Any films about men getting their shit completely fucked?
>unironically asking reddit for advice
no pity desu
Claim your going to kill yourself
Back out of it at the last minute
The therapist was only giving him what he wanted he might as well do it now
>I guess I could try to walk or hitchike to a warmer place, but I just don't have the energy. So I've decided that I'm just going to let nature take its course and I'll freeze or starve to death here. I'm okay with this.
>Loses everything
>Still has time to post on plebbit
Lel hope he gets aids while sucking dick for food
He was posting using McDonald's Wi-Fi in the parking lot.
I actually cant stop laughing at this loser.
Fun fact: literally the same could happen if you talked about 2D
yeh what an idiot everyone knows if you want good advice you should ask the fat autistic virgin sperg lords at Sup Forums