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Jay hasn't been able to stop bleeding analy since Mike accidentaly fingerfucked him on the taping.
The editing and publishing of it has been postponed until the legal situation can get stabilized. Depending of the falling out of this whole think an statement will be uploaded for patreons.
it's official
the channel is ending
welp its been fun you guys
This long wait really is unsettling. When will my friends be back?
Really? You don't think they'd release it on jan 1/2?
Delayed by the TLJ Fandango SNAFU.
but user
we're always here
Over on /r/ainbow where you belong you fucking redditor faggot
/r/ is a request board user
While i can't publicly divulge my identity i'm saddened to confirm this information and also to communicate that a couple of hours ago Jerry T. Bauman has passes away due to complications on his anal healing surgery. He will be missed here on Red Letter Media's headquarters. For now Mike has been detained and his fate is pending on wether Jay's family decides to press charges.
Previously Recorded will mantain it's regular schedule through this process. We ask you to respect his memory and the privacy of those close to him on their time of grieving.
yeah, requesting dick
I request that you kys yourself, redditor slime
What's the deal with people calling reddit "rainbow" lately?
aah the days of amish jay
Hi Jack
For Christmas did he get a haircut?
Because rainbows are for fags and reddit is too I guess
Requesting Rich?
What's a redditor?
someone who uses reddit
Who was more let down?
So, are you going to apologize already?
They filmed two. The first had Mike, Jay, Rich Evans, and Max Landis. Jay blocked it from getting posted because of the new sexual harassment allegations but Mike doesn't give a shit and wanted it posted anyway. The second one Jay filmed behind Mike's back with the Canadians and Beardfat. Rich (who operated the camera) told Mike about it and Mike went apeshit over being excluded, so now he's holding the site hostage until the original vid gets handed over. Basically RLM is falling apart because Mike thinks he should control everything.
Mike. You can easily tell that this movie broke him. He sounded sad and tired from start to finish
>buttblasted to death
RIP in peace
No way fag
The Nien Nunb comment really makes me think that.
They have to shoot a new one since their planned one had Max Landis as a guest.
Drunk Mike or Hung Mike?
why wouldn't he be on?
I really hope Landis hits the skids and finds himself forced to whore himself out to the Alt Right and try to write a low budget Liberarian Dane Cook movie starring Steven Crowder.
"I don't even like Star Wars." - Rich Evans
>the awkward frown of a man who couldn't even enjoy his subordinate's handjob during the screening
Fuck, F you'll be missed Jay.
prerec rich kind of sucks
>Alt Right
Rich is clearly a dick when Mike isn't around to keep him in line.
I am pleased that The Last Jedi will be the death of Reddit Letter Memeia since Plinkett suggested JJ Abrams in the first place.
But Jew Jew had nothing to do with TLJ
>RLM's panning of the prequels leads to Lucas selling out and the rise of the nuTrilogy
>the Nutriolgy becomes their downfall as they get consumed by the Disney-loving zombies they created
It's like pottery.
He was the executive producer.
their review is approaching a million views, the complaint here seems to be they don't release content regularly enough. how is that an indication that their channel is dying? if anything people just want more
I don't watch pre-rec, how so generally?
he makes really subjective and petty criticisms and shouts down contradictory opinions
He always sound tired though, they shoot the reviews very late at night
They whine when a game has a story.
They whine when the game lacks a reason for them to continue and has no story.
They whine when a game forces tutorials on them.
They whine when a game doesn't have a tutorial.
They whine that point and click adventure games are too easy.
They whine about text based adventure games requiring a very specific command to continue.
They whine when a game is too easy.
They whine when a game is too hard.
They whine when a game is multiplayer focused because all the other players will be "no life losers that play the game 24/7"
>Pre Rec won't ever die because it's RLM's second biggest money maker
he's live on twitch right now see for yourself.
Would you murder Jay?
>tfw spent Christmas alone because RLM didnt upload
His asshole sure.
>Pre Rec
>money maker
Fuck no. Their streams don’t even get 1000 viewers. There’s no way they make more than Patreon or ad revenue from YouTube views.
I'm hoping this means that he'll give TLJ a real Plinkett review like he did for Ghostbusters, and not do what he did for TFA where he went on this weird diatribe attacking people who had the gall to defend the prequels only to say almost nothing about TFA except "It was okay"
That was kind of funny, not really being a dick.
He's just kind of a smug asshole who clearly enjoys being the king of a bunch of no-life sycophants
It makes you appreciate all the shit that Mike jokingly gives him
There was nothing to say about TFA tho. He had no choice but to pad out the review with diatribes.
However, TLJ is a train wreck, and universally reviled by the people who enjoy Plinkett videos. Mike's gonna have a field day with this one.
They get regular donations though, and even so Pre Rec is still their second biggest money maker beside RLM related properties.
well they only have rlm and pre-rec so yeah
They get 10-20 $2 donations per stream. Yeah they’re rolling in it! That’s almost as much as $20k per month!
Based on emoticon slots, they have at least 800 subscriber points, or $2000 a month in profit.
they get subscriber money too
I swear, if there isn't a video up by the 31st, I'm halving my Patreon to $25.
>giving hack fruads your money
i'd give them my money if i had a job
They were supposed to be my friends. But fame made them greedy and self-righteous, and they no longer care about their fans.
In all fairness, they were always self-righteous assholes.
Maybe, but then they loved me at least.
they always had contempt for their fans
It's good to have contempt for your audience.
Rich seems like he loves easily, you could probably befriend him irl and invite him to your room