The force awakens sucked more

>the force awakens sucked more
>i say the last jedi sucked more!

admiral huggs?



>sneed sucked more!
>i say chuck fucked more!

As much as I hate to say it, I actually enjoyed The Force Awakens more simply for the fact that it felt like are more complete movie. It was a shameless ripoff of Episode IV, but was still a solidly put together movie. Last Jedi was an abomination.

1. Empire Strikes Back
2. A New Hope
3. Return of the Jedi
4. Revenge of the Sith
5. Phantom Menace
6. Rogue One
7. Attack of the Clones
8. Force Awakens
9. Last Jedi

The only redeeming part of Episode VII and VIII is Finn and Poe. Especially when they are pal'ing around together.

>chuck's fuck & suck sucked more
>i say sneed's feed & seed seeded (formerly sucked) more!

>The only redeeming part of Episode VII and VIII is Finn and Poe. Especially when they are pal'ing around together.
That scene at the start of TFA with them together gave me so much joy. Then it had to end.

>mfw Spaceballs is a more compelling story than the prequels


Freudian slip, prequel apologist contrarian.

>The sequels are better than the prequels
Is this bait or do you actually not have a brain?

I never said that, paranoid soyboy.

Then what was the point of your post?

>Carl defends TFA

Why am I not surprised?

Pointing out that you also know the prequels suck and accidentally admitted it.

Well they're better than the sequels

That felt like one of the true "classic" star wars moment. Very hard to describe

I know what you mean, and I completely agree. As much shit as I like to give the prequels, they are still "Star Wars". The trilogy may not have been the best acted, but in terms of setting up a plot and doing it's own thing it knocks it out of the goddamn park. Episode VIII does it's own thing but the story itself is so atrocious it still falls flat. When I'd rather watch Attack of CLones rather than the prequels we know something is wrong.

I feel like the real fight would be between AotC and TLJ for which one sucked more. For most people one of those two are in the bottom spot.

But Rogue One is obviously the worst of them all with TLJ as a contender

It doesn't matter; the prequels sucked more.

the motherfuckers who actually think they can compare the sequels with the prequels need to die. I can't fathom how someone could say that TLJ or TFA or Rouge One are worse then any of the prequels.

For most people RO would not be in last spot, even though they still think it's bad, it's not the worst. I would put it at third worst personally.

That scene was horrible and both of those characters are shit.

The prequels were awful. I hated them. But even they didn't make me give up on star wars completely. Even they didn't make me not to want to see any star wars movies anymore if they made them. TLJ completely accomplished both of those things. I won't go se IX.

>I can't fathom how someone could say that TLJ or TFA or Rouge One are worse then any of the prequels.
Are you 5 years old? Did you just assume that the Plinkett videos were meant to be taken 100% seriously?

Did Simpson predict this?

The prequels are pure shit. TFA was at worst mediocre, at best barely OK. The ROTS is at best just barely mediocre.

I haven't bothered to watch TLJ cause I knew it would be shit.

fuck off Disney shill.


TFA awakens was a solid B-, good but not great and fairly unoriginal. TLJ while it had some solid scenes it was not a good film, I'd give it a C- with a note saying "apply yourself".

Nigger, he's hardly shilling. The prequels were absolute trash.

>As much as I hate to say it, I actually enjoyed The Force Awakens

stopped reading there

Prequels > nu-Wars
Unironically. The prequels didn’t attempt to ruin the original trilogy like the sequels have.
>muh midichlorians
Midichlorians have literally nothing on Luke being turned into a curmudgeon

They fucked up a heap of shit and cheapened things but nothing as bad as DisTrilogy. That R2 and C3PO are constants and tied into all this amazing shit is ridiculous.

Same. I think I’m done with this franchise.
I’ve never watched a movie that felt like such a hollow cash grab before

TCW fixed the prequels, desu.

Nu-Wars sucks but it doesn't suck as much as Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones. Those movies are atrocious on a basic level.

>Those movies are atrocious on a basic level.
TLJ is worse

>unironically putting the prequels ahead of anything

Compared to TLJ, I enjoyed it. Beyond that, true rehash trash

>>unironically putting the prequels ahead of anything
Unironically placing episode VII and VIII above anything.

That's actually quite a hard question. They're both awful movies for various different and not so different reasons. It's the egg and the chicken really. I hate them both, can't decide which one is worst right now. Goddamn they are fucking bad both of them.

From an acting, direction, editing and cinematography level, no it isn't. And I am not a fan of that movie. At all.

Why, though?

Wtf are you talking about? Dude, if even one person at least somewhat emotes in the sequels then they are a thousand times better then anything the prequels did. Is it that you like the taste of Lucas shit? Do you like it when he pulls your mouth open and lets loose on your whore mouth? I bet you do. That is why when the Mouse shit in your mouth you can't take the little small shits that are TLJ and TFA. No no no, you want the big stuff like the Phantom Menace and AOTC because you are a hungry boy, aren't you? Big boy wants his big shits from big poppa Lucas. Motherfucker.

take it BACK