Mark Hamill LOVES The Last Jedi Now!

How's it feel being on the wrong side of history, Sup Forums?

It's like watching some 30s Soviet higher-up confess to crimes against Stalin.

They threatened him because of the audience backlash and loss of money. Poor Mark. I wonder how it played out.

Holy shit that's a HUGE stab at him. "All I wanted was to make a good movie". ZINGG

Had he voiced any criticisms since it was released though?

All of these quotes are from before he saw the actual movie.

The irony is, hes the best thing in the movie. Aside Reylo, ofc.

The Empire had a narrative like this too, you know.

You're contractually required to shill the movie, the Mouse unleashed the lawyers and Hamill had to back down.

>Inb4 they call you a shill for saying something logical

The Mouse is ready to send him to the Gulag, but first he must admit Treason.
On his own accord, ofc

>disney knocks on hamill's door
>wag their finger at him and tell him he has one more chance
>hamill literally held at gunpoint to write the tweet


fuck off you dumbshits. he says all that after reading the script. he didnt like how luke was written, not the entire film. you can see how bad luke was written just by reading the script without seeing the movie

The Mouse is after him

Reminder that hating on the new Star Wars film is for Redditors

Basically just where the fuck was Luke Skywalker because its not the same character

Nice try, mouse.


Sup Forums is overreacting as usual. Mark loved the film and the way it ultimately portrayed Luke.

how much of a cuck is he really?


People predicted this several weeks ago that he would be forced to make an public apology.

he said everything the fans were already thinking.

>He loved it
Yeah that is why he is coming with an apology the 26th, 2 weeks after premiere.
The mouse is in full damage control and that is obvious by the way critics are changing their mind. People dont fucking go:
At most normal people would go "on second tought it might have some good points but still, im disapointed"

I regret not liking The Last Jedi and appreciating the intelligence of the writers in their idea to use hyper space drives as a weapon.

Disney made him say that or they'd kill him like they did Carrie Fisher. How's it feel to be a cuck?

Redditor here. Can confirm the SW sub loves the film.

So now that the genie is out of the bottle, why doesn't everyone use hyperdrive as a weapon?