I don't care about Agents of Non-Canon at all, but holy shit this Robbie looks like a sex offender

I don't care about Agents of Non-Canon at all, but holy shit this Robbie looks like a sex offender.

Looks like one of those shitty mall superheroes.

Only fire this guy has is an STD.

It's the mustache.
Also the amazingly shitty jacket. I mean, how hard is it to design a cool leather jacket?

Shut up Joss

More like a sexy offender ;o

Just toooo ooooold

Eyes too, just look at them.

The jacket is great user. Fuck off

>Robbie looks like a sex offender.
Glad someone else picked up on that. Who the hell looks at Robbie's design and thinks "Hmm, you know what this character needs? A shittier haircut and a pervo moustache!"

Why do people care if its "canon," can't they just enjoy something on its own merit?

Well Robbie is a spic and that's what they look like

This shit still not cancelled

I know. It's great, isn't it?

>Just toooo ooooold

This ^
Robbie's like 18. They should have gotten an 18-25 year old to play him.

Gabriel Luna is 34 and his age shows.

That's how all non-gordo latino men with facial hair seem to people who don't interact with them on a regular basis. You don't want to know what white people think of all us black guys on sight...

Well he didnt just get his powers yesterday or anything, by the time we meet him his is in full control just inexperienced when it comes to fighting anyone above gangbanger so he was still learning his skillset. Comic Robbie can barely keep that shit in half the time and if he doesnt horrifically maim someone too his body can be taken over. So they just decided to skip past all that.


ITT: People complaining about a show they don't watch

Never stopped me from posting "I'm out" every single Wednesday in marvel comic threads

You're really cool

Are mustaches why white people think all latinos are sex offenders?

>Watching shield for GR
>Not for Daisy & Ophelia
kek'ing at you senpai

>not watching SHIELD for Coulson

Best MCU boy

well it doesn't help

If it had any merit, maybe,

I want him to sex offend me.

>It's a you gotta watch 3 seasons of shit before you get to the good stuff episode

Try maybe 6 or 7 "meh" episodes

Stale meme my friend

so is this the new Torchwood?

Fitz is best boy.
Followed by Mack.

Coulson has eternal best boy status. He died for our sins

Do you mean Ward?

>Robbie looks like a sex offender.
What's wrong with that?

Remember, Fitz just became Tech Ward.

More like trash lul