Gunnerkrigg Court

>Good deal.

I feel Tom's stil not quiiite there with his profiles.

Also I'm getting bored of Annie being mopey and introspective: let's see how Robot's getting on!

And Kat will say: "Fuck that" and proceed to rend the illusion that is the afterlife and gods because she is the great creatrix

i like kat's hair

Don Muut

I'd like to know what's the pay for a psychopomp? Is there vacation time?

I thought it was more vague than that

All I remember is the "You belong to us" line

They stopped putting Styx fees on their dead, so the pay is pretty shit.



Aw motherfucker, I knew those words seemed out of place

>tfw actual fucking mobsters are less of cockmonglers than the psychopomps


Annie's gonna have to be the one to lead her father to the afterlife to make the suffering circle complete.

From that day on? Or just once?

Never thought about that before, sounds pretty likely now.

where the heck is Reynard these days

Kiss her, Annie!
You have to kiss her now!

While kat makes a good argument I still agree with Red on the name thing mostly.

When will Paz finally get jealous of Annie and tell Kat to not hang out with her anymore?

Yep: Annie and her dad finally enjoy a moment of mutal understanding... as she leads him into oblivion in the Ether. I'd say that's pretty inevitable.

Surely women aren't that insecure about friends from before they were in a relationship.

Yeah. The only way I could see it being okay is if Ayilu or Red asked for a name in exchange for help. I think Annie would have mentioned that by now if it were the case.


We've already done that sort of thing with Mort though.

It was a total asshole move on Annie's part, though. Giving fairies a name is simple and costless for her, but she made Ayilu risk her life for it. It's like making a hobo eat glass in exchange for a sandwich you were going to throw out anyway.

>Her father
I was thinking about Kat.

arguably Ayilu or red should have figured out what they where getting into before they took the deal.

I don't think that's a fair analogy. it wasn't something that was going to waste otherwise it was for a good cause and there was only chance of getting hurt. I think it's more like a trillionaire offers you $100,000 to swim into a river to rescue someone. sure to them $100,000 is nothing, but it was for a good cause and there was only a chance of drowning.

While maybe Annie didn't think about or care much about danger it's still at least partly on Ayilu and red to make their own decision and accept the consequences. Ayilu could have just waited for a name like everyone else. she would have gotten it eventually. And it's not like Annie sat back and watched the show. she got involved and put herself at risk also.

I hope everything works out okay for Annie!