Thoughts on Douglas Levisons body of work?

Thoughts on Douglas Levisons body of work?

Who the fuck is this?

He walked bob Dylan on stage in ‘75

Who the fuck are you!?

Why would I care about some nobody?

He knew the Grateful Dead of 1966. Whi the fuck are you?

t. no talent pieces of shit

"The Virgin Trumpet vs The Angry Chad"
Someone needs to do it.

He was an NYU school graduate sucker, who the fuck are you, you no talent piece of shit.

The trumpet plaer's lucky he didn't kill him with his bag of foreskins.


Fucking lol

holy fucking kek

>imagine being such a pretentious shit and this coming up when people google your name



crack a stupid little smoile

post the Kylo edit

>a microcosm in a macrocosm

He chats bullshit, nothing of what he says makes sense he just likes to use big words I bet he got absolutely BTFO at school.


What body?

He has Lou Gehrigs Disease. Really bad karma to mock someone with such an awful disease.

A Jedi respects the power that serves as the foundation of the Force, Rey.

No he doesn't


>The Angry Guy Yells At Trumpet Player video is nearly 5 years old

Literally the best post I've seen all day.

This is the 1st iteration of this meme that I've seen thats actually funny

Just what i needed, more bad karma to fuck me in the ass.
Well, guess i'll have to spread these cheeks wider, right?

yes he does


What is Lou Benga disease?

holy fuck i died

newfag please go. You do not respect silence as the foundation of creativity.

underrated af

you're nothing. you suck. you're a no talent! but not to me...

You no talent piece of shit!

