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make me


All of my friends ignore me and I haven't left my house in 6 days, i also stay up till 4 am and jerk off every day
it feels awful but i dont know what else to do

do you like my prose?

I haven't seen Scarface, The Shawshank Redemption, or any of the Godfather movies


I regularly fucked my younger sisters friend. She’d spend literally every weekend over.

lmao I thought /fat/ was a joke but it actually exists

I don't watch tv or movies anymore but I still come here to shitpost.

I've never watched an episode of breaking bad, walking dead or game of thrones.

nigga wtf go watching Breaking Bad right now

calm down with the short sentences there, Cormac.

Hot. Greentext please

nigga wtf go back to reeddit right now

O Holy Ghost, Source of all light, Spirit of wisdom, of understanding and of knowledge, come to my assistance and enable me to make a good confession. Enlighten me, and help me now know my sins as one day I shall be forced to recognize them before Thy judgment seat. Bring to my mind the evil which I have done and the good which I have neglected. Permit me not to be blinded by self love. Grant me, moreover, heartfelt sorrow for my transgressions, and the grace of a sincere confession, so that I may be forgiven and admitted into Thy friendship. Amen.

It has been 3 weeks since my last confession, and I accuse myself of the following:
>I murmured against James Cameron
>I missed my daily shitposting
>I was guilty of watching flicks
>I cursed others by saying Bane damn you
For these sins and any others I cannot now recall I am truly sorry and humbly ask forgiveness of God and a solution from you, Father

O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins, because I dread the loss of heaven and the pains of hell, but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, Who art all-good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life. Amen.

no u

I miss the çunnyposter.

Watch your adjectives, think about association layers... an example, you put a description for the car, the man, and then back to the car... think in layers as you describe downward.

How long did it take you to write this? This prose style is that of a free-will god narration or a freewill camera... it's a very difficult point-of-view to pull off and view few can write comfortably in that style, but you did it quite well, grammar issues aside.

You might have something, kid.

I don't even watch movies.

just netflix capeshit

I was legitimately excited about Rey before seeing TFA

Breaking bad is the only good one of those three, and even then it's a reddit show.

I can watch 25 seconds of the cia opening scene without laughing including the powerstance

I like The Matrix sequels

I actually liked pacfic rim. the new one looks like shit though.

>becca would bring me candy or share her taco with me ever weekend
>parents thought it was cute
>one day she comes into my room and says she’s can’t sleep and asks if she can watch tv with me
>say yeah since your always being a bro and bring me food :3
>she just lays on me no fucks at all
>I feel a little awkward but brush it off and continue watch tv
>10 mins in and she just starts playing with my hair.
>I start doing the same
>ended up kissing her
>she’s blushing I ask if she wants another she nods yes
>before I can even kiss her she just gets on me and starts dry riding me
>my fucking dick was diamonds in seconds
>start making out while grabbing on her tushy

I unironically watched Hannah Montana

I like anime more than film even though I watch about 5-6 movies a week.



I literally and unironically hate you

In the mid to late 90s, I had two VCRs connected to each other. Whenever I rented tapes from Blockbuster, I'd record the movie onto another tape as I watched it. I would then eject both casettes, take them apart with a screwdriver, switch the tape, screw the cassettes back together and return the dubbed copy to Blockbuster while I kept the original higher quality version for myself.

I haven't had tv or cable in almost a decade.

I believe Aliens > Alien unironically



There was a period in the mid 00s where I would watch Flava of Love, Shot at Love, I love New York etc


I shitpost as a hardcore leftist on various boards.
I love 2013 Great Gatsby
I thought the Death Note movie was okay outside of the girlfriend turning evil.
I find Bane, Raimi, and Sheevposting hillarious

I pretend to be a Sup Forums poster to derail threads I don't like

no, fuck you

Totzusen no kissu ya

There was a show on Fox called Paradise Island I watched.

Attack of the Clones is my favorite Star Wars movie.

I hate star wars hands down

this shit again?

I don't know how to rate films besides my taste>your taste.

Consider suicide

That’s ultimately all that matters.

You can appreciate something and also not like it, as well as the opposite- knowing something is trash, but enjoying it nonetheless.

I unironically enjoy the films of Wes Anderson.

I've never seen Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Forrest Gump, or Fight Club.

I bait Supernatural bros with Grimmposting because without them any Grimm thread will die within 10 minutes

I used to. He peaked with Life Aquatic and hasn’t made a good movie since then. Hotel one was terrible and boring. Train one was even worse.

I can't get into stuff like Dr Who and Star Trek and usually just assume that their fans are pretending to enjoy for some reason.

i´m in love with my succubus gf

no shit

same but with Stranger Things

seasons 1-2 and the movie were kino

That's what I assume about people that say spiderman homecoming was good

me too user. me too. also all those "i love the 'era' " shows.

i only post in big brother / survivor threads on Sup Forums

you monster

I feel like the people who say they enjoy the new star wars movies are just in shock because their minds can't accept what the Jews are doing to their civilization.

I unironically enjoy the Teen Mom series

I think Star Trek is one of those things you had to grow up with to love, though I remember I had aunts and uncles who watched TNG and DS9 when they aired because they grew up watching TOS. You just need some kind of connection to it. AbramsTrek is not Star Trek, so the old shows will always be for those born in the 80s and early 90s.

i-it's not that shit, user

Although Spiderman Homecoming wasn't bad, it makes me wonder how considerably less popular they'd be if they didn't have these mega marketing campaigns. I'm sure a lot of it comes from me growing up, but at the same time this Wikia "OMG SO GEEKY" shit modern movies have going feels really artificial.

I never seen the TDK trilogy, Star Wars, LotR or Game of Thrones.

Good, you are pure.

I came from reddit. The comments here are better.

But now I comment, and make it worse.

Hannah Montana was more similar to Boy Meets World than Girl Meets World was

Once I got in an argument with a drunk guy in the front row, I said I was going to get security to throw him out but when I tried to get out of the aisle I tripped and fell into this old guys lap. I was so embarrassed that I just sat back down again and tried to focus on the movie for the next 50 minutes.

I support Max Landis

Grimm is underrated.

the shining is over rated

God dammit I loved those. Mo Rocca and some other guy were kino

Thats what you get, snitch ass bitch as white boi.

i have not watched any of the nu-star wars movies

i have never seen frozen

i dont watch television

i like penis in me

I thought the hang over movies where horrible
No country for old men is just boring
Xavier Bardem is really boring
I liked demolition man
I thought the force awakens was much worst than the last jedi
Family guy has gotten better again
Orville is actually pretty good
Discovery finally hit it's stride
Mr robot after a horrible season finally managed to get back to a C+
JJ abrams is a mediocre director
Spielberg hasn't put out a good movie in forever
James Cameron actually is a great writer and director
Bright was a B level movie not great but good

The Prequels are better than the Original Saga.

>always claim women are easy and dumb
>haven't talked to a woman in 6 years

>he's never seen LOTR

My envy level for you is off the charts, user. I'd give anything to see those for the first time.

I only agree with the train one being boring and his worst

>No country for old men is just boring
I wonder what exactly do you find "exciting".

Sometimes I quote movies for no reason while I'm getting ready.

Once, a girl heard me quoting the Brenden Fraser Mummy while I was shaving. "Death will come on swift wings to whoever opens this chest."

ferris bueller's day off is just kind of lame and weird
Forrest gump is really depressing
I used to as well
stranger things is horrible. I don't understand why people like it
dr who is trash
jar jar is shit
TDK trilogy is good because of the actors.
The first movie the action is just trash bad, the dark knight has too many climaxes and ends on a weird note, the last one the ending is weird and the final fight between batman and bane is sucky because both the actors were suffering extreme heat exhaustion to the point where tom hardy passed out

Lotr first one is cheesy, second one is pretty good, 3rd one is long.
something that doesn't involve 90% of just weird abstract existential talking.

It's a boring ass movie. Someone compressed all the good scenes on youtube. the whole clip was 12 minutes long and you literally missed nothing.

My sister overheard me quoting Last Action Hero when I was by myself. Specifically, the Ripper saying "I'm flattered, Jack, but I doubt it."

This desu

I drinking again and I shouldn't be , I want a fucking cigarette

I don’t know. LOTR is engraved in my mind as one of my greatest childhood experiences.

I can appreciate them for films now but the spectacle that they are we’re prime for me in my childhood. I’ll never forget the feeling I got watching the battle of Helms Deep in theaters

>tdk trilogy
it's ok

>star wars
pretty great when you see all the hard work put into it

please watch the extended cuts immedaitely. true kino

>game of thrones

>free-will god narration or a freewill camera
Is this a legit term or did you just invent it? Where can I read more on this?

ive been with a woman fro over 4 years... our relationship was stagnating for years

ive met beautiful woman at work, fell in love with her after we've shagged. So Ive decided to finally break up with the old ball on a chain. I did. Next week, Ive asked the other woman to go for a date. We did and we've spent most of the night doing it. This is all within a month. Later, Ive lost my lead possition at my job, while she's moved up the ladder. Its not related, but I still do get some paranoia about it. The same day it has been decided that Im not going to be the boss anymore, Ive broken my leg. Badly. Both bones, different places. When I woke up after the surgery, Ive head screws in my leg. I still do. My life got fucked upside down in one day. But we've both felt the same. Problem was, she had(has) a boyfriend. She's been dishonest with hime twice on two different occasions with me. I hoped she'd do the same thing - break up with him, but shit happened to me. We kept in contact, but I was imobilised, weak and lonely. She's moved on. Ive tried to pretend it didnt happen in the same office, where she suddenly became my boss and I was a weak lowlife with a limp. Eventually I have lost my job, become unproffesional because of all the depression (not mentioning another surgery) and started to hate my job. I kept trying to fix the unfixable - ruining things even further. Now Im with no job, with no girlfriend, friends have either turned their backs on me or are just made families for themselfs, while Im struggling with what is left for me to do with my life. It's all my fault. My pride. I've wanted more and took it for granted. No I have some leftover money and a real taste for alcohol and marijuana. What should I do, father?

LOTR came out when I was in college and I disregarded them as flashy blockbusters. I liked them for what I thought they were, but I was edgy back then and thought they were overrated. I watched them again in my late 20s when I was over that shit and it was like seeing them for the first time again. They're not movies you need to see as a kid to love.

Californication up to season 4 is my favorite show ever, besides The Sopranos

Bill Murray is my favorite actor

Synecdoche, New York is indeed a masterpiece

Fantastic Mr. Fox is one of my top 5 favorite movies

I thought The Life Aquatic was boring.

Easy there, Satan.

I watched TFA and TLJ but never the original trilogy