Bullseye Storytime

Hey /co, i'm going to try my first storytime for you. The first issue of Bullseye and his new ongoing series. Have fun reading!


this page I had to break down by three parts

I actually like big splash pages like this. gives that cinematic feel


>starting off series with a bang
the best kind of fireworks


It looks like you're trying to murder people. How can Mr Clip help?

whoops. almost forgot one. this is page 5

And don't mind the glares and quality, just trying to share a fun comic



This storytime brought to you by the PotatoCam 3000


smart guy





Colonel Sanders whispers through the void..."the hard way, son...choose the hard way.."


das muh staplur

hope at least somebody is reading

the storytime I mean



no, not gary!






Personally, I give this comic a thumbs up

I would cover the last page with a spoiler, like tradition, but it doesn't seem like anyone's here. So fug it

The End. Please support your LCS and the official issues. And now I must sleep.

Since you went through all this work I guess I'll give it a shot

bullseye is an OG. Thanks user.

Thanks much, I don't think this ever got storytimed.

thanks op good stuff

what a bastard

Good stuff. But I don't think it's ongoing. If I'm not mistaken the next issue is going to be the last issue

Why does anybody in the MU live in NYC?


why did you have to hand scan it? couldn't you find a digital copy and just post the pages individually?

Btw, it's a 5 issue mini-series.

Frankie boy was in season 2 of Daredevil, not Bullseye.