So is there gonna be a scene where young Han Solo gets hair plugs or

So is there gonna be a scene where young Han Solo gets hair plugs or....

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He doesn’t even look like him

Who the fuck is this nobody? Also
>Not casting Anthony Ingruber

Space makes your forehead cave in over time.

Why the fuck didn’t they cast Harisson Ford? He’s clearly in top form with that Bladerunner performance and current visual effects tech could easily reverse age him.

>meant to be about a younger Han Solo
>looks older than the actual Han Solo did in Episode 4, and not just because of the hairline

what the fuck man

nobody wanted this to begin with and now it's just getting more and more fucked up

I hate the idea that a young version of a character has to wear the same costume as the old version. If anything they should have them change into the costume at the end in a nonchalant way so the audience knows shit's about to get real, but you don't make a big thing out of it.

remember this is not the han solo we know, it's a new different better version ;)

>not clean shaven

Why didn't they just get that Hansel Eggysworth guy from Baby Driver?

>what is long hair vs short hair

why not just cgi harrison ford from american graffiti?

>people in Star Wars have only one signature outfit

How is he similar to harrison ford in any way?



His hairline isn't even all that receded. The real issue is that there's only one Harrison Ford and this movie was an awful idea.

Why are you teens so obsessed with this hairline shit anyway?


so can we assume that the impending colossal failure of this movie will stop the retards running the ship from making "Young Version of Favorite Character" movies because they can't get the characters right?

So, when I heard this casting I was actually pleased. I don't want this movie made, and I doubt I'll see it. However, I think Anthony might be up to it. I dint know who he was til I saw him in Hail, Caesar (idk what else he was in) however when I heard he was cast I thought, well if anyone can do this maybe he can.

In particular, I think this scene had his charms on display:

Curious what you guys think of him, seeing that. Again, I don't think this project should even be, but it's possible he might be the least of its problems.

Balding hairlet detected

He could pull off an "18 year old Harrison Ford" pretty easily

Not yet.

he could have taken space drugs to reverse his male pattern baldness, or a space surgery.
but I agree, that kike is bad solo

God that picture just shows how little he looks like Harrison Ford

sex appeal and overall aloof demeanor + acting ability.
>Harrison Ford
Known for driving a car in a movie about driving cars
>Ansel Elgort
Known for driving a car in a movie about driving cars
All the pieces of the puzzle fit perfectly like a swastika in germany

The difference between Star Wars and Blade Runner is that Harrison Ford hates Star Wars but loves Blade Runner.