They're all dead and lived out their twilight years in pain and misery

They're all dead and lived out their twilight years in pain and misery

That's "subverting expectations" for you

Don't worry about it. Carrie and Ford didn't/don't give a fuck about SW or it's integrity and Mark is better off removed from the story.

>lived out their twilight years in pain and misery
Damn. I did not see that coming. What subversive and artful writing.

Mark and Harry actually had careers outside of Star Wars though.


>tfw no force gf

There is no room for happiness under the tyranny of Drumpf

Does that mean that one can fuck the force? I know Kreia tried, but maybe the reason she didn't succeed is because she didn't have a dick.

They can just use the force to come back to life just like Leia Poppins did.

He's talking about the characters. None of them had happy endings and the last few years of their lives were full of suffering.

I-I'm sorry, did you just cissume the forces sexuality? Ugh

Carrie fisher probably felt fantastic up until her last moments/last lines of cocaine

It's been said before, but I'll say it again:
The sequels should have taken place 100 years after RotJ. That way, everyone would already be dead and they could actually focus on the new characters.
Maybe the droids, the falcon, and even Luke as a force ghost could still have appeared. Kylo could still be a Solo, but just a descendant.

You bet he did.

>came from nothing to return back to nothing

That wouldn't have made as much money.
Face it, they brought back the OG characters to profit off their appearances before killing them to make way for Disney's new production line.

this and only this



nah. They needed the old characters to reel people in. Then they needed to guillotine them off so that people are only left with the new characters. Characters that will last a thousand thousand movies.

What a wasted opportunity to not have them all together in the Force Awakens.