How JJ can ruin they relationship in IX? He will make her kill kylo?

How JJ can ruin they relationship in IX? He will make her kill kylo?

What's up with the reylo shippers on tv?

Do you guys think that the REYxFINN stuff was dropped because of the internet backlash?


I honestly see this plot point being one of the many signs of the pleb shit that is the ST.

>let's shoehorn an out of character romance become tumblerites have been shipping them
Complete fanfic tier.

More like Chinese backlash. Honestly they should have just killed Finn off.

It's the only romance sub-plot that would actually be good. And Star Wars kinda needs a romance subplot. It's one of the wired things about nuWars, they're so devoid of romance.

>star wars needs a romance sub plot
I am almost completely on board with bringing girls into the star wars fandom but not if we're going to get forced shipping and contrived romance that is going to effect the plot where it really shouldn't have.
>muh strong female character
>needs a big bad strong man
Way to go Disney. You can't even do strong female character properly.

You sound like tumblr. romance has been a thing in SW always and Anakin/Padme was insufferable be happy Reylo actually have chemistry.

>you sound like tumblr
Reylo is a tumblr meme.

>Kylo immediately attempts emotional abuse to manipulate her

Too real.