ITT: blackino
ITT: blackino
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The stage version with James Earl Jones is better.
What is this even about?
Actually curious.
holy fuck this is actually kino
kind of dull but retarded trumpet guy was pretty funny. also interesting to see what life was like before the welfare state ruined black families.
Are there even actors like James Earl Jones anymore? The guy is all his own
I got you senpai
Killer of Sheep too but I don't have a full movie link for you
A poor man working like a slave for a family he doesn't even love
Please don't post niggers on this board ever again
>Please don't post niggers on this board ever again
Huh. I didn't realize the play was this old. I heard Denzel and Viola had been doing their own stage version since like 2010.
It first debuted in the 80's I think. Fennel did it for awhile there, he's a lot better in the film than in the stage.
>I work my black butt off for those honkey ass crackers and put food in your stomach not because I like you, nigger
Jesus Christ, James Earl Jones, easy on the racial slurs...
You've never seen the full thing, have you? That's light on the slurs compared to the rest of the movie.
Blacks were just like whites: Blue collar workers tired of working a shitty job, living in a shitty house, and wanting something better. They have an extramarital affair with another woman on the side, and die.
>their skin looks like human feces
Raimi ghost wrote some of August Wilson's best plays. He also helped with Two Trains Running.
>this qualifies as "banter" for a white boy
Killer of Sheep
What's so good about Killer of Sheep that multiple people are recommending it?
better than being in the ussr mining ice cubes
>niglet hates being abused by his drunken father
>decides to run away and make something of himself
>joins marines to get abused by drunken nco’s
like pottery
The son wasn't abused by the father. Father figures in the past used to be more stern and strict and weren't afraid to discipline their kids.
>For a moment Denzel thinks that the word fake starts with f and ends with k
The whole point of the movie is that he was not actually a good father because he was a hypocrite who cheated on his wife.
He's black. 100% chance he voted Democrat.
I really gave this a try, but got bored out of my mind after a while
>directed by Tarantino
It's more about how love still plays a vital role in child rearing and the fallibility of people.
That's Death of a Salesman. Wily Loman was not a good father because he was a terrible salesman and cheated on his wife.
Tory loves Cory and doesn't really have any delusions of grandeur to qualify as a hypocrite. Weirdly enough, the climax of both Fences and Death of a Salesman involves sons calling out their fathers in the climax.
more like FECES
t. whiteboi
Why's he so angry?