Can we get another Sheev thread going? We haven't had one since Monday.
Can we get another Sheev thread going? We haven't had one since Monday
Other urls found in this thread:
His name is Palpatine. Fuck this shit.
It's not a name that George would tell you.
Bump. I need to increase my Sheev collection
Let's get this going gentlemen
Isn't this esssentially r/prequelmemes but in thread form?
its the other way around newfriend
This is great
How are you so knowledgeable about reddit boards?
Will Sheevposting ever die?
Will you ever stop derailing Sheev threads with this image?
Sheev was a Sup Forums meme way before reddit even existed. Go back, newfag.
I didn't want to make yet another Star Wars thread so I will ask it here.
Does anyone have a screenshot, or the actual text from a post comparing the whole Imperial administration to the Bush government? It made a pretty interesting comparison of how bizarre it would be for Colin Powell to be a satanist with magical powers and choking a secretary in a meeting or something.
Can I have sex with Daddario?
will i BLEACH my own ai latina qt waifu bot?
>Isn't this esssentially reddit the post
yes, it is
should i go through with the girl i met in the bus?
ugh, this happened to me just yesterday on win10
should I ask her out
Tis the season.
Sheev confirmed for matchmaker
Will I ever become a supreme schemer like you?
Will Sup Forums go offline next year?
thank you my emperor!
sheev once again confirmed to be best sith
ignore traya/bane shitters
This thread was so funny
Implying Bane and Sheev can't work together
Is it? Doesn't the name come from the new Disney canon?
thats fucking stupid, task manager KILLS tasks
will i have sex again?
Yes, his name is Sheev Palpatine, but just Sheev to his friends (pictured)
Some post-Disney novel about Tarkin wanted to use a first name, and George provided "Sheev"
Witnessed, my young friend.
wait...who dies? Sheev? Padmé? Obi?
Cheap option?
>implying r/prequelmemes isn't a Sup Forums colony
Sup Forums got normies to accept the prequels for the meme Kino they are.
am i a /big guy/
Sheev, is it Padme who dies?
will I get laid before I hit 30?
I fucking love the dresses of the imperial ruling council
Will the episode 9 be even worse than TLJ?
Is KOTOR 2 canon?
I think you meant "Tis the treason."
What was Star Wars in Sup Forums like before all the new Disney shit?
Darth Traya is best in the cut content.
will I get to live out my fetish or will my gf deny me?
Will I be able to creampie her?
will I get a female boss in 2018
will i fugg the shit out of the qt neighbors daughter?
Hating George Lucas and the prequels.
He will make it legal it is your destiny
will i finally leave this website in 2018?
George came up with it
Will I lose my virginity before New Year?
Did you float back up the reactor like Leia did in TLJ?
Hating the prequels and arguing about episode 5 being better than 4
That's why it's funny user
holy fucking shit
So I and II are bad because they don't have memes?
your on the path to sith wizadry lad
don't forget us
no, sheev and good friend posting is done to mock the prequels, not pretend that they have """""""""""""charm"""""""""""" or something
she's a buzzkill
but really though, fuck Disney canon, it's heresy
Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
I asked it in the last thread, but no one responded. Am I the only person who whenever sees this gif starts to mimic it IRL? It's autistic as shit for sure, but it's fucking fun.
Did we ever really have Palp threads before Sheev's first name was revealed?
Will I fucc my qt?
>she's a buzzkill
t. Sion
will it return to 100%
should I bother watching taken 3
is 2018 the year?
sexy ass sheev
is fapping to yourself in a mirror gay
Will you btfo Valkorian shitters?
am i gonna get my break
is she really a virgin?
sheev help out your guy this girl is mysterious as fuck
should I have invested in bitcoins in 2010 like the meme it was?
it ends bad processes to keep the computer alive.
Sheev looks a bit like the president from Salò
Should I join the French Foreign Legion
what did he mean by this?
Will I get a gf this upcoming year?