If so any recommendations? I watched American Psycho off two tabs the other week and it was pretty tight
Have you guys ever taken LSD and watched a film?
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no but i watched Alice in Wonderland on mushrooms
Whenever I did it I was usually with friends and not interested in watching a fucking movie.
why waste it on movies?
Fantastic Planet
Fucking these.
Movies are already an out of reality experience. When I do drugs I want reality to change and be beautiful, can't waste on man-made stuff.
I don't even understand how someone could sit and watch a movie while on it in the first place.
Sort of.
I've taken LSD and at some point watched TV for a bit. A few years back I took LSD and tried to watch a bunch of movies after we got home but couldn't do it, it was too boring.
what difference will it make after a few hours. just watch NatGeo or something.
really you should get away from the tv while tripping.
i think you will lose interest pretty quickly, especially when you are peaking.
But everything is more interesting and hilarious on acid and it doesn't really matte what you watch, you still get the feeling that you "get it" and can see the "meaning of it", with epiphanies standing in line to strike you.
Be sure to have a friend with you who is also tripping, that way, anything you watch is 10x better.
Also benzo and weed for comedown
>get high as fuck
>try to put on Dodge ball
>accidently click Don't Look Now
Terrifying experience
I tried taking shrooms while watching stuff. 80% of the time it's impossible to follow along. The other times I just laugh uncontrollably at stupid shit. And the other other times I end up crying in my shower for 6 hours
Never did LSD but from what I heard watching anything with isn't all that great but going outside and exploring nature with it is amazing. Any truth to this?
Fucking plebs itt
>I don't even understand how someone could sit and watch a movie while on it in the first place.
LSD is pretty speedy, that's why I don't like it personally. I prefer my drugs to lock me into a slow moving coma-like state where I don't have to deal with restlessness.
Why would you want to sit in a dark room in front of a TV when you're on LSD? The world's going to shit!
When I was coming down my friends and I watched Samsara and it was fucking great. But we couldn't sleep so we watched The Cable Guy afterwards and it fucked with my head. Jim Carrey was just so sinister, it bummed me out.
I once did two hits of acid with some friends and saw Jurassic World in IMAX, it was fucking terrifying but the worst thing was I could literally hear everyone in the theater munching on popcorn and slurping soda.
Had an edible before watching a horror movie, fucking terrible idea, but I didn't think they'd be that strong
Going outside can be amazing but also scary. Honestly my best trips are alone in my bedroom with markers and a stack of loose leaf paper. I can draw amazing things while tripping, and for a couple days after, but then it begins to degrade. I just sit and draw for hours while listening to albums.
If you're going old school watch Tommy.
edibles are notorious for causing panic attacks
Not really. That's kind of a meme. I've done acid a bunch, and the whole thing is that it's REALLY hard to maintain focus or think things through properly, especially when it's peaking.
>Getting outside
>Explore nature
Sure, but just being able to DO stuff and move around is kind of what you feel like doing. I've done it twice where I've been in a situation where we can't really go anywhere (friends apartment/party and another birthday where we were in a backyard) HOWEVER we were with a bunch of friends so it was just really fun anyway. On both those occasions it was just laughing at incredibly stupid shit incessantly. Also on the apartment occasion the carpets and wall patterns were actually morphing and doing weird stuff.
I mean, it's really fun, and during certain parts when you get really disassociated etc it can leave you thinking about the world differently - but at the same time I was at a festival and took about 10 minutes to figure out how to use a tent door and eventually just lifted up the side and painfully slid through the dirt/mud to get out of the tent because it became too confusing.
Trying to watch stuff or read stuff or whatever on acid is like trying to get a kid with ADD to do a sudoku.
In my experience.
Also, in my experience - LSD + Cocaine or MDMA = Good.
LSD + Ketamine or Methox = a really bad time.
Made me laugh really hard. I went on the subway once while on acid and the sounds were TERRIFYING.
I went to the premiere of the Force Awakens. Best movie I ever saw.
On subsequent viewings, I realized it was pretty mediocre, but I loved the experience, also I was the one who kicked off the cheering in the audience. It was like I busted a nut from all the hype.
Took it and watched A Good Man.
GREAT time, highly recommended.
I watched Spiderman 2 and Spiderman 3 and hallucinated that the characters were turning into reptilians - yellow eyes, scales, green skin and occasionally a thing tongue
I watched the spongebob movie, way back when. All the silent moments s seemed intensely meaningful and tense, and I mistakenly thought the pleasing backgrounds were referencing famous surrealist works of art. Pretty typical “lol drugs” thing to watch but it was great fun and it’s a great movie even without drugs
Not so much exploring, but you can look at a tree or flower for hours. Or even your carpet or hand. I've stared at my skin for hours while tripping and it was amazing.
just go out to the streets and take a walk
also take water
>When I do drugs I want reality to change and be beautiful
Fucking hell you psychoactive fuckers are unbearable.
I've watched eXistenZ, Mr Nobody, The Room, Real Genius and the entire runs of both Awesome Show and Wonder Showzen on mushrooms or acid. I regret nothing.
I was tripping on like 8 tabs and watched A Serious Man. It was like I was in the directors' heads. Every second of screen time felt like a lifetime.
Yeah I watched that Machete flick on LSD ? The one with Rose McGowan in it and she has a gun for a leg ? Shit was so cash
I've never been scared on Acid.
My GF did shrooms at a festival (while I was on acid) and absolutely flipped the fuck out when we went to stage/music area). Now I'm scared to ever try shrooms.
Fuck you I'll do my drugs they way i want to
yeah my little shit friends put on tokyo gore police and the sounds and sights of meat and sinew still haunt me
your all a bunch of adhd ridden spergs. its incredibly easy to watch a movie on acid so long as its engaging and has visuals that complement the trip and you have the patiance and aren't a fucking restless retard.
i watched fellowship of the ring on a tab of acid, it made the already amazing set design and nature shots standout, special mention to rivendell. the scene with Galadrial where she torments everyone telepathically was pretty trippy. watching it promotes a mindset of finding beauty in images.
also reccomend nature documentaries of movies like Samsara or Baraka that present imagery without dialogue so you brain is the one to make up a narrative for why one scene follows another.
I once did LSD with a girlfriend and we decided to take a bath together. Then she pranked that she was "dead", I was sitting behind her and she closed her eyes, put her tongue out and just became inanimate. I started screaming and slapping her. It lasted only like 15 seconds but it was terrible
lsd + mdma is called candyflip and it freakd me the fuck out
lsd + ketamine was really soothing for me and the ketamine took the edge off the acid
honestly not, it makes anything more interesting and fun and you should do whatever you feel like you want to do.
Me and a friend rentet a cabing last year and watched tv and eurovision song contest, never had more fun in my life.
just a sidenote, your attention span is pretty shit so don't expect the be able to only focus on one thing. You will end up going from one thing/thought to the next all the time. And a 5 minute youtube video can feel like 15-30 minutes.
Oh wait, it was shrooms I took. Yeah, acid never gave me a bad trip. Shrooms really scared me once. But it was because I was around strangers.
>I've never been scared on Acid
you haven't lived till you've had a seriously bad trip.
bad trips are where all the progress is made and you become a different person.
watched breakfast at tiffany's with some girls once. wouldn't recommend it.
another time saw cirque du soleil projected onto a sheet with a fan blowing nearby, floyd's the wall playing in the background. it was pretty nice.
watch hausu on acid
What a bitch, kek. That's so not cool.
shrooms is actually lighter and more friendly than acid in my opinion also it wears off way faster which is a relief
one problem i have with acid is when you get the good stuff its effects go on for ages and at the end when i want to sleep its a bit annoying that im still tripping balls so in those occasions i dont sleep at all and stay up and feel like a cranky 13 year old stacy who just got her facebook account deleted
Watched the Simpsons once on LSD and I would definitely recommend
Oh yeah, also had Speed Racer on the background a couple of times and watched The Wall once when I was tussing the tussin.
>tfw first time taking acid
>Prepared to stay indoors with my roommate the whole time, maybe go in the garden
>3 hours later
>Get lost trying to figure out busses
>It's middle of summer and I am now DRENCHED in sweat, like I had a bucket of water over my head
>tfw going into a pub and everyone is staring at me like I'm a freak, so I go to the bathroom and see that I am fucked and my eyes are sinking into my head and I'm clammy
>Go back out to the bar and proceed to smile at everyone and nod and sometimes give a little wave to let them know I am cool
>My roommate won't stop laughing her ass off and trying to get me to leave
>I have no idea what the problem is or why she wants to leave or whats going on
>We go and sit in middle of the square/street thing and I'm really happy but she won't stop laughing
>Some people we know walk past
>We try to talk, but my friend finds everything too funny and keeps laughing
>I keep apologising and wiping my hand on my shirt and keep trying to re-shake their hands and keep apologizing for being so wet, and telling them it's okay because everything is really wet at the moment
I guess I had a good time.
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
The Little Prince
This guy knows what's up. People who say shit like this are retarded mantra-parrots but at the same time usually movies isn't what you feel like doing because it can be hard to keep concentrated on it. Doesn't mean that it's never what you feel like doing or always a bad idea though.
watch the opening scene of return of the king.
Gollum is MESSED UP and freaky as shit. i genuinely got scared and had to turn the movie of and listen to jazz the calm me down
>it's okay because everything is really wet at the moment
made me kek
Don't watch a movie, you won't be able to follow it. Heavy Metal is the only one I highly recommend. Other than that if you want visual pleasure there are hours of things on youtube specifically for viewing while on drugs.
I managed to keep it together but I was internally freaking out. I thought about getting up and leaving a few times
Could barely walk when I was leaving the theatre
sure but that "change" only lasts for a few weeks
I've had bad trips. I wans't scared. The worst I had was taking acid and Methox at the same time. It got me into a really negative, depressing (I guess existentially scary) loop. I narrowed it down to the disassociative effects of Methox, which are usually very short lived, coupled with Acid prolonging it, or the disassociative effects warping my acid experience and making it all about the typical "bad trip" shit (who am I, is this going to end, do I have to go to work, where am I, what am I, is this ever going to end) which I had to mitigate by constantly checking my clock and reassuring myself it would go away soon.
This was different to what I saw with my girlfriend. She was legitimately in panic/fight or flight mode. She was scared in the way you get when someone is opening fire on a crowd at a concert. She wanted out of the area "RIGHT NOW NOW NOW".
As opposed to the laying alone by yourself wishing it would all fucking end.
the only answer
Ask back on reddit instead, my man.
Once i took lsd and as i was coming down i had my telivision on and Scrubs was showing, everyone had giant eyes thats all i remember and all the jokes felt extremely flat.
Yeah, that's normal for me.
>tfw acid has "worn off"
>Decide it's finally time to sleep
>Close my eyes
>wtf is all this crazy shit
>Decide to stay up and play vidya or something
>Too agitated, cranky like baby, can't concentratre
>Try sleeping again
>Yep, crazy shit again
Basically I just write off the weekend.
Oops I meant Interstellar
What if happens if you drop acid while really shit faced?
Naked lunch high is a marvelous experience
oh yeah, and climbing stuff is really fun. just don't fall off. you won't fall off though, because you'll have the strength of five gorillas
I've seen: Apocalypse Now and Interstella 5555 on LSD
both were awesome
>On acid
>Walking through woods with friend
>Couple guys walk past
>They are cool, we talk, we roll a joint
>Apologize if I am quiet, explain I am on acid
>They share a glance
>"We ate some shrooms"
>"What are the fucking chances?"
>My friend says "one hundred percent."
>That made sense to all of us, we all nod
>Later run into a couple girls who are scared because it is getting dark
>Want to stay with us
>Roll a joint
>Walk back to our cars and talk with the girls
Really great day. I'll never forget it. We were at Great Falls park too, which is exceedingly beautiful.
alcohol, weed or benzo or a combo should do the trick. lsd comedown is long and sucks
You. I like you.
I watched some movie starring 3 people with down syndrome living out their fantasy and it was the funniest movie I had ever seen
Not sure. Alcohol has almost no perceivable effect on most people if they take it during a trip, but not sure about the other way around. Also depends on what level of shitfaced we are talking here. If you're passing out you'll probably fall asleep and wake up still tripping, maybe. If you're just really drunk but still together you'll probably get gradually less drunk as the trip takes over. This is all conjecture though
But seriously though, how much of a fucking loser do you need to be to do drugs?
That's why you take psycs once a year, at least. No more than every 3 months though.
Baraka and Akira, and for some reason Limitless. The first two were good.
But seriously though, how much of a fucking loser do you need to be to care if other people like doing drugs?
>I agree with him but insult him anyway
who the fuck do you think you are?
200 motels
Southland tales
Animated movies of your choice
Cloud Atlas
back in the late 90's dropped acid and watched Army of Darnkess and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas with a bunch of friends.
I'm not sure you read the post correctly
That sounds nice. I was experiencing my wetness here.
Very busy.
The music video ends exactly where we were posted up and sweating.
High crime area, but on the upside not the sort of neighborhood where anyone cares if you're fucked on drugs.
who are you quoting?
Heres some I can remember taking for that specific purpose:
Paprika - I actually saw this with a bunch of friends on LSD in a theater and the experience was so amazing and surreal that I thought the movie was about an LSD-like drug. The visuals are perfectly suited for LSD. Really amazing trip.
Mind Game - Another anime perfectly suited for tripping
Tekkonkinkreet (Anime)
Koyaanisqatsi - This is the best movie on LSD Ive ever seen, it will really blow your socks off, and thrill you and depress and make you feel the earth as a living breathing organism.
Kubrick - Clockwork Orange, 2001, Full Metal Jacket, the Shining. These movies will really throw you for a loop if you're on some psychedelics
All good art is conceived on drugs
The obvious choice.
I want to make cummy on a girls toungy
Agree on the animated movies. Its almost impossible for me to immerse myself in a live action movie when tripping
Xanax sort of works. It at least makes my sitting around with nothing to do more tolerable.
its 10$ a hit. Barely more than a beer
i took a film and watched LSD
1st time was to pink floyd the wall and the next was to dark side of the moon synced up to the wizard of oz
Not LSD but I've done it with other stuff like ketamine, ecstasy, coke, speed, weed. Ketamine was out of this world for watching programmes, I high recommend that with a film like Hurly Burly.
If you have your gear now you can watch it on Youtube.