What is all the hype about...

What is all the hype about? The last 3 episodes are pretty great but 90% of the stuff before is unnecessary bullshit with horrible pacing. And what is this Bang Bang Bar stuff about?

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>90% is unnecessary bullshit
Learn Lynch. Watch Fire Walk With Me. Then watch the show again.

>What is all the hype about?

Netflix spams certain shows on Sup Forums. They don't pay for long shilling and it usually coincides with the initial release of a Netflix Original.

This week we have 50 threads about the Will Smith Orc movie.

Ever wonder why nobody makes any threads about anything but the netflix flavor of the month? The service is literally designed to watch catalog stuff.


>90% of the stuff before is unnecessary bullshit with horrible pacing
What you mean to say is that you were an impatient and passive viewer, waiting to see if things would 'advance the plot' instead of being drawn into the world.

Twin Peaks S3 wasn't even a Netflix show you fucking mouthbreather

the soundtrack is pure kino

So you're one of those brainlets that think Bright is a good film, eh?

>And what is this Bang Bang Bar stuff about?

the sequences are synonymous for the mental state or situation of one of the characters in the episode.

It was honestly nothing like I expected but I really enjoyed it. Looking forward to rewatching soon.
Took me a while to come to terms with the ending though.