
Why don't we have a Star Wars board yet?

shut up you retarded faggot

it's a legit point

why don't you suck my cock?

they did it when pokemon faggots were ruining Sup Forums, Sup Forums and /tg/ simultaneously.

Sup Forums isnt really any more partial to star wars than facebook or reddit. Only faggot shit like pokemon, or mecha. star wars is the worlds biggest fandom, but eh the idea isnt totally bad.

>the amount of shitposting energy that Sup Forums starwars board would create brings a genuine tear to my eye.
>prequel memes

i hope they make it red board, with no porn, like /bant/

Go back cuck

We also need a race bait board and a trump board

>race bait board

what the fuck does that mean?

Race bait threads will go there, not Sup Forums

I wish man, but Sup Forums runs this site now whether we like it or not

What's the point after TLJ? Everyone hates Star Wars now except some "I'm such a nerd" twitter normies.

>t. Sup Forums

Fuck this gay shit. /trek/ deserves a board far more than Star Wars

Dead franchise walking

90s born queer detected

It's actually not a bad fuckin idea. Star wars has enough fandom, fan theory, EU and internal autism to keep it a very thriving board

desu Sup Forums should look at the largest natural subreddits on reddit (no r/news or front page shit, but subreddits that grew naturally to great size because community).

Its good, because that pattern follows Sup Forums and reddit now. We'd just be completing it. The autism and popularity itd bring here would benefit the site as well. Sup Forums wont need to be normified because itd begin with already Sup Forums users migrating to this board.

>Star Wars
>a meme board (or less cancerously, a humor board)
>Youtuber/e-celeb board to get rid of all the garbage talk spamming boards
>emofuel board (so fighting, worldstar, gore, and non-porn adrenaline forums)

and theres a bunch more audiences.

>Sup Forums isnt really any more partial to star wars than facebook or reddit
Half this fucking board is Star Wars threads at this point

Nobody talks about /trek/ enough for a board. Go make a /trek/ board in a little dingy hole somewhere in infinitychan or something.


You need a /rlm/ board to keep that shit out of here.

>created 10 hours ago
>reached bump limit
>multiple generals and topic specifics a day
I'd be fine with Star Wars leaving Sup Forums if that's what it took

They do. Its called Shitposting but you need a Facebook page to access it...