ITT: Childhood's first faps

ITT: Childhood's first faps

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The redheaded woman from Ruthless People (1986)

This was an episode of TNG I somehow missed in the 90s, missed during a complete rewatch of trek, and only saw during a second full rewatch years later. Good shit. Didn't fap though.. my bad, I'll see myself out.

cant really remember who my first fap was but i used to try to suck my own cock everytime i saw elvira on tv

Honest to god first time I jacked off and made it actually work was while watching an episode of TNG and looking at Deanna Troi. She'll always have a special place in my heart.

snake hair lady from men in black


...and the circle is complete. Now I can die.

Caught Logan's Run on late night CBC after my parents went to bed. Was in my spank bank ever since.

What was that movie where those witches wanted to eat some children?
It was live-action and I think it was Disney.

Violet Beauregard inflation scene, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

No bras in space.. Lucas genius. Roddenberry agreed. Then let his wife be the computer. Blame him next time your TomTom can't give directions

It was called The Witches. It was a British movie.

Based off Ronald Dahl book. Kids never showered.
Angelica Houston was kino

TNG had some fap moments to be sure and Lwaxana Troi was hot for a woman in her 60's.


I hope you mean
>pic related
& not Bette Midler

I believe he's referring to Jeannine Bisagnano.



You on the left

I remember too, it was a good cummies

All four of them.

Both in my wet dreams at the same time.

Specifically in Clarissa.

I never appreciated her until I got older.

Same. When you get older you stop being afraid of old women.


dads and gramps talking about their 50's and 70's fap.

If you haven't experienced your first fap in the 00's, get

Raven ( thats so raven)


>ywn crusher pusy

I saw this scene as a kid on BBC2 at like 2 in the afternoon once in the late 90s, I was like
>what the fuck
or I mean, you know, I would have been had that word been in my vocabulary

Why even live

>watching the new 90s Outer Limits with my sister
>this is exciting! The first episode with the ants was really good!
>this time, wheelchair bound roboticist William Sadler has built himself a robot assistant
>his robot assistant does pic related
>my sister frantically changes the channel, tells me to go to bed
>I go to my room, and turn on the tiny TV I have in there
>my sister comes in my room, turns the TV off, tells me to go to bed
damn it

I know I'm not alone

old movie where 3 guys rape a lone girl in a remote town. she killed them in the end.

>my sister comes in my room, turns the TV off, tells me to go to bed
Why was your sister such a prissy cunt?

Tiffani hnnng

And by #MeToo, MJH is also my first fap.

dont make them like that anymore

She's a woman.


>fapping to old hags when you're a kid

Why would you do this.

It wasn't so much a fap, but more like rubbing my penis against my pillow until I reached completion.

i once came by simply fantasing about her dominating me

Let me explain something to you. You don't get to choose what arouses you. We don't have that option. Why do you think BBW and shit fetishes exist? Do you think those people choose to be aroused by fat women and feces? If we had that ability, no one would have a fetish, except a tiny minority of weirdos.

Wow this really made me think.

Jennifer Connelly.

The birth of my MILF fetish


Well the retard I responded to isn't capable of thinking so at least there's you.

just protect her


Same here.

You can't, user

prime tia was top tier

Alyssa Milano in Teen Steam

first R movie
