Guest talking about how to use game theory to offer better alternatives to rentseeking behaviour by sidestepping the...

>guest talking about how to use game theory to offer better alternatives to rentseeking behaviour by sidestepping the current political and economic system
>Joe manages to derail that conversation into DMT drug talk within 5 minutes

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what are some interesting guests
I just wacthed alex jones, magical science negro and krauss

joe is gonna joe
I think a flaw in the incentivizing non rent seeking behavior idea though is that people don't want to give up power and will actively prevent others from gaining it even if it's in their own best interest

>guest talking about ghettos and the process of ghettoization
>joe gets confused and thinks he's talking about detroit

Randall Carlson

I've watched Alex Jones, Jordan Peterson and Scott Adams, does he have any other worthwhile episodes?

Just finished listening to the podcast with the carnivore doctor. How legit is he? I kind of got a lot of bullshitting vibes from him during the podcast, especially when he said he isn't doing bloodwork.

Bret Weinstein, Steve-O and Dan Carlin are pretty good ones

Paul Stamets


sometimes i say to the tv... "JOE! JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP, JOE!". he ruins the fucking show sometimes. i wish he'd stfu.

the recent one with the mushroom guy was pretty good.
>joe's face when he redpilled him on the portabello mushrooms conspiracy

Instagram bro

any other pseudointellectual brainlet kino podcast?

Billy Corgan

Jordn Peterson

I like Jordan Peterson's ideas, but I feel like he gets really hung up on details very easily.

That conversation he had with Bret Weinstein about truth was simultaneously incredibly interesting and deep while also being retardedly frustrating.

>every episode with Randall Carlson
>every episode with Graham Hancock
>every episode with Randal and Graham together
>Gavin Mcinness episodes
>Milo episodes
>Wim Hof
>Bas Rutten
>Steven Crowder for the argument
>Jesse Ventura
>Sam Harris episodes especially for AI will destroy us all discussions
>Dan Bilzerian
>Louis Theroux episodes
>Stefanie Molymeme episodes
>Bill burr
>some guy he was talking about backpacking deep wild big game hunting with can't remember fuck
>Shane Smith
>Christina Sommers

A lot of the best podcasts are the ones where Joe is so interested in his guests that he barely speaks other than to ask questions further and say "Whoa". Leah Ramini was kinda good just for how much she obviously wanted the Joe dicking right on the table. Oh and Neal Degrasse Tyson.

Tonnes more this is just kinda the ones I remember most distinctly for various reasons.

but what was on Buzz Aldrin's instagram?

why the fuck is Joey fucking Diaz not on that list cocksucka

Anything Joey Diaz is god tier

>no joey diaz
look at this fucking momo