Best Expanse Girl

>tfw no autistic space qt gf

Also, general Expanse thread

i really have a hate love relationship with The Expanse. I like the premise, plot and the whole universe around it. All the politics and shit but they turned it into a The Walking Dead Tier shitfest for no reason. It would be absolutely INSANE as a serious & cold Sci-Fi but instead you get 2 protagonists having a conversation about their love life in the middle of some intense action sequence similiar to what TWD is doing all the time. This type of writing tilts me super hard. With that said - Juliette is best Expanse girl obviously.

It's the best Gundam series ever produced

Tbh, there's something about the show's politics that rubs me wrong. And it's not in the sense that I think there's a bias that I don't like, but more in the sense that there fundamental understanding of how and why politicians act is wrong.

It didn't make much sense to me why Mao would try to get Mars and Earth into a war. To create noise so they won't be focus on what Protogen is doing, and to create a market for protomolecule tech presumably.

But it doesn't make much sense to me. a war between Mars and Earth could very rapidly escalate from proxy war to glassing cities from orbit. And I don't see what Mao stand to gain from an all out war.

It was cool when I thought it was going to be a big multi-sided political thriller about groups of people trying to stop three factions in a cold war from going hot. But then hormones, aliens, mystery boxes, and "what a tweest!" happened and the whole thing turned into another soap opera with a sci-fi skin.

Same shit that ruined Gundam 00, Nothing to see here, move along.

It's like an uncanny valley but applied to fictional portrayals of politics (as someone who was a civil servant), not unlike Parks & Rec.

>Juliette is best Expanse girl obviously.
t. Miller

Even Naomi is better


uhm no