Thoughts on Bella Thorne's body of work?
Thoughts on Bella Thorne's body of work?
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She looks like a tranny.
I wish she'd done porn in the last season of Shake It Up before she stopped being cute.
I know, it's fucking great isn't it.
How big is her boypussy?
Dam I forgot all about this skag
We used to have daily threads about her
I would fuck her
big enough to fill your belly!
*blocks her path*
she makes me so horny i wanna be her (female) pusy slave
how would that go?
Ah, those were the good old days.
post moar
it hit me
bella you need help with your drug abuse. pls seek help. we are worried about you
would she take charge?
yes sitting on my face!
stuffing it down your throat?
>daddy died
>was molested by a pedo
>last boyfriend recently OD'd
how do we save her before it's too late?
Aw fuck! You're right!
It's too late for her, user.
Now, we can only save the current Disney Ginger.
yes she will force me to get on my knees then unzip her feminine (girl) penis like this!
>how do we save her before it's too late?
>before it’s too late
It is too late
then what?
this is some clips4sale tier video
it was her dad
she killed him
wasn't expecting that.
mental illness: the person
perfect for that black cock
what a fucking whore
I'm betting within the next nine months
Wait, was she sexed???
It's only too late when the corpse stops being warm.
Wtf Eminem looks like a lesbian now
it's heroin, isn't it?
The redhead from Riverdale puts this ugly slut to shame
Deja Vu over & over with this fucking comment
I stopped browsing Sup Forums for like 1-2 years and this bitch went from this innocent sweet teen to a fullgrown slut
What happened? Honest question
Some type of pills, though with her supplier dead god knows what she's on now.
What happens when she never gets a job again?
Disney Slut Factory (in a good way) MK ULTRA programming. She would really enjoy doing porn but she has a bigger role to play
raped by her half sister.
went out of control sexually to gain control of her sexuality
well, it's surely not something that makes your skin look good
>innocent sweet teen
i mean, i dont pay attention to this degeneracy, but i recall seeing lewd pics of her 4-5 years ago, so i dont think she was ever "innocent"
red pusy
I think that her feet are really sexy. And I love how she openly praises foot lovers on social media.
Yeah but it was the same kind of lewd pics most hot teens of that age used to post.
Now it's almost softporn
love her body
I only like Bella when she looks like an upset tranny, like here.
She looks so good angry.
>booty of work
imagine if she took pity on you for being a virgin and let you eat her out!
What in the name of god...
What a whore. Where are the qt conservative girls
jesus fucking christ she looks like your average crackwhore completely now
Her face is man-ish and off-putting. But her bimbo body is insane and I can't stop watching.
I genuinely don't know if I want to have sex with her or not
go ahead and try to convince me this hoe is not idubz in a wig
Face blindness is a sign of autism user. Their noses and jaws are completely different
This is a vapid ugly whore with horrible skin and body and an ok ass. NO one has ever heard of her outside of fucking Sup Forums and these threads are obvious garbage shilling. Fuck out of here.
man did she ever tell the world how she was molested
im getting hard thinking about it
anyone remember anastasia rasin?
that bitch was hot
those boots on those legs
She used to be such a good bootslut. Where's her boot pics? She hasn't worn a decent pair of bootos in months.
Apparently coke, meth, and various pills.
Here you go
Kys faggot. NO one sleeps with you. Keep thinking you want to sleep with or date a whore.
She will die in 2018
here ya go user
Was this a JoJo reference
I mean, she looks awful in crackwhore mode, but her vids almost make me rockhard.
those nose cow piercing is disgusting af
she twited few weeks ago thatshe was molested in hollywood, maybe thats the reason she acts like that
By Dan Schneider.
No matter what people say, you know she'd be fun to hang around with and you'd probably be able to have some intimate moments while hanging out with out it being a big deal, then you could just think of her like a mate who takes care of your desires once n awhile.
I want her to peg my bp
she is like 70 IQ and was constantly raped by jews early in her career so no wonder why she is so fucked up in the head.
The pain she must have suffered..
her eyes already looked like long term vietcong prisoner
Will Hyland die first?
>>Note the stent in her neck..
pick one