
what is Sup Forums general consensus on this movie? Just watched and I quite liked it, just found it a bit longer than necessary toward the end when all went down in madness.
Basically the metaphor is he's God and she's planet Earth?

Yup and the baby is Jesus Christ etc.

Maybe, but also he's Culture/Society and she's Nature

I can't say I liked it but it made an impression on me

He's god, she's mother nature, the house is the Earth

I thought it was pretty good, definitely accomplished what it set out to do even if it's not a particularly lofty goal. Some people have such a hateboner for Aranofsky that they'll call it shit regardless, if you filter out those people I'd say the reception was decent but still mixed.

Post the webm

Wow just find out he's the same director of Pi a movie i liked a lot.
Noah was a bit meh. I should try Black Swan next or maybe Requiem for a Dream.

I respect it more than i like it.
I think it becomes needlessly graphic at the end, to the point of even being funny. I appreciate it more in my second viewing tho, the first hour is great, and the performances are very good, specially from Pfeiffer.
There's obviously a biblical thing going on, but i also read it like the marriage/struggle between religion and science, or just biology/physics vs the metaphysical/spiritual, and it also comments on being an artist and a creator in general, i believe.
I admire the guy's bravery to do something so bold, but it don't necessarily think that's a good thing. In parts it just seems masturbatory.

Creeped me out at times and I liked it more than most of Darren's stuff