Anyone got any recs for films/documetaries about the occult? My friend is really into that stuff and I want to help him for Christmas.
Anyone got any recs for films/documetaries about the occult...
Other urls found in this thread:
Kill list is a good watch
Jacob's ladder
The witch
Beyond black rainbow
The fuck does Jacob's Ladder have to do with the occult?
Twin Peaks
Eyes Wide Shut is literally all you need to watch
Blair witch project 2
Yea thats right
dont judge it its glorious
Watch this movie if you want some killer scarecrow tilting and occult stuff.
The sex scene was fap worthy back before I needed gaping anal tentacle pork to achieve a semi
Look at me. Look at me right now
I am judging you, and the verdict is in you have shit taste
>tfw no goth gf
I'm seriously starting to think you're government shills, EWS and Kubrick memes are retarded.
Behemoth documentary when
>Jacob's ladder
What? Barely, the guy looks at some demonology books for a bit because he thinks he's being possessed, but it has nothing to do with that at all. It's more of a government conspiracy theory movie or a psychedelic thriller, but occult? Nah
What the fuck did the retard mean by this?
Lucifer Rising definitely
actually a 10/10 film in my book
this. A Field in England is good too
Recent releases? A Dark Song