is TLJ Rey stronger than pre-order 66 Anakin?
Serious question.
is TLJ Rey stronger than pre-order 66 Anakin?
Serious question.
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Obviously, she is so strong and he is like so weak, plus the force is female honey, get it right.
Go to bed Ben
Yes, there is nothing in the sacred jedi scrolls that Rey does not already possess
Sadly yes
Of course! I'm actually surprised Rey didn't turn around and use Snoke's power against him. Usually just being near something is enough for her to master it.
>enough raw power to master advanced force techniques near instantly
>immune to the dark side
yes definitely
Surely she CAN'T beat Vader Anakin, right?
That would have revealed her power to Kylo, she instead opted to manipulate him with her pusy-power to kill Snoker for her.
rey wins because the force is female
Rey has over 50 000 midichlorians Anakin only over 20 000
Yes Rey was matched to fit how strong kylo is in the force...
Even though kylo had years and years of training...
Even though snoke was around which Makes no sense...
Even though the whole trope of the movie is that the light and dark are wrong...
My God... What a mess
What does Rey even do in The Last Jedi? Lift some rocks at the end?
Yes. Everyone was impressed by her ability. Quite the feat for any Jedi!
In terms of what we see, no, not by a long shot. ROTS Anakin is a force hurricane. Kenobi only survived because he has a perfect defensive style, and was able to stall until Anakin defeated himself with poor judgment. In a fair fight, nobody could beat ROTS Anakin except Palpatine, Yoda, and maybe Mace, and it wouldn't be long before even they couldn't stop him.
However, Rey has this unprecedented force power to unconditionally acquire any ability or knowledge required to win. So while she's far less powerful and skilled, but if the two were to fight, Rey would stomp him.
>completely understands the force after 10 seconds of meditation
>also able to make the ground crack and rocks float while meditating without even trying
>able to beat up luke skywalker
>able to beat up the supreme leaders personal guards
>yoda trusts her for some reason
>able to fly the millenium falcon in tight underground caverns and is able to outmanuver ships 1/10 her size
What am i missing? I know there is more
>able to fly the millenium falcon in tight underground caverns and is able to outmanuver ships 1/10 her size
Wasn't that Chewie?
Also she lifted boulders of rocks when Luke was even struggling to lift an X-Wing
anakin would force choke her
Yes and she will smash the patriarchy
>fucking strikes down an old man from behind like a coward and then steals his sacred religious texts
She was not such a good friend
Rey *is* the Jedi scrolls. She is literally the repository of all Jedi knowledge ever known.
Easily. Anakin got wrecked in almost every duel. Rey has done everything already.
Some "smart and educated" people claim the movie is too notch due to its deconstruction of the jedi and sith.
How neither side is right and the conflict between the different sides creates so much problems.
Then as a Canon explanation for rey's power is that the force matched her to kylo's power in the force.
However even kylo himself does not want to be associated with the sith. And we learn the force takes no sides.
Kylo to reach his power underwent years of training with Luke and snoke.
Which brings the question, even their explanation makes zero sense.
Rey is just a more powerful Mary d
Sue than Mary Sue herself which was written as a Joke.
Mary Sue was good at everything due to being the best student at the academy and being half Vulcan giving her an edge over majority of startrek characters.
Imagine being so shit at writing a character you write one worse than one written as a Joke.
Where did they come from?
yes, but not as strong as taller luke
Eating that shitty bread on Jakku.
TFA Rey was stronger than Anakin, yes. TLJ Rey was not. We're talking about two completely different Reys here.
>hero of the clone war
>easily top 5 duelist both sith and jedi by the age of 23 when order 66 came
>nearly unlimited potential
still would probably get his ass kick by rey tho
right before han and chewie showed up on the ship
her and fins escape scene
kylo confirmed for gray force user
>Stop a blaster sniper bullet midair with such a confidence that didn't even move out of the way and continue conversation casually 2 minutes into the movie
He was supposed to be the strongest bros
Even though she hasn't done much to warrant the Mary Sue, she fought what ? A crippled Kylo and a bunch of guards one on one ?
She is stronger than ROTS Anakin, Darth Vader, Darth Sidious, Darth Plagueis, the entire Jedi Council and anyone else because
> Women's Empowerment
>height of her power in first movie is beating a crippled and hurt kylo with help from black kid.
>height of power in second is killing 4 highly trained weapon users and lifting a cliff side
I dont think so sweetie.
>lifting some rocks
Oh honey...
>not a Mary Sue
I can bring up a wall of text if you want. And another comparing her to Luke and anakin.
And another on how she us more Mary Sue than Mary Sue herself.
I see, I was thinking of the red salt mine scene.
please do
Only jedi able to lift so many things at once was Yoda... Fucking Yoda. 900 year old jedi.
>Mary sue
A fan fiction character created as a Joke to make fun of fan fiction. Character is a female half Vulcan half human who was top student of the academy. She was able to do everything better than the main cast such as spock and Kurt. Due to her having training and being half Vulcan it gives more weight to her ability.
Rey is..
>able to fly the falcon with no knowledge
>able to repair the falcon better than solo
>able to hack doors
>able to master sword fighting with only some staff training
>able to swim with no possibility to learn on jakku
>able to over power kylo when he searches her mind
>able to beat kylo in lightsaber combat having no experience in this form of combat
We are given no explanation to why she is able to do any of this.
I can continue to compare her to Luke and anakin.
You forgot able to mind trick a trooper.
Don't forget using mind control and lifting rocks that weigh more than an X-wing.
>OT: A hero's journey from being a simple farmboy to the savior of the universe
>PT: A hero's downfall by making a bargain with the devil
>ST: Women are awesome
>Rey is Kurosaki Ichigo
>the state of starwars is fan fiction, actually worse than fan fiction
>I'm being serious, guys!
Fuck off.
This, unfortunately.
I see lots of anons saying that Rey's strength is a plot hole. It's not. It's explained. It's just that the explanation is shit.
Basically, the new rule is that the force will automatically conjure up 'chosen ones' whenever things are out of balance.
Rey is conjured up to balance against Kylo. It doesn't matter that Kylo trained from being a child. The force can just bypass all that.
The clearest explanation of this is given by Snoke.
Though it isn't made explicitly clear in TLJ, the implication seems to be that Anakin wasn't *the* Chosen One. He was merely *a* chosen one, and the force can throw up chosen ones whenever things get out of whack. I know it sounds lame af but I've watched the movie around 6 times now and I'm pretty sure this is what they're saying.
Anakin had 10 years of experience while Rey had about 18 hours. Still Rey doesn't need to learn anymore and is already unbeatable
maybe Rey learning everything immediately is her force gimmick. Like Windu being the best light saber fighter, Sheevs lightning, Yoda acrobatics
>Watched this piece of shit more than once.
Wew, lad.
Well, Anakin couldn't even beat Obi-Wan, so how strong could he really have been?
anakin only couldnt beat obi-wan because he had the high ground
muh females can't be strong in the Force
any sort of talent manifesting in a female character is feminist agenda
>Anakin is the Chosen One
>Defeated Dooku one on one in Episode III; same Dooku is considered one of the greatest Jedi ever in the Jedi Order's history after Windu and Yoda and possibly one of the all time greatest when it comes to dueling skills
>Anakin at one point was casually dueling Cin Drallig; the Jedi Order's Battlemaster and chief lightsaber combat instructor with one hand while Force-Choking another Jedi without even looking at them and slaughtered hundreds of Jedi Knights at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant
The only way Rey can win is if she is being written to win by Nu Star Wars feminists.
Git gud mates...
>Daisy Ridley's pathetic fight skills vs Haden Christensen's OP choreography
Even the lead stunt coordinator said Hayden was a prodigy, and he apparently contributed a lot to the planning of the big fight.
Anakin would wreck Rey so hard its not even funny. That is, until he got Sue'd.
Being intelligent is part of being strong.
Rey *is* the force. She's more powerful than Anakin, Yoda and Obi-Wan put together
t. Kathleen Kennedy
the power levels are so inconsistent in the sequel trilogy it's jarring. Two force users wouldn't have any problem dealing with Snoke's guards.
They did killed them pretty easily if you think about it.
>Luke beat vader anakin
>Rey beats luke
It would have been 10x easier if any of them bothered to use the force.
When did she beat Luke? She lost the duel even after sneak attacking him from behind and bare in mind he was STILL CUT OFF from the Force and only had the edge when she pulled the lightsaber on him after getting owned.
Remember the last airbender guys? Remember wathing that shit and feeling a sense of achievement and reward at the end of the show?
Remember how we hated korra?
Yeah and he cowered on the ground. Im surprised he didnt start screaming save me tony
The force is female, sweetie.
this is the most retareded star wars has ever gotten
Don't fucking remind me about Korra. I know people who think it was good and my neice thinks Korra is just female Aang.
I binge watched Avatar over the weekend and stopped after the first episode of Korra. I have no idea what they were thinking just making the setting "Not" New York.
I mean, let's not all forget that Anakin did blow up a giant space station at age like 7
Anakin also founded the spinning trick. Did Rey ever create any maneuvers?
t. new canon that overrides everything that was before
At least that was the only thing he was good at.
Kylo didn't use the force once against them.
He should've pushed them back or riped their weapons out of their hands and kill them off one by one.
Rain probably forgot what the force was during those scenes.
>I've watched the movie around 6 times now
Fucking why? Couldn't you spend this time watching decent movies?
>Worst Cosmic Wars ever! I will only see it three more times.
>I've watched the movie around 6 times now
Why? Seriously, why?
It just reeks of Disney. The consumer has to be special, to have the chance of being a chosen one. SW made this a problem by showing that to get anywhere you had to be trained, and Disney did away with that by saying "you don't need training if you're special enough".
Anakin is still the Chose One and Luke still has the same power as Anakin. Nothing in the reboot continuity changes that, dummy.
She's like Prof. Giraffe's mom.
>However, Rey has this unprecedented force power to unconditionally acquire any ability or knowledge required to win
Rey's power level is Jotaro's "same kind of stando" levels of asspull, and made even worse due to the fact that it keeps happening all the time instead of straight at the end.
>Daisy Ridley's pathetic fight skills
More like pathetic "anything related to acting outside of disgusted expressions" skills.
I hate what I'm about to say as much as you will, but here goes:
Our knowledge that Luke has the potential of Anakin comes from statements made by George Lucas. When he owned the property canon was defined as a tier'd system of agreed facts from different sources with the top level sources being the movies and GL's own statements. When Disney bought the property they redefined canon as facts stated by the movies + clone wars + all subsequent Disney releases.
So technically Anakin losing his power when he got burned, and Sheev losing his lightsaber duel to Mace due to having shit sword skills but then being about to overpower him with sheer lightning, and Luke being equal in count to Anakin and all of the other things we know about the mythos from George's statements... TECHNICALLY..... they're not canon. They're just a matter of interpretation now. I hate that. But that's the current state of 'canon'.
But Anakin would fuck up Rey in a fight. Until they have a force ghost battle in Ep IX and she schools him with the power of the female force. Which is probably going to happen. And I hate that as well.
prove it tho
Lucas statements don't change. The only thing removed from the new continuity is EU/Legends material, not film material, not film novelizations, not statements from Lucas period. A lot of Lucas statements are also found in the commentary in the DVDs/Blu-Ray material, which are still coming from him, as word of god.
If it was just a fucking female in a movie no one would be complaining about a feminist agenda. But you have this dumb bitch Kathleen Kennedy going around saying 6 out of 8 writers were female, not to mention how every media outlet is saying this movie is a win for feminism and the force is female and shit like that.
Get that chip off your shoulder you perpetual victim, this movie had an agenda.
That's because she possesses the scrolls.
Yoda's monologue is the dumbest thing in this stupid movie because it's just another dumb fake-out: he implies that "oh she already has all the knowledge" as if it were some subjective, internal thing, but she actually just took the fucking books before Yoda blew up the tree. I don't get it. The tree is a sacred location; destroying it doesn't end the Jedi, destroying the books would have. If Rey has the books then what the fuck is anybody talking about?
>and being half Vulcan
How would being half Vulcan give her an edge over a full Vulcan like Spock?
Which I'll also add were intentionally rereleased by Disney with the new blu-rays of the OT and PT films.
Did Anakin lose his power when he got burned? Didn't he just get disfigured?
Took me all of 1 viewing of each movie to understand that.
Doesn't change that fact that even "chosen ones" need to lose once in awhile, or pay a consequence for their "flaws", or give any amount of room for character growth.
Rey would have been killed by Snoke if it wasn't for Kylo Ren.
Neither. Lucas said his potential dropped in half and also at the same times said that 1/2th Vader (post-Mustafar) = 80% Sidious power.
She beat a sith her first time ever holding a lightsaber
Anakin got his shit wrecked after ten years of training
>by making a bargain with the devil
>Palpatine, I've come to bargain
>Save my wife and I'll serve you
>I'll do it
>Kill wife yourself
>Serve Palps anyway
>beat a Sith
Ren isn't a Sith.
>first time ever holding a lightsaber
Yeah but that's also ignoring that Kylo had been gut shot by Chewie by the equivalent to a fucking shotgun with his bowcaster and that he was clearly bleeding out after already wasting time beating up Finn.