters have helped Jack, given the state he was in?

Look m8, I'm not here to draw up an entire screenplay which eschews ashi. I'm just saying I didn't like her. She's boring and uninteresting. The audience was teased with a fun premise, but it was shelved in favor of Ashi/Jack. It turned out to not be that compelling.

Congrats, your post has both confused and irritated me. I have naught but a reaction image of a fat asshole to give you.

>maybe the message here is that people arent evil from birth
Kids need guidance in a bad way, they don't know how to be 'good' unless the values are placed in them, without any guidance they are opportunistic (spoiled brat) guidance aimed a solitary goal leads to that being the norm and you don't shake that off because a guy rescues you once. More so when that guy killed your family and you have been told since birth needs to die.

>and its never too late to change your ways.
Change is a very slow hard processes. More so when it's from elements of how you were raised and the way Ashi was raised it would take years to decades to shake off that conditioning.

>if you grew up like that and those teaching led to the death of your family i would discard them too.
This tells me you are either shitposting or underage if you think logic is going to be the anchor of your mind, more so when you could always still kill him when given the opportunity and then self reflect.

>simply because they are told to hate him.
and that is a powerful thing to a 5 year old. They have a very usable view of the world and basically what the parent does creates the narrative and the less room they have to rebel (ie the more they are severely punished) the more they will conform to conditioning.

Ashi could've been cool. Just keep her a pissy, angry, sheltered murder savant. And her old look would've made for cool fight scenes after Jack got his gi back, just for the samurai/ninja contrast.

Why write it all like they have? We have two more episodes to go but I'm going to be pissed as hell if the "50 years have past" has little explanation or pay off.
That said we just saw Scotsman ghost dad and he would have been a hell of a counter to mad Jack, more so if we the audience was left to guess if that was really a ghost or just Jack's unhinged mind creating a counter to cope with all the stress.

I really wish his shogun armor came back for a bit. That was a really cool look.

Genndy was way to quick tossing that away, I wish it stayed right up to episode 6 somehow it would have made his transformation back more meaningful.

>failing my family

Wasn't the solution to this ashi reminding him that he's helped plenty more in his time? People have continuously died around him, but he's saved a lot of people.

>Bye, Mad Jack

Wasn't this just symbolic of him getting over his inner turmoil?

I think he was going for a direct parallel with his father meeting the gods.
But the armor definitely would've made for more of a dramatic restoration.

>initial episodes about coming to terms with hopelessness by challenging long-held beliefs to reach self-actualization
>later episodes about one of the assassins wanting to take the top knot from her father figure


Do any of you guys find the romance stuff kinda strange?
It's corny, predictable, and pretty out of place to the point where I feel that Genndy is planning on laying out a incredibly huge ruse regarding it.

I'd say the major fault of this season was treating Mad Jack and the Omen as a antagonist. They're set up and act in manners that simply reflect Jack's conscience, convictions, and instincts. Writing them as enemies that could be fought away was dumb since they epitomize natural emotional cycles.

It's funny how this theme was touched upon more realistically in a single episode 15 years ago.

>and that is a powerful thing to a 5 year old.

I think that was the biggest problem with the Ashi conversion episode. They waste a shitload of time going on an action packed trip to Aku's wasteland when the climax of the fucking episode drove the point home. Ashi watches helplessly as brainwashed children attack Jack and the minion of Aku cackles about how easily children can be manipulated to do your bidding. Bam, character arc resolved, Ashi realizes she's been manipulated (retarded as it is for that smallest of events to undo years of conditioning, I'm rolling with the premise for the sake of not deviating too far from what we've already got), she's /Jack's guy/ now. That entire episode was filler existing to take up time and put Jack in a funny outfit.

I came into this thread just to say something like this.
>It's funny how this theme was touched upon more realistically in a single episode 15 years ago.
And other shows before it and after have done it too.

Plus, even when Jack talking to himself in the cave and in giant monster about how he should go about treating the people who tried to kill him, those moments didn't seem malicious at all, even with the smug and sinster faces. "Should I go all out and return the favor to the people who try to kill me" and "why try to help my attempted murderer" are reasonable questions that anyone would be asking themselves in that situation.

I kind of wish all of Jack's problems weren't zapped away. It would've been neat to see him still able to do great, good things after all that trauma. To accept he'll never be S1-4 Jack again, but that he isn't lesser for it.

Jack was just having a fever dream after eating that bad space shrimp

I've never quite got over that stupid turning point where Jack finally broke and was about to kill himself over the "death" of all the kids

Nigga all Jack had to do was wait literally less than two goddamn minutes to see the kids weren't dead

How fucking hokey and cheap is that

Yeah, this whole thing kicked into hyper gear after episode 3; it's ridiculous, and I'll always blame princess IIana.

>That entire episode was filler existing to take up time and put Jack in a funny outfit
Which they abandoned.
Like the samurai armor.
And the bike.
And the varied arsenal of weapons.
And the beard.

Fuck, this season was getting me disappointed early on but the crap with Jack going back exactly to normal makes everything we just saw practically mean nothing. The time skip was sweot under the rug , Ashi could've been included without the cult prefaces, and the sword could've been retrieved at any point. And by what we saw in the next preview, you actually can just ignore the rest of S5 and jump on now.

Watching that episode now.

>dat knock-off soul bossa nova as he walks into the bar


Frankly this whole season can be summed up as:
>"Hey guys! Remember Jack vs Mad Jack, Jack Remembers The Past, and the Tale of X9? Well let's do them all over again, but even worse."

>the sword could've been retrieved at any point.
it literally couldn't.
they spell this out plainly. the sword wasn't just sitting at the bottom of the crag the whole time, it had vanished. and it wouldn't be returned to Jack until he shed all the emotional baggage he'd picked up and returned to walking the middle path, which began with his shedding all the tryhard junk he'd been overcompensating with and ended with shedding the part of him that kept pointing blame and finding excuses rather than accepting the now as what it as regardless of who did what

They could at least let him keep a beard.

>Tale of X9?
i want to chime in on something. I didnt like how jack treated like killing a person was a big deal (especially for a samurai trying to say the world) but i also don't like that "just nuts and bolts line". i know its small, but thats a key thing that throws out what jack seemed to be all about. he respected robots all the time. He treated them as citizens like everyone else and risked his life to save them when ever they needed help. Seeing those impaled robot heads in the concept art made me think this was one of the things they would touch upon. Too bad that wasn't the case.

>it literally couldn't.
Yes he could. He could still go through all that development if he went down that hole immediately.

>it wouldn't be returned to Jack until he shed all the emotional baggage he'd picked up and returned to walking the middle path

But that could've happened right away.
Jack could've been lamenting his issues in his journey down the chasm, find that the sword vanished, and realized that he would have to go on an emotional journey to see why it left him.

And whether you're depressed or not, it's still dumb to leave the key to saving the universe down a hole for 50 years without bothering to check if it's salvageable.

Jack x Mad Jack?

Well, I'm just gonna give you a (You) because your autism was at least entertaining.

>(retarded as it is for that smallest of events to undo years of conditioning
no that would have help a lot, more so if they made Ashi still begrudging to Jack all the way to that point, more so if they kept her distrustful after and had her plead with her mother to understand why Jack was the enemy rather than just 'fuck you mom I love him!"

going down the hole wasn't the trigger to his development, it just verified what he already understood. trying to convince a brainwashed minion of Aku that there was good and beauty in the world which had nothing to do with Aku was the trigger for his development

>not .png

Please stop!
.jpgs are a scourge that need to be stopped

>Episode 2 pulls in the best ratings across the board
As it should.

(Ecstasy of Gold knock-off intensifies)

>trying to convince a brainwashed minion of Aku that there was good and beauty in the world
Actually Jack was trying to convince her that the world was shit thanks to Aku.

>People forgot what is allegory, symbolism, Hero's Journey and character development

Its not even that Sup Forums criticizes the show, the method of critique is so pathetic, you can't even wield the arguments you field.
The worst thing you can do is to come with expectations and hope in vain that they will be fulfilled, while failing to realize the difference bwtween seasons 1-4 and this one, let alone fail to comprehend that Samurai Jack was always primarily a visual medium - story only became important now, but most of the show was always about set pieces and the art itself as a storytelling medium rather than what characters said or did.

To give you children a coherent plot is to expect that you fucking understand what the idea of a "plot" contains.

both are true. he took her to a single beautiful tree where there used to be shitloads

>The worst thing you can do is to come with expectations and hope in vain that they will be fulfilled
there were none at the start of this short of the visual mediums. Everyone was excited to see Genndy do what he does best and bluntly the last half of these episodes are very lacking in that.
> while failing to realize the difference bwtween seasons 1-4 and this one
The major difference was where it was pitched as a 10 part limited series which implies a very different narrative than what the first 4 seasons were like.
> let alone fail to comprehend that Samurai Jack was always primarily a visual medium
Actually that's where the contempt for Ashi comes from, the first three episodes were filled with visual actions and felt very much like the old series with a pinch of spice to them, come episode 5 it started to unglue and the plot got tangled up with this new OC girl that has next to no real personality and just seemed to be Jack soon to be gf. The action weaken, the plot got worse and the visuals lost a lot of their luster because we had to deal with this romance situation that is unnecessary and boring.

>To give you children a coherent plot is to expect that you fucking understand what the idea of a "plot" contains.
You know what plot people were expecting? Jack has kickass awesome battles, finds his sword, confronts Aku.
The first 3 episodes filled this and were greatly loved here. but 4 onward was when things got controversial and for good reason.

Another proof that Jack haters are retarded

But I wanted 10 episodes of action & that's it! I don't wanna see story & development!

it would have been interesting but Jack isn't Guts.

>tfw ghost Scotsman will never meet angry jack and start making fun of him

Sup Forums can't stand to see any characters happy or with gf
>suprise suprise

Both are fine but not when it's just a boring slob of a mess
also I know you are just baiting to keep your thread alive


>and i'm gonna try and grope his booty

The fuck

>The first 3 episodes filled this and were greatly loved here. but 4 onward was when things got controversial and for good reason.

Except the first 3 episodes were setting everything up. I'm sorry you are having trouble connecting dots or perceiving narrative devices, but there is nothing jarring or dramatic in shift between these and the rest.

>Jack has kickass awesome battles, finds his sword, confronts Aku.
And he has emotional and spiritual recovery on the way as well, in line with the idea of 50 years passing since last time. Consistency much?

>visuals lost a lot of their luster
My god, you people project so hard.

You don't seem to understand the purpose of this season, let alone the idea of closure, and especially emotional closure which has always been central to the motives and the character of Jack.

it's not a matter of romance, it's a matter of putting something as long to develop as romance in 10 episodes, wich is stupid, even if Genndy wanted this for the original final, he should have known that 10ep would not be enough
But he acted like the Foolish Animator he is and unleashed an unspeakable ship upon the world

>Ashi reminding him

But that was so abrupt. Even knowing he helped all of those people, the thing that caused him to turn around and get the sword again was the knowledge that the kids from Episode 5 didn't die. Even though he failed to save children in Episode 1 from being killed by Scaramouche. It felt like an easy handwave.

>Wasn't this just symbolic of him getting over his inner turmoil?

Mad Jack in the original episode was beaten by Jack after a long fight that destroyed everything around them, followed by Jack realizing he was being just as bad as what he was fighting. So he decided not to fight and just meditated to purge himself of those negative emotions. Here, he just stares at him and he suddenly disappears. There's no real build-up; he just suddenly decides he wants him gone and he's gone.

action is almost non existent and development is weak.

Yes. But you can't criticize it on here without being accused of being Tumblr.

The show definitely did start off much stronger. It felt like night and day comparing last episode to any of the scenes between Jack and his father. I just don't think Ashi is a good fit, the show worked much better when it was focusing solely on Jack. Her going from treating Jack as an abhorred enemy to a sexual partner just feels rushed, I don't know if 10 episodes were too few or if it just wasn't executed well enough, either way it felt off to me. If he absolutely had to have a companion, I think the Wolf would have been a better/more natural.

I'm still watching every episode as they come out because I enjoy them, but looking back I can't say I'm not a bit disappointed with the direction the show has gone.

This. There was no need for a magic reset button that returned Jack to the status quo. There should have been something to show that he'd grown or changed from Seasons 1 - 4.

Instead, you could just skip from the end of Season 4 right to Episode 8 and the only thing you'd miss is the backstory of the love interest given how little of his issues matter in Season 5.

I was willing to give it a pass at the time, but the resolution was weak and that's kind of soured me as to how it was led into as well.

It took Jack less than an hour after meeting Mad Jack to realize what he needed to do to get rid of him the first time. There's no reason Jack couldn't have gone to immediately retrieve the sword when he first lost it.

But he didn't, because the premise of Season 5 wouldn't have happened if he had.

They want to be in the screencap.