Why didn't Sackville-Bagginses just assasinate Bilbo if they really were after his house?
Why didn't Sackville-Bagginses just assasinate Bilbo if they really were after his house?
Why was Gimli designated the jester of the Two Towers? No really, why was Gimli's character totally butchered? He's really quite the serious dwarf.
Hobbits don't go around murdering each other
It was just a hole in a hill. What was the big deal about? Did he have a bunch of land elsewhere or something?
They were greedy and evil. He was an old man. They could have easily murdered him if they wanted to do so.
I really want to read the books again but I just started the Silmarillion. I just finished the chapter where the elves were created. How long until shit like pic related happens?
For a hobbit it's basically a mansion
Can you imagine a murder detective series in The Shire like that of Brett's Sherlock?
The scenes with him, Legolas and Aragorn had to have a bit of lightness to them. Besides the occasional joke though, he was never portrayed as anything less than a brave and skilled warrior who never gives up
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